tall ladies

I'm 5'11'' and when I lose 20 lbs it isn't noticeable except in the way my clothes fit, and other people don't notice. So I wanted to ask:

1) How tall are you?

2) How are you built? (big frame, small?)

3) Whats your starting, highest, current, and goal weight?

4) If you are in the process of losing weight or have reached your goal weight, how long did it take you?

5) What kinds of things would you recommend to other tall girls who are trying to lose weight?

6) At what point in your weight loss was it noticeable by others and you could see a physical change in your body?


  • laceylovespink
    1) How tall are you? 5'9

    2) How are you built? (big frame, small?) medium to small

    3) Whats your starting, highest, current, and goal weight? 250/250/191/160-ish

    4) If you are in the process of losing weight or have reached your goal weight, how long did it take you? the weight i have lost so far has taken me a little over a year (i messed up a lot but am on track now)

    5) What kinds of things would you recommend to other tall girls who are trying to lose weight? slow and steady, stand stall, use tall legs to your benefit on the treadmill and elliptical

    6) At what point in your weight loss was it noticeable by others and you could see a physical change in your body? I'm not sure...i think about 30 lbs in a lot of people made remarks...since i lost it slowly and it wasn't a drastic thing, people don't say much
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    1: I'm 5'9 so tall, but not as tall as you.

    2: I have a long lanky thin frame.

    3: Start: 210. Highest: 215. Current: 190. Goal: 135

    4: It's taken me about 8 weeks to drop 20 lbs.

    5: Don't lose hope. I just now started to notice my pants fitting looser, being able to cross my legs (no small feat for me really), and definitely noticed in my face in the last 5 lbs.

    6: Sofar no one has said anything to me except my husband who has noticed the changes in my belly, thighs, and face.

    Hang in there :) It'll come :)
  • caradon
    caradon Posts: 14
    I'm 5'11'' and when I lose 20 lbs it isn't noticeable except in the way my clothes fit, and other people don't notice. So I wanted to ask:

    1) How tall are you? 6'1"

    2) How are you built? (big frame, small?) BIG frame, broad shoulders, strong legs, etc.

    3) Whats your starting, highest, current, and goal weight? Besides when I was pregnant, my highest weight has been 290 and I'm only down to 287 now. My goal is 180.

    4) If you are in the process of losing weight or have reached your goal weight, how long did it take you? My process has been going on for about 14 years, I guess I haven't ever wanted it enough.

    5) What kinds of things would you recommend to other tall girls who are trying to lose weight? Enjoy the little victories. People don't usually notice my 20 pounds either, but I do, so I try to enjoy it. Especially when the loss is in my face cuz I think that is pretty obvious.

    6) At what point in your weight loss was it noticeable by others and you could see a physical change in your body? I haven't reached that point yet, but I'd like to be friends and maybe we can keep each other updated!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    thats the downfall of being tall but when we gain weight we hide it better too. I am 5'9" and I am at the beginning my highest weigh was 321 my starting weight was 299 and right now Iam at about 295 it fluctuates. I have a medium frame and I have the same problem when I lost the first 20 I was so excited I thought everyone would notice. Of course no one did my husband would say you have lost weight but I think he programs himself to say it every few weeks just to make me feel better. I did get to 286 and I started to notice it in my stomach that the sides were starting to flatten but I have a thyroid issue so I gained some of the weight back when my medication got screwed up. Don't worry it will come do not get discouraged and keep on moving it will happen and people will notice it just takes longer.
  • Kris0109
    Kris0109 Posts: 177 Member
    I'm 5'11'' and when I lose 20 lbs it isn't noticeable except in the way my clothes fit, and other people don't notice. So I wanted to ask:

    1) How tall are you? 5' 10

    2) How are you built? (big frame, small?) Big frame

    3) Whats your starting, highest, current, and goal weight? Starting and highest 283, current 241, goal 187 (normal bmi when factoring in plus 10% for large frame...then we'll se e)

    4) If you are in the process of losing weight or have reached your goal weight, how long did it take you? 42 lbs in 3.75 months

    5) What kinds of things would you recommend to other tall girls who are trying to lose weight? I'm a pear and would do better with fewer carbs ... But I love them too much right now!

    6) At what point in your weight loss was it noticeable by others and you could see a physical change in your body?
    30 was my magic number...also a clothing size.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    SW 313.5
    CW 278 (lost 35.5lbs in 90days)
    GW 170 (unless i still look fat lol)
    5'10" large frame

    People have been telling me since I lost around 15pounds-ish.. my face looked thinner, my neck seemed thinner; my clothes were looking baggy; etc.

