Macros / over on fat/under on protein

Hi, I'm 10st (64kg) 5ft5in. Do strength training once a week and circuit type session, and try to do 2x5km runs a week these will increase in time. My biggest aim is to lose baby weight/fat where it's the hardest to shift. I'm always over on my fat macro and under on my protein, I would say my diet is pretty clean and i would say it's my avocado intake that always takes me over - what are people's thoughts on good fats! Still ok ? Or should I cut whilst trying to lose body fat (my bf is 24%) and although I've toned a lot I haven't changed size wise and actually put weight on (muscle)
Ideas to shred whilst maintaining energy would be great


  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    You don't say what your macro targets's possible THEY are off.....
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    How many grams of protein do you eat a day?
  • littlemissorange
    littlemissorange Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, mine are
    40% Carbs (118g) 25% Fat (88g(, 35% Protein (48g)
    I really struggle with the protein even though im on shakes, eggs, chicken snacks and nuts!
    MFP came out at 1800 cals (earlier in teh year i was targeting 1200 which was ridiculour and I probably did myself more damage than good) aiming for 1600 cals a day at the moment though
    Thank you
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Macros appear reasonable. Probably need add a shake or two. I do one with each meal.
  • littlemissorange
    littlemissorange Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you back on the eggs and shakes, dismal protein today
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Actually, a goal 48 g of protein per day for someone at 10 stone is quite low. If you're having trouble meeting even that goal I would definitely suggest changing your diet or supplementing protein.

    Are you following any specific type of eating plan that would require such a low protein goal?

    General recommendations would be somewhere in the neighborhood of 0.6-0.8 grams of protein per day per pound of body weight (so somewhere around 84-112 grams per day).
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hi, mine are
    40% Carbs (118g) 25% Fat (88g(, 35% Protein (48g)
    I really struggle with the protein even though im on shakes, eggs, chicken snacks and nuts!
    MFP came out at 1800 cals (earlier in teh year i was targeting 1200 which was ridiculour and I probably did myself more damage than good) aiming for 1600 cals a day at the moment though
    Thank you

    That doesn't make sense.

    Going by the gram numbers listed above, that would be 472 calories carbs; 792 calories fat; 192 calories protein, but of course that doesn't work out with your percentages. I'll guess that maybe you flipped the grams/percentages for fat and protein (which gives you a more reasonable protein number) and works out to 472 calories carbs, 432 calories fat, and 352 calories protein for a total of 1256.

    You say 1600 calories, though, which isn't consistent with either.

    Anyway, I personally wouldn't go lower on protein than the 88 grams (and definitely not so low as 48 grams) if trying to maintain muscle, and I'd also really try to meet the protein goal.

    What helps me with protein (even without much protein powder) is lowfat dairy and fish, but that's going to depend on your preferences. I find it's incredibly helpful to make sure I have a decent amount in every meal. It can be easy to get very little at breakfast or lunch, especially, if you don't.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    edited October 2015
    OP, it's hard to say much not really seeing what you are eating every day. I eat @ 1600 cals a day, and I can't imagine how you are going over 88g of fat but under 48g of protein. Are you focusing on nuts for your protein? Lean sources of protein would be chicken, fish, eggs, low fat dairy. I find focusing on those, and getting small amounts of additional protein from nuts and grains gets me close to (if not over) 100g protein daily.

    After reading lemurcat12's response, ETA: if you did get the numbers reversed and you are trying to get to 48g fat and 88g protein, that makes a lot more sense!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hi, mine are
    40% Carbs (118g) 25% Fat (88g(, 35% Protein (48g)
    I really struggle with the protein even though im on shakes, eggs, chicken snacks and nuts!
    MFP came out at 1800 cals (earlier in teh year i was targeting 1200 which was ridiculour and I probably did myself more damage than good) aiming for 1600 cals a day at the moment though
    Thank you

    Your numbers don't add up...
    118 g carbs, 88 g fat and 48 g protein is 1456 calories, and split between 32% carbs, 54% fat, 13% protein.
    118 g carbs, 88 g fat and 84 g protein is 1600 calories, and split between 30% carbs, 50% fat, 20% protein.
    1600 calories, and split between 40% carbs, 25% fat and 35% protein, is 160 g carbs, 44 g fat and 140 g protein.
  • littlemissorange
    littlemissorange Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks , iyfm calculated it all then I knocked 200 calls off obv not the scientific way