Looking for friends over 40 needing to lose 100+ lbs.



  • Laurie038
    Laurie038 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi i am 47 and have been heavy most of my adult life and have been in total denial (lol) i don't eat a lot or snack much but obviously i have been eating the wrong things as i have over 100lbs to lose and rarely if ever exercise, so time to step up

    I need to step it up a notch too! Let's do this!
  • Chasity6
    Chasity6 Posts: 183 Member
    edited September 2015
    40 Here and I need to lose around 120lbs have lost 13lbs so far. Started this journey faithfully again on August 5th. Trying hard to get healthy I have needed to lose weight for around last 20 years. We can do this add me to your friends list if you like. (This is for anyone on the board looking for more friends to, never can have to much support.) :)
  • Matt200goal
    Matt200goal Posts: 481 Member
    43. Started at 263, been MFPing a little over a month & currently at 247. Welcome to MFP!
  • TinyTexn59
    TinyTexn59 Posts: 96 Member
    Add me. I am 62 and working it. Have lost 20+ and have more to go.
  • crpoll5
    crpoll5 Posts: 105 Member
    I quit using this site about a year ago and gained all my pounds back. I realize I need MFP or I fail. Looking for some new best friends to help me get back to where I was at before I started drinking Pepsi and eating Doritos again. I promise I will be very active. Anyone feel free to add me.
  • Seeshel31
    Seeshel31 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello!!! Just added a few of you today!! I'm 41 on permanent disability would like to loose 40-60 lbs for now. I'm 5-1" weigh 196lbs :(
  • Yoshirio
    Yoshirio Posts: 242 Member
    I am 42.I already lost 78 pounds,still have 52 to go. Add me!:)
  • marymack87
    marymack87 Posts: 1 Member
    My goal is to lose 153.5 pounds. I'm 5'6" , started at 333.5 and 47 years old. Love that first week of water weight - down 16.1! I know this will get more realistic but it is great for motivation when the first week is so challenging and my mobility is so much better already.
  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    Welcome to everyone! I'm 45 with a total of 118 to lose. I've lost 28 so far on Nutrisystem and MFP. Could use all the encouragement that I can get/give. Add me.
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    Hi, I'm right there with ya but failing miserably this time around. Good luck ...
  • wescott123
    wescott123 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 43 never been as heavy as I am now. Help me I'll help you. I don't want to be fat and fifty !
  • Jennifer_2040
    Jennifer_2040 Posts: 1 Member
    I am over 40 and have about 100 to lose. I just started again today and looking for more friends. Please add me...
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 721 Member
    edited September 2015
    I'm 43 never been as heavy as I am now. Help me I'll help you. I don't want to be fat and fifty ![/quote]

    this is me except I am 48. I want to lose 40 pounds before I turn 50!!!
  • kss1231
    kss1231 Posts: 167 Member
    Hello! I'm 44 and need to lose ~115 (24 down since January). I'm not dieting, I eat what I feel like just in moderation and have increased my exercise by walking. Once the weather gets colder I will make my way back to the gym. Feel free to add me, I can use all the inspiration anyone has to offer. :smiley:
  • SCMomma2boyz
    SCMomma2boyz Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 40 & just getting restarted today. I have 55 lbs to lose. Tired of being frumpy!! Please friend me as we'll.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    I am a terrible MFP friend. I very rarely post anything to anyone. There are just too many people to keep up with, so I quit trying.

    But I started with like 120-130 pounds to lose. I was over forty. I have a thyroid issue.

    And I'm down 92 pounds.

    I went from Obese, Class II (nearly Class's III, which is as high as it goes) and eating total crap to Normal BMI and eating healthy food.

    My former diet was like Crunch Berries and a donut for breakfast, a Quarter Pounder, large fries and a shake for lunch and Olive Garden Chicken Fettuccine and cheesesticks for dinner, with some cookies, cake or brownies tossed into the mix. I'm not even exaggerating. I was literally pissed when they moved produce to the front of the store because I considered it a waste of my time and effort, having to walk the extra feet through food I wasn't buying.

    It took me a long time to get my diet solidly under control. Lots of stumbling and some longer periods of falling off the wagon. Now, I spend a lot of time in that produce department and am happy it comes first, because it can zip in, grab what I need and am right by the checkout. East in, easy out.

    I stuck with it and I did it. I am so much healthier! And I look better. Size 24 to size 10...so far. Next stop: Single Digits! I had kept a pair of size 18 shorts, but even when I started losing weight, I doubted I'd ever get back into an 18 again. Now, I'm waiting for size 8.

    It can be done.

    If you're forty, fat and freaking sick of it, you can do it, too. :)

    (Just don't try counting on me for support because I suck at that.)
  • luvmymonkeykids
    luvmymonkeykids Posts: 17 Member
    Welcome. This is my 3rd round of MFP. It works but you have to stick with it which is much easier with others along for the journey. I am 42 and have about 90 I want to lose. First goal though is to get back to onederland and that is 33 pounds. Feel free to add me
  • velvetroads
    velvetroads Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I've just joined again a few days ago. I want to lose about 100 too. It's very daunting but I know this app works better for me than slimming world or weight watchers. It makes think before I eat!
    Feel free to add me folks :)
  • big2strongCO
    big2strongCO Posts: 41 Member
    I am 44 and just lost over 100 lbs. Anyone can add me and If i can help I will. I will be honest so if you are still blaming the world for your being obese I might not be the friend for you.
  • dusjujr
    dusjujr Posts: 160 Member
    I am 40 and I have 80 lbs to lose...You can add me