    I cant recommend anything; i havent been working on certain excercises or anything.. just eating better...
  • jvkh127
    jvkh127 Posts: 261 Member
    I am 5'11" with a big frame I have alot of shoulder, hip and thigh area (it has its own zip code!). I started at 240, am at 226 right now, my goal is around 190. I like the way I looked at 190 anything less people said I looked anorexic. Anyways no one has noticed my 14 lb weight loss yet but I do notice it like you said in my clothes. Once before about 13 years ago when I lost about 40 lbs people did not notice til about 25-30 lbs. I think alot of people might be afraid to ask sometimes because they don't want to bring up a sore subject or embarass you if you haven't lost weight. At least I think that was the case with me : )
    Good luck with reaching your goals!!
  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    1. 5'11"
    2.medium frame
    3.332.4(highest/starting)/267.2 current/175 goal
    4. Have lost 65.2 lbs since 1/3/11
    5. My recommendation for anyone trying to lose weight is to make sure you log everything, measure/weigh your food, drink lots of water and cut out soda and other sugary drinks, and get that exercise in.
    6. I would say that my weight loss started being noticeable after about 40 pounds, but I'm really starting to get compliments now. What a boost for the self esteem and a great motivator to stay on track and keep at it.
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    I'm 5'9"

    I started at 300 and I am currently at 261. That took me three months and the last month has just been maintaining as I have been dealing with a medical issue that effected my diet and exercise. That's resolved as of next week I think so back to it.

    I have been carefully logging my calories and exercising (before this issue) 4 times a week for 45 minutes. Doing cardio and light resistance.

    I noticed the way my clothes started to fit at about 15 pounds, but other people started to notice about 30 pounds. I was just starting to notice body changes in the mirror when I stalled. I am very excited to be getting back to it now.
  • annabellio
    annabellio Posts: 127 Member
    I am 5'10". Highest weight was 253. Current weight is 228. Goal weight is 180. I'd say I am medium build. My clothes have gotten very loose. I have been SO discouraged because it seems no one has noticed. It has never occurred to me that because I am tall , people would not notice as readily as if I was 5'4" or below. Thanks for this validation. About 20 years ago I lost a crapload of weight pretty quickly and was at 170. I looked too skinny. THat's why my goal weight is 180. We'll see when I get there.

    This helps to see that others of my stature have experienced some of the frustrations I have in this recent foray into weight loss
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    I'm 5'11'' and when I lose 20 lbs it isn't noticeable except in the way my clothes fit, and other people don't notice. So I wanted to ask:

    1) How tall are you? 5'10

    2) How are you built? (big frame, small?) big frame

    3) Whats your starting, highest, current, and goal weight? Starting/highest: 317 (yikes!) Current: 256 Goal: 190

    4) If you are in the process of losing weight or have reached your goal weight, how long did it take you? In the process. Started Jan of 2011

    5) What kinds of things would you recommend to other tall girls who are trying to lose weight? cardio, cardio , cardio

    6) At what point in your weight loss was it noticeable by others and you could see a physical change in your body?
    After the first 30 lb or so it got noticeable. People said at first they could see it on my face mostly.
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    Thanks for the responses everyone! It's so frustrating that most see a noticeable difference after losing 30lbs.... that seems like so much! lol. My CW is 220 and my goal is about 160, but that will probably look too skinny on me. So I'm doing like some of yall and stopping when I decide it looks "healthy." The smallest I remember being recently is 180 and I feel like I looked the same... I notice small differences in my upper arms, thighs, and a TINY difference in my tummy (I've had it for forever, I don't know how else to make it go away!!)

    Where in your body do you notice the most change?
  • googagene
    googagene Posts: 32
    1) How tall are you?

    2) How are you built? (big frame, small?)
    big frame (I'm built like a line backer)

    3) Whats your starting, highest, current, and goal weight?
    230, 256, 182, 160

    4) If you are in the process of losing weight or have reached your goal weight, how long did it take you?
    In process & have been for almost 3 years. I managed to drop 81 pounds in about 1 year and hold mostly steady for a couple more. I'm working for that last 20 or so now.

    5) What kinds of things would you recommend to other tall girls who are trying to lose weight?
    food logs save me - if you bite it, write it
    water, water and more water - I go for at least my body weight in ounces of water a day which really isn't all that much if you think about it.
    Cut out bad carbs and try to limit good carbs
    Aim for high protein - lean meats, fish, eggs etc. - I average 50-75g of protein a day.
    Veggies are free calories to me.
    NO SUGAR. none. period. I allow stevia to sweeten coffee, bland cereals, or sour fruits.
    Cardio is my friend.

    6) At what point in your weight loss was it noticeable by others and you could see a physical change in your body?
    I had to have been down almost 40 pounds before someone mentioned they saw a noticeable loss. Sure, I would get the whole "how's the diet going?" or "I can totally see it in your face" But not too much past that. I can tell you my sister almost fell over when it hit her how thin I had gotten. I had gone from a size 24 to a 16 by that point. Sometimes I think people just see "the fat girl over there" until one day it smacks them in the face that "the fat girl" isn't so fat anymore. In my case she had to recognize that "the fat girl" was now thinner than she was. Zing!