Started today: Woman in need of support

Hi Everyone,
I am a graduate student who lives near New Haven, CT and have gained a lot of weight due to all the stress from my master's program. I also have the added difficulties of having Celiac Disease (so needing to be on a gluten-free diet) and trying to overcome a combination eating disorder and sleeping disorder because I eat very late at night or I'll sleep walk to the kitchen and eat in the middle of the night without really knowing that I'm doing it. I've never met anyone else who has this problem but it's pretty much the reason why I can't lose weight and have never been at a healthy weight since I was was 12 years old. Right after I got over anorexia I started 'sleep eating' and have been overweight since.
If anyone has ever had a problem eating at night or had an eating disorder or has a gluten-intolerance, I would love to connect with you and maybe gain some support and obviously help out others in similar situations.


  • rjvt006
    rjvt006 Posts: 146 Member
    :smile: well i dont have any thing like that but i would still like to welcome you to the site.
  • aeryn69
    aeryn69 Posts: 35 Member
    I feel into the trap of tracking every tiny little thing and trying to keep my calorie intake as low as possible. I blogged about it in this post - . If you'd like you can feel free to add me as a friend.
  • bevepr
    bevepr Posts: 14
    Hi welcome to the site!!:)
    Although i should not generalize i know that (some more other less but..) mostly all people have passed an issue of eating wheter is caused by stressed, eating habits, genetics, etc. Like you students (incliuding myself) somethimes abandoned our health, you are not the only one!! The good thing is that you are willing to make changes!!! I love MFP it helps organize, and be more concious about our health and life style!! I'll add you and if i can help you let me know! :)
  • chrisja
    chrisja Posts: 380 Member
    Welcome to MFP. While I have none of the problems you mentioned, except for mindless/ stress eating, I am sure you will get support here. We are a varied and complex bunch so I am sure others will be able to offer advice. One thing I am sure of is that you will like being here and if you have made up your mind you will have success in your efforts to lose weight. If I can be helped anyone can be. Welcome again and best wishes.
  • supernova43
    Hi, Ebaksa: Your post jumped out at me tonight and my heart goes out to you. I haven't faced any of the challenges you mention -- *except* grad school stress. I went through that and remember those days with mixed emotions. During that time I developed exercise strategies that helped me keep my stress systems in check -- (my grad school stress took the form of panic attacks). I started lifting free weights in grad school, and found that to be a great stress reliever. These days, spinning is my favorite stress reliever -- though I still try to lift weights because it's supposed to be good for me as I age. Here's hoping you have a little easier academic schedule this summer than during the school year and the very best of luck to you! Erin
    P.S. My weight-lifting buddy from grad school is now a a triathlete. I still remember our times together in the weight room fondly -- and other times working out with my grad school friends -- like my Type A friends trying to take yoga classes, ha ha :) Maybe there someone from your program who would be interested in joining you for something like that?
  • ajfranzen77
    ajfranzen77 Posts: 118
    I do not have Celiac Disease, but my mom does. So I know from watching her that what you go through is no easy thing. I started to overeat when I got divorced from my first husband. He told me I was fat all the time and would limit what I could eat. After we were over I started to eat everything I could, and I wouldn't stop even after I was full. When I met the man I'm married to now, I thought that it didn't matter if I was over weight cause I was never skinny with him and he still loved me. He's a great guy who supports me doesn't look at me funny when I eat maybe a little more that I should, but does encourage me to stay on track with my weight lose. ( He is loosing weight as well)
    So my guess is that when you let yourself eat again you took it to the other extreme like I did. As for school, I feel your pain there too!! After being out of school for 16 years I went back this past fall. I have 2 kids, my daughter is almost 4 and my son is almost 3. So when they went to bed I would do homework and munch on whatever was around. Finals were the worst part, ice cream was my friend.
    I know this may sound extreme, but have you thought about putting a lock on your fridge for your night eating. I saw a show about it one time and that is what some people had to do. Or trying to fill the fridge with fruits and veggies so if you do grab something it's a little better for you.
    If you would like to chat I'm here. Good luck with everything and congrats on going for your masters!