Anyone doing keto?

Thoughts or tips?? I need easier meals for packing...I'm a nurse and work a lot of lonnnnng hours when I'm on call. Cold or reheated meat or bacon (except chicken) isn't really appetizing to me. Also...what are your macro goals? I'm starting at 20-30g of carbs a day. 1600 calories


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Cheese, hard boiled egg, shakes would be other options. Also nuts ! I do about the same carbs, maybe 100g of fat and protein in the 80-100g area.
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    If you're a nurse working long hours, I would seriously reconsider doing keto.

    You will become the grumpiest, irritable, exhausted version of yourself, not too mention you'll probably get plenty of headaches, all of which will affect your performance in the work place. I'm not going to deny it, I did keto for about 3 months and I made fantastic results, but I was definitely not myself.

    But if you really want to go ahead with it; steak, burger patties, sausages, cheese, nuts, hard boiled eggs and lots of vegetables. I think you'll have to get over your fear of not wanting to reheat meat because it's pretty fundamental.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    defmut3 wrote: »
    If you're a nurse working long hours, I would seriously reconsider doing keto.

    You will become the grumpiest, irritable, exhausted version of yourself, not too mention you'll probably get plenty of headaches, all of which will affect your performance in the work place. I'm not going to deny it, I did keto for about 3 months and I made fantastic results, but I was definitely not myself.

    But if you really want to go ahead with it; steak, burger patties, sausages, cheese, nuts, hard boiled eggs and lots of vegetables. I think you'll have to get over your fear of not wanting to reheat meat because it's pretty fundamental.

    Why would anyone put themselves through all that to lose weight when Keto still requires a calorie deficit, and a calorie deficit is all you need to lose weight? I've lost 20 kg in 6 months using MFP without any need for Keto or any other diet.

    Keto weirds me out. :(

    Help me understand, people. But answer the OP's question first. Cheers.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I don't think you're remotely interested really, that persons personal experience of keto is not shared by many. Quite the opposite effect is experienced by others - clarity of thinking, more energy etc. Like anything, you can do it right or wrong and it may or may not suit individuals. It probably suits those less sensitive to insulin most.
  • rachel_wallman
    rachel_wallman Posts: 1 Member
    How strange, I'm a nurse too...and starting out on keto.
    Hows it going for you so far? My days food is normally something like...

    Breakfast: 2 hard boiled eggs and quarter avocado about 8am (at work)
    Lunch: some form of mid-high fat cooked meat/fish like smoked salmon or mackerel with some creme fraiche and watercress/spinach about 2pm (at work)
    Snack: 25g of cheddar and 25g of walnuts about 6.30pm (at work)
    Dinner: small handful of green veg (brocolli etc) and a small portion of meat with some phildelphia or boursin over the top, sometimes half an avocado about 10-11pm (at home)
  • awh143fe
    awh143fe Posts: 2 Member
    I limit my protein to 0.6 to 1.0 per pound of lean body mass. Over consuming protein can be problematic because some the extra amino acids can be converted to glucose in the body, raising insulin levels which drives down ketones and suppresses fat burning. I get most of my calories from fat, 65 to 80%. 55% MUFA, 18% PUFA, 27% SFA. Do research about keto-adaptation.
  • deljabri
    deljabri Posts: 12 Member
    defmut3 wrote: »
    If you're a nurse working long hours, I would seriously reconsider doing keto.

    You will become the grumpiest, irritable, exhausted version of yourself, not too mention you'll probably get plenty of headaches, all of which will affect your performance in the work place. I'm not going to deny it, I did keto for about 3 months and I made fantastic results, but I was definitely not myself.

    But if you really want to go ahead with it; steak, burger patties, sausages, cheese, nuts, hard boiled eggs and lots of vegetables. I think you'll have to get over your fear of not wanting to reheat meat because it's pretty fundamental.
    How strange, I'm a nurse too...and starting out on keto.
    Hows it going for you so far? My days food is normally something like...

    Breakfast: 2 hard boiled eggs and quarter avocado about 8am (at work)
    Lunch: some form of mid-high fat cooked meat/fish like smoked salmon or mackerel with some creme fraiche and watercress/spinach about 2pm (at work)
    Snack: 25g of cheddar and 25g of walnuts about 6.30pm (at work)
    Dinner: small handful of green veg (brocolli etc) and a small portion of meat with some phildelphia or boursin over the top, sometimes half an avocado about 10-11pm (at home)

  • deljabri
    deljabri Posts: 12 Member
    I have been doing keto for 2 weeks. It's amazing! , the first few days I went through the sugar withdrawal so I would recommend that you start on a long weekend . You may get the keto flu or withdrawal pains like headaches.
    That's just your body getting off the sugars.Once that's done you will feel amazing more energy
    Brain power etc.
    To keto adapt though I wouldn't do any nuts and or cheeses, allot of people do no adapt with lactose as it is a former of sugar, and some are allergic. And nuts have allot of mold.
    Stay with simple fats. Mct oil , coconut oil, fatty meals grass feed butter and meats
    Avocados , leafy greens broccoli cauflour etc. I use digestive enzymes to hep process the fats and fermented vegetables to help digestion lacto fermented veges. ( pickles sauc

