Tips for healthy eating being prepared living a busy life!

I am good at fitting in exercise as I have a exercise buddy we encourage each other, but I always seemed to be rushed for time meal times not organised or out and hungry. Any tips! What do you do to be organised! Thanks.


  • FGTisme
    FGTisme Posts: 87 Member
    Grill extra chicken breast on weekends to have for quick and easy lunches during the week. Pre-chop as many veggies as you can on the weekends.

    Some people like once a month cooking.
  • lizbeth197044
    lizbeth197044 Posts: 6 Member
    I've got 4 kids and always pushed for time. I got a smoothie maker so I can prepare ahead or do as quick fix. It's brill, healthy and filling! Really helping me
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    I plan at least 2 meals for the incoming week by Friday. I buy all ingredients from the recipe on Saturday and I cook Sunday afternoon. I use glass Tupperware containers for the food, label them and I have in the frideg for the rest of the week. I also plan my snacks, ahead of time. I pack my office lunch and 2 snacks (mid morning and mid afternoon) the night before so I am not rushing at breakfast time.
    Dinner is my wild card, I check my macros and I decide if I need more protein, healthy fats or complex carbs
    Good luck in your healthy journey
  • jessicarobinson00
    jessicarobinson00 Posts: 414 Member
    Often times I double or triple meat recipes (Since that's usually what takes the longest!) if we're having tacos, I'll brown 5-6 lbs and then divide and freeze half. That way I'll have left over taco meat as well as browned hamburger for whatever I'm planning later that week or next: enchiladas, spaghetti, dirty rice, taco salads...You can definitely do the same with chicken tenderloin simply because it doesn't get tough and dry out like chicken breast does.
    I also do odd things: I cut onions up as soon as I get them home and freeze them in gallon sized bags. I ALWAYS have a bag of slivered onions cut and a bag of chopped. You can do the same for nearly any vegetable to extend their lives: sliced zucchini and frozen cubed squash holds up really well.
  • flossylips
    flossylips Posts: 13 Member
    Thankyou all for tips. They have been helpful I'm going to get my smoothie maker back out. Also cook and prepare ahead. I'm use to cooking a lot as I have 5 children. Also I'm going to make sure I have healthy food on hand such as fruit and nuts for those hungry moments when I might succumb to grab anything. Thanks for the help!
  • Mnaminal
    Mnaminal Posts: 90 Member
    Meal planning for sure, but when that fails and I eat out, I have a handful of options from a few restaurants near work I know are okay (either as they are or with minor mods, like dressing on the side). I kept a cheat sheet in my desk for a time, but now I just remember.