Geeky gamer girl looking for new friends to join this epic and perilous journey!



  • rungrrl
    rungrrl Posts: 25 Member
    Gamer girl here, though PC only ( can't figure out controllers) I play Rift, WoW, Diablo III, Heroes of the Storm, LoL, played Eve for a bit. Love to read, favorite movies LOTR, Star Wars Trilogy, Last 5k I ran was the zombie run in Dallas but I much rather would have been a zombie. Firefly and Serenity rawk. Add me if you would like!
  • rungrrl
    rungrrl Posts: 25 Member
    Just thought I would mention the zombies run training app instead of doing c25K, you might enjoy the storyline and get a kick out of it

    OMG NERDGASM a zombie run training program!! Lookin' it up right now!
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    @rungrrl PC master race ftw? XD A zombie run sounds awesome, I don't think there are any local ones here but I'll have to look it up.

    And YES there are zombie running apps! The original is called "Zombies, Run!" which is a mix of a game, running app and a radio drama. You play the role of a 'runner' in the zombie apocalypse, doing missions each 'episode' when you run. As you run you also gather random resources so you can upgrade your people's base and you can turn on 'zombie chases' so that you'll suddenly encounter a horde and have to speed up to get away XD There are 3 full seasons out (it IS a paid app, but well worth it imo) and they're into their 4th season already.

    The latest app the same people came out with is a 5K trainer which I plan on starting soon. Similar idea as the first but specifically for training you to run over 8 weeks. I plan on starting it soon myself, and I realized that once I've finished and can use the main app, I'll have nearly a year's worth of episodes to go through... so stoked XD

    /geek girl gushing.

    Also adding you :smiley:
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    FitGeekery wrote: »
    @rungrrl PC master race ftw? XD A zombie run sounds awesome, I don't think there are any local ones here but I'll have to look it up.

    And YES there are zombie running apps! The original is called "Zombies, Run!" which is a mix of a game, running app and a radio drama. You play the role of a 'runner' in the zombie apocalypse, doing missions each 'episode' when you run. As you run you also gather random resources so you can upgrade your people's base and you can turn on 'zombie chases' so that you'll suddenly encounter a horde and have to speed up to get away XD There are 3 full seasons out (it IS a paid app, but well worth it imo) and they're into their 4th season already.

    The latest app the same people came out with is a 5K trainer which I plan on starting soon. Similar idea as the first but specifically for training you to run over 8 weeks. I plan on starting it soon myself, and I realized that once I've finished and can use the main app, I'll have nearly a year's worth of episodes to go through... so stoked XD

    /geek girl gushing.

    Also adding you :smiley:

    Best. App. Ever. And the first three seasons are free now, though if you bought the app before then, you can unlock one episode of the fourth season for free once a week. Since I'm only in second season, I should have them all unlocked and ready to go when I get there.
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    @dubird Omg that's even better! And yup, I bought all 3 seasons so dang... Imma start unlocking the 4th season now haha
  • rbratt06
    rbratt06 Posts: 3,030 Member
  • bryce_bryce
    bryce_bryce Posts: 6 MFP Moderator
    This is the greatest
  • rungrrl
    rungrrl Posts: 25 Member
    FitGeekery wrote: »
    @rungrrl PC master race ftw? XD A zombie run sounds awesome, I don't think there are any local ones here but I'll have to look it up.

    And YES there are zombie running apps! The original is called "Zombies, Run!" which is a mix of a game, running app and a radio drama. You play the role of a 'runner' in the zombie apocalypse, doing missions each 'episode' when you run. As you run you also gather random resources so you can upgrade your people's base and you can turn on 'zombie chases' so that you'll suddenly encounter a horde and have to speed up to get away XD There are 3 full seasons out (it IS a paid app, but well worth it imo) and they're into their 4th season already.

    The latest app the same people came out with is a 5K trainer which I plan on starting soon. Similar idea as the first but specifically for training you to run over 8 weeks. I plan on starting it soon myself, and I realized that once I've finished and can use the main app, I'll have nearly a year's worth of episodes to go through... so stoked XD

    /geek girl gushing.

    Also adding you :smiley:

    I downloaded the App last night and can't wait to get started!! It will be slow going for me but I can't wait!
  • rungrrl
    rungrrl Posts: 25 Member
    rbratt06 wrote: »

    *geekgasm* just applied as well!
  • Saeraphine
    Saeraphine Posts: 2,793 Member
    @rbratt06 Thank you for the HP link! I've dispatched my owl with my application as well! What a fantastic idea!
  • rbratt06
    rbratt06 Posts: 3,030 Member
    Yay! It'll be fun if we can all do it together!
  • dogcatac
    dogcatac Posts: 124 Member
    saw this video the other day. i want to train...
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    My evil scheme is in it's end game. Mwa ha ha ha.
  • clau9734
    clau9734 Posts: 43 Member
    Console gamer :)
  • alias1001
    alias1001 Posts: 634 Member
    Fantasy, scifi, some anime, and gamer here, too. Add away!
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    dogcatac wrote: »
    saw this video the other day. i want to train...

    If you're serious about joining, here's more info! XD
  • darkcowboy
    darkcowboy Posts: 59 Member
    howdy fellow geek here, im into horror, gaming both video and card based like Magic the gathering. With video I stick mostly with role playing games although I also play hearthstone. Love to read urban fantasy and horror when not spending time with my wife and 4 moth old would love to meet new people so we can support each other. Feel free to add me.
  • I'm new here...I picked my name because of Jared Padalecki. He is my hero. I'm a Supernatural fan, Marvel girl with a love for Batman.My phone is about to die, but I wanted to say hi and feel free to add me.
  • suzaka
    suzaka Posts: 39 Member
    Hello FitGeekery, I can relate to you, I'm a geek at heart too, didn't really play a lot of the games you mentioned, but I was an avid gamer (I didn't have time to do those anymore). I had the opposite problem of you, having to gain weight was really hard since I was always so skinny. I can tell you though that it is all about mindset and determination, not being afraid to work hard for your goals. You can do it, I believe :blush:
  • aurora184
    aurora184 Posts: 54 Member
    This is awesome. I never knew that there were so many fellow geeks on MFP. Feel free to add me. I'm into scifi and fantasy. Lol.... it all started with The Jetsons when I was a kid. Not much of a gamer (unless it's Zelda........ Zelda rulezzzz!!!!) and I'm slowly moving towards Marvel comics (love the stories/characters but I'm still not a fan of comic books in general, I just prefer normal books). And I'm sooooo enrolling in Hogwarts is here. I cannot believe I completely missed that one... shame on me LOL