  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Salt, salt, salt and salt. If you're not already aware of the very specific increased need for sodium on Keto, please read up about it.
    Throw a few pickles or olives in your lunch pack every day and have a cup of broth. It will help you immensely. You lose a lot of water weight in the beginning and with it, your sodium. It's a huge part of why people fail at sticking with Keto or even other low carb eating for that matter.
    It's also a good idea to supplement magnesium and potassium. I take a mag supplement but just use NuSalt or LoSalt along with sea salt on my food to get extra potassium.
    You are likely to experience a bit of a slow down the first couple weeks, but if you see it through, you can feel better and more energized than you can ever remember before. I personally, didn't experience a single "Keto flu" (loss of electrolytes) symptom myself, but I went into it fully aware of the need for electrolytes.
    Best of luck to you.
  • superhockeymom
    superhockeymom Posts: 2,000 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    defmut3 wrote: »
    If you're a nurse working long hours, I would seriously reconsider doing keto.

    You will become the grumpiest, irritable, exhausted version of yourself, not too mention you'll probably get plenty of headaches, all of which will affect your performance in the work place. I'm not going to deny it, I did keto for about 3 months and I made fantastic results, but I was definitely not myself.

    But if you really want to go ahead with it; steak, burger patties, sausages, cheese, nuts, hard boiled eggs and lots of vegetables. I think you'll have to get over your fear of not wanting to reheat meat because it's pretty fundamental.

    Why would anyone put themselves through all that to lose weight when Keto still requires a calorie deficit, and a calorie deficit is all you need to lose weight? I've lost 20 kg in 6 months using MFP without any need for Keto or any other diet.

    Keto weirds me out. :(

    Help me understand, people. But answer the OP's question first. Cheers.

    I eat salads with meat and full fat dressing sometimes throw an egg on

    The reason I like Keto is I do not get hungry I usually have to remind myself to eat.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I like cold lunches like pepperoni sticks, cheese and nuts. I'lloften have something similar to bullet proof coffee (coffee, coconut cream, coconut oil, protein powder). I also use leftovers like an egg bake and bacon, or last night's dinner. I also like non-starchy veggies (cucs or celery) dipped in a cheese dip (president's choice asiago and artichoke dip is my favourite).

    Do double your salt intake. Eat broth or drink some salt water. Add extra salt to your food. If your sodium gets low, you will feel poorly, as another person mentioned. 3000-5000 Mg per day is ideal.

    Good luck!
    Orphia wrote: »
    defmut3 wrote: »
    If you're a nurse working long hours, I would seriously reconsider doing keto.

    You will become the grumpiest, irritable, exhausted version of yourself, not too mention you'll probably get plenty of headaches, all of which will affect your performance in the work place. I'm not going to deny it, I did keto for about 3 months and I made fantastic results, but I was definitely not myself.

    But if you really want to go ahead with it; steak, burger patties, sausages, cheese, nuts, hard boiled eggs and lots of vegetables. I think you'll have to get over your fear of not wanting to reheat meat because it's pretty fundamental.

    Why would anyone put themselves through all that to lose weight when Keto still requires a calorie deficit, and a calorie deficit is all you need to lose weight? I've lost 20 kg in 6 months using MFP without any need for Keto or any other diet.

    Keto weirds me out. :(

    Help me understand, people. But answer the OP's question first. Cheers.

    Keto is used for it's benefits. You have heard it before. Benefits include reduced appetite, sugar/carb cravings reduced, improved blood sugar, improved cholesterol, improved triglycerides, possibly reduced inflammation, possibly reduced hair loss and improved skin, and bacon, cheese, and whipping cream in my coffee whenever I wish.

    Real food. Good food. I had a hard time cutting back on calories and the idea of cutting carbs was not nice, but once I did it, I was so glad i did. It was surprisingly easy to do too.

  • code_monkey0
    code_monkey0 Posts: 3 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    defmut3 wrote: »
    If you're a nurse working long hours, I would seriously reconsider doing keto.

    You will become the grumpiest, irritable, exhausted version of yourself, not too mention you'll probably get plenty of headaches, all of which will affect your performance in the work place. I'm not going to deny it, I did keto for about 3 months and I made fantastic results, but I was definitely not myself.

    But if you really want to go ahead with it; steak, burger patties, sausages, cheese, nuts, hard boiled eggs and lots of vegetables. I think you'll have to get over your fear of not wanting to reheat meat because it's pretty fundamental.

    Why would anyone put themselves through all that to lose weight when Keto still requires a calorie deficit, and a calorie deficit is all you need to lose weight? I've lost 20 kg in 6 months using MFP without any need for Keto or any other diet.

    Keto weirds me out. :(

    Help me understand, people. But answer the OP's question first. Cheers.

    First, I'm happy that your current diet is working out for you. I hope that you continue to see amazing results. Something you should realize though is not everybody is you. Other people have different dietary restrictions, preexisting health issues, goals, resources, free time, and most importantly, preferences. With that out of the way ...

