Does the guilt consume you?

While I was gaining weight I was oblivious ( or so I I acted) of what I was doing to my body, my family , my life. I woke my a** up and did something about it. I lost 100 Lbs. Now , I find myself struggling. My friends tell me I am thin , but I feel fat! BUT I can't seem to stop! Every bite or drink I take I know is bad for me but I can't seem to stop. Why isn't the guilt working????


  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    Because you need to change your perceptions about why you eat the way you do and change the view you have of yourself. If you dont, you may find yourself battling arorexia, or bulemia. Or some other eating disorder. So take time to find out why your perceptions are the way they are. Talk to someone trusted about them and be honest with them and yourself.
  • erinnicolette
    Listen girl, you've come too far to take orders from a cookie. I tell it how it is, so don't think I mean to offend you- I'm just trying to help you understand what you are doing. I have extreme guilt from eating- I wish I could give you some LOL. Don't eat away all your HARD work losing 100lbs! Wake up before it's too late and you're buying men's jogging pants! I'm here for you! Hang in there!
  • Bridge_CG
    Bridge_CG Posts: 435 Member
    No, guilt isn't something that consumes me anymore. If I eat like crap one day, I have to remember that there is always tomorrow! Tomorrow is a new and a better day to start over, to start clean. If you have a cookie, enjoy it. Next time you crave something sweet, grab an apple and some peanut butter. That's so amazing that you lost 100 pounds. That's such an achievement. Remember, you're an amazing strong woman. Guilt isn't the path to take. :) Tomorrow is another day. A better day. If you need another friend on here, you can always add me. :)
  • cscoggins
    cscoggins Posts: 17
    I don't think guilt is a very healthy can keep you captive because the root of guilt is fear. I think embracing something more positive might be to your benefit. Maybe learning to love yourself- in thought and in action- letting LOVE be your motivation...? I think it's hard to start thinking about yourself in a different way- to see yourself in a new light. It helps me (even as overweight as I currently am! haha!) to look in the mirror every morning and tell myself that I am a strong beautiful intelligent admirable woman who is going to change the world! And I start with myself. :) If you say it often enough- you start to believe it- and those goes for negative words/thoughts too. I think encouragement has SO much more power than guilt! Congrats on losing all that weight! You ARE a strong beautiful woman- and an inspiration to so many people on this forum!
  • AnneMK5
    AnneMK5 Posts: 110
    When I was a serious compulsive overeater yes the guilt consumed me every time I ate something I knew I shouldn't. Bad for you things like cookies, cake, candy bars, etc. I got a lot of help from going to OA meetings and learning I wasn't alone.
    I've turned my eating habits around and no longer go through those horrible emotions. I do have to admit that lately on the weekends I have been having too big of portions of good food and splurging some on things I know I shouldn't have and I start to feel that guilt. Feeling that guilt quickly remind me of how far I've come and I don't want to throw it all away. I don't like feeling like that.
    If you are feeling guilty for eating good healthy food that is a good portion size then you should not let yourself feel guilty at all. Healthy food and portions are NOT bad for you.
    I'm going to be very blunt/honest and say that you might need some extra help, maybe therapy. Don't let yourself become sick and malnourished.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Guilt will not help you eat smart.

    If you still feel fat and are starting to overeat again, my question to you is...Do you have low self-esteem? Do you think you're worthy of being healthy and at a normal weight? If you don't think you're worth it, you may struggle to maintain your current weight.

    There's an excellent thread around here that gets bumped talks about the importance of figuring out what your underlying issues are that drive you to overeat. Most of us have something that triggers us to eat too much, or unhealthy. There is almost always a reason one becomes overweight. Figuring out what that is goes a long way towards maintaining a healthy you.
  • moremari
    moremari Posts: 119 Member
    You look fantastic. I hope you are proud of your hard work. You look healthy from your photos. I would be careful about other's opinions of you and your body because they don't live in your body. That's not to say they aren't supportive but you would do well to take a step back and take a reality check. Are you hurting yourself? Are you eating junk food all day everyday lately? Do you have a balanced diet? Are you exercising? For me journaling (either MFP or private) is a great way to keep my goals in check. Sometimes your perspective is more realistic when you act like you're own best friend, what would you say to your friend if she asked you the same question? Everybody goes through some kind of same thing, remember what worked for you while you were in the zone. You are that person!
    I hope this helps.
  • ashandbensmom
    Thank you all. I wouldn't say I have low self esteem NOW, but I defineatly have in the past. I know a lot of my overeating is due to boredom . I do stay consistent with my workouts, and thank goodness for that because I would have probably gained back a lot more than the 10 lbs I am trying to lose. I just love food ,both healthy and unhealthy. I really want to get back on track. It is time to get my head in the game! I have come too far to turn back now.