Day 7 and loving this program

Hi everyone. So glad I found MFP and so is my dog Tiger. He is getting more regular walks now that I am so motivated. My husband says he is going to take my phone off me as I always seem to be logging on. Anyway really enjoying MFP and everyone's stories.


  • amysuemartin718
    amysuemartin718 Posts: 99 Member
    I love this site and my phone app too. I'm always checking things on my phone. I have the website saved as a favorite at work and now everyone is asking " how many calories does this have in it." This has been a good site for me I have really been motivated this time around. it seems so easy.
  • Ynnep1000
    Ynnep1000 Posts: 24
    Good luck, stay motivated!!
  • In my second week and I love it also. Thanks to this site I realized that I was not eating enough calories. I've lost 3 lbs and exicited to be on this journey with my husband. Good luck to all!!