Looking for motivational support!

I have 21 pounds to lose and I could seriously do with so motivation! It's always easier when you know you have people in the same boat doing it with you! I've always been big, I have no excuse for being big, I just ate too much and moved too little. I have polysystic Ovarian syndrome which makes losing weight a little harder but not impossible, but I've started to take tablets that have seen to balance my weight.

Feel free to add me!


  • ashii111
    ashii111 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey its tough to lose weight with pcos. But not impossible. U can do it. Best of luck!
  • Ch4rleyA
    Ch4rleyA Posts: 9 Member
    I have 20 pounds to lose too! So close... Hope to be very close to target by Christmas!
    Sent you an add x
  • ALMOSTkickedpcos
    ALMOSTkickedpcos Posts: 35 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hi! I am a victim too and has almost kicked PCOS. I wrote this piece for motivation purpose, because I remember how much I required it to start up, SPECIALLY with pcos. It may be of some help to you.
    Here is the link. :smiley:
  • ltsen
    ltsen Posts: 2 Member
    Hey I just joined too and have already lost about 25 lb but within a 2 year period. Good luck you're gonna do great!!