    I've been on a keto diet for a while now and I never went through the headaches or keto flu. I read about all that before I started and had plenty of electrolytes in my diet. As for performance at work, I think I'm actually better now. I used to spike and crash throughout the day but now I feel more stable. I'm also saving a ton of money and time because I've replaced almost all food with DIY Soylent-like shakes.

    It's not for everybody. In fact most people I know think I'm crazy for giving up food for the shakes, but for me it's just easier. I still eat a meal or two every month, but those meals I'm eating to savor the flavor and the experience, not just to push calories in my body.

    To reiterate, maybe it 'weirds you out'. Maybe you couldn't maintain the diet for a week. Maybe you couldn't afford it, or it didn't fit with your goals, or whatever. However for some people it works and it allows them to maintain a healthy diet. For many type 2 diabetics Keto diets can almost completely stabilize their glucose and significantly reduce their insulin dependence. It kinda rubs me to wrong way to see people ask about a diet on here only to be told, even before they start, how wrong they are. It's almost as if there are people that would rather see others fail than see other succeed in a different way.
  • Bobbiel22
    Bobbiel22 Posts: 13 Member
    defmut3 wrote: »
    If you're a nurse working long hours, I would seriously reconsider doing keto.

    You will become the grumpiest, irritable, exhausted version of yourself, not too mention you'll probably get plenty of headaches, all of which will affect your performance in the work place. I'm not going to deny it, I did keto for about 3 months and I made fantastic results, but I was definitely not myself.

    But if you really want to go ahead with it; steak, burger patties, sausages, cheese, nuts, hard boiled eggs and lots of vegetables. I think you'll have to get over your fear of not wanting to reheat meat because it's pretty fundamental.

    I don't have a fear, per say, to reheating meat...I just don't like the taste. I know there are supposedly head aches and grumpiness but I have not experienced that so far. I chose this diet because I have terrible GI upset when I consume too many carbs. Also, I have PCOS which means sugars make my hormones go crazy. Maybe that's why I feel great??
  • Bobbiel22
    Bobbiel22 Posts: 13 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    defmut3 wrote: »
    If you're a nurse working long hours, I would seriously reconsider doing keto.

    You will become the grumpiest, irritable, exhausted version of yourself, not too mention you'll probably get plenty of headaches, all of which will affect your performance in the work place. I'm not going to deny it, I did keto for about 3 months and I made fantastic results, but I was definitely not myself.

    But if you really want to go ahead with it; steak, burger patties, sausages, cheese, nuts, hard boiled eggs and lots of vegetables. I think you'll have to get over your fear of not wanting to reheat meat because it's pretty fundamental.

    Why would anyone put themselves through all that to lose weight when Keto still requires a calorie deficit, and a calorie deficit is all you need to lose weight? I've lost 20 kg in 6 months using MFP without any need for Keto or any other diet.

    Keto weirds me out. :(

    Help me understand, people. But answer the OP's question first. Cheers.

    I truly do not believe in the whole "calorie in calorie out" bs. Honestly. It makes no sense. If I ate 1200 calories of processed junk I'm going to lose weight? Hmm...maybe...but how healthy will my body be. So I might ask does it make sense? From the research I've seen, sugar is being proven to cause a lot more problems in our bodies than fat.
    Salt, salt, salt and salt. If you're not already aware of the very specific increased need for sodium on Keto, please read up about it.
    Throw a few pickles or olives in your lunch pack every day and have a cup of broth. It will help you immensely. You lose a lot of water weight in the beginning and with it, your sodium. It's a huge part of why people fail at sticking with Keto or even other low carb eating for that matter.
    It's also a good idea to supplement magnesium and potassium. I take a mag supplement but just use NuSalt or LoSalt along with sea salt on my food to get extra potassium.
    You are likely to experience a bit of a slow down the first couple weeks, but if you see it through, you can feel better and more energized than you can ever remember before. I personally, didn't experience a single "Keto flu" (loss of electrolytes) symptom myself, but I went into it fully aware of the need for electrolytes.
    Best of luck to you.
    Thank you!! So what magnesium supplement do you take?? I've been looking into magnesium a lot lately and think I could benefit! I know mag citrate is a laxative which I do not want! Haha!
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Mine actually is magnesium citrate and luckily I haven't experienced the laxative effect. I take 500mg and I probably forget it 2 to 3 times a week. When I first started taking it I only took 250mg, so maybe it's because I eased into it? Others I know take 400mg because their pills are 200 each but I didn't see that dosage when I bought mine.
  • Bobbiel22
    Bobbiel22 Posts: 13 Member
    I don't know?? I am a gastroenterology nurse, we prescribe mag citrate for colon clean out before colonoscopy lol. Much higher does though
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Bobbiel22 wrote: »
    I don't know?? I am a gastroenterology nurse, we prescribe mag citrate for colon clean out before colonoscopy lol. Much higher does though

    What's even more interesting about it is that I had very regular IBS episodes before going Keto and I've been doing incredibly better since. In the past, anything that might cause diarrhea, certainly did for me. I had even thought I was sensitive to dairy. Turns out it was a sugar/carb issue since I eat more cheese now than ever and heavy cream too with no problems.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Thanks for your reasons, all.