Nerds Unite! (64lb, 29kg to lose!)

sarahmotherofdragons Posts: 6 Member
edited September 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone!

I'm Sarah!

I started my journey about 6 months ago and the progress has been slow and tumultuous! But I have recently started with Lite n Easy and have had such great progress so far. I would just like some people to share this journey with, to stay motivated and share our success!

I love gaming, cosplay, comics and all things nerdy! I also love biology and if it has animals, I'm involved.

I can't wait to meet you all :smiley:


  • runner_boy
    runner_boy Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Sarah,

    As a fellow nerd, I'd like to welcome you! Best wishes to you on your journey!
  • Saeraphine
    Saeraphine Posts: 2,793 Member
    I'm a nerdy Sarah too! Our friendship was foretold long ago (like 5 minutes), *lightning flash and mysterious thunder* For when the Sarah's unite as Heroes on The Quest of Health, the mighty Weight shall fall and rise no more.
  • sarahmotherofdragons
    Hahaha oh my goodness other Sarah! You've just made my morning!
  • sarahmotherofdragons
    Bump! Always needing more friends!
  • ApolakiKali
    ApolakiKali Posts: 35 Member
    Ooooooh, can I play too? Seriously though, this is my first time posting in the forums just cause I saw the Nerds Unite title.
  • nade0069
    nade0069 Posts: 109 Member
    Saeraphine wrote: »
    I'm a nerdy Sarah too! Our friendship was foretold long ago (like 5 minutes), *lightning flash and mysterious thunder* For when the Sarah's unite as Heroes on The Quest of Health, the mighty Weight shall fall and rise no more.

    This is why we are friends!

    One of my motivations for getting healthy is so that I can look rocking while doing cosplay. I'm currently planing 2 costumes for next year which I am hoping will keep me motivated through the winter.

    Good luck!
  • hamlet1222
    hamlet1222 Posts: 459 Member

    Nice to see someone putting lbs and kgs in a post! We should start a nerdy thread about which measurement is better!
  • sarahmotherofdragons
    hamlet1222 wrote: »

    Nice to see someone putting lbs and kgs in a post! We should start a nerdy thread about which measurement is better!

    Well that would be a short thread! Kilos! End of discussion :smiley:
    Ooooooh, can I play too? Seriously though, this is my first time posting in the forums just cause I saw the Nerds Unite title.

    Nerds have got to stick together!!!

  • zkhanman
    zkhanman Posts: 132 Member
    Yay nerds! I'm currently not stuffing my face because I'm keeping myself busy with Witcher 3