What do you do when you are hungry enough to eat the house?



  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    @arditarose How thick is that protein fluff, texture-wise? I've only made it a couple of times and it's been almost like a foam, similar to maybe a light meringue. I don't know whether that's the actual goal, whether I need more (or less) xanthan gum, or whether I'm whipping it for the right amount of time.
  • mommarnurse
    mommarnurse Posts: 515 Member
    trusty48 wrote: »
    As I write this I'm just about to give in and go over my calories for the day :(

    The problem is that sometimes I get hungry and it keeps me up at night. I don't think it's craving- it's genuine hunger. So I'm going to just do it, get some sleep, and try again tomorrow.

    How do you guys deal with the nighttime hunger? Have you found anything that works?

    Have something protein-rich before bed, not a rib and steak dinner but something like greek yogurt with granola and walnuts, etc. Remind yourself that the size of your stomach does not change because you feel really hungry. My stomach growls while going to bed at night sometimes, too ad it's usually because I haven't had enough calories and I did cardio that day. So I fill up the rest of them with something healthy but protein-rich so sustain through the night. Also, I will drink at least cup of water because sometimes that helps.
  • ebouchie
    ebouchie Posts: 124 Member
    If I start to feel hungry in the late evening I drink water, lots of water. If that doesn't work then a few Wasa Light Rye Crispbreads. They are low calorie high fiber and filling.

    And if that still doesn't work I try to take my mind off the hunger by reading these conversations in MFP
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I personally eat a very low carb diet to control hunger, but here is a chart based on the SAD diet we got from my daughters diabetes nurse. The idea is to get the right amount of each macro at each meal. So, if you want oatmeal, add some fat (coconut oil/butter, whatever) to it and have a little protein to help your body feel full a