Foods high in potassium help reduce acid reflux

Some of the foods with high potassium are:
Bananas, honey, lemons, organic apple cider vinegar, cantaloupe and sweet potatoes

In addition to the discomfort of acid reflux there are other symptoms such as bloating, belching, sore throats, snoring, difficulty breathing and ulcers.

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  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    I'll stick with my doctor's advice for my GERD.
  • V_Keto_V
    V_Keto_V Posts: 342 Member
    The GI tract is meant to be acidic...we have a saying in chemistry, "like dissolves like". There is no point in trying to fight pathophysiology. The GI tract is a relatively closed system, just because blood pH is slightly alkaline (7.35-7.45) doesn't justify one to purposely consume alkaline or less acidic foods. This "natural" logic is very flawed.

    There are a host of other non-dietary interventions to prevent GERD, including gravity...being in an upright position after eating or sleeping on the left side to promote motility of the GI tract (empties in this direction as well as the transverse colon).
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    I take Betaine HCl for low stomach acid and haven't had acid reflux for years. It sure beats Prilosec, Pepsid AC, Zantac, Tums, etc.
  • echmainfit619
    echmainfit619 Posts: 333 Member
    I get acid stomach from sauces made from tomatoes. Pizza sauce, pasta sauce, etc.
  • Pawsforme
    Pawsforme Posts: 645 Member
    Some of the foods you list are among my worst reflux triggers.
  • jomgreen88
    jomgreen88 Posts: 1 Member
    I have GERD and it got to the point that i could feel my esophagus when i touched under my rib cage because it was so inflamed from constant reflux. Its easy to say that cutting acidic food isnt helpful because chemistry when you dont have to live with the illness and discomfort. It can be quite debilitating getting sick from every meal.

    Personally I have found cutting acidic foods such as pineapple, cooked tomato, fried foods and alcohol has been very helpful for managing my symptoms where as sitting up after eating and the like has made very little difference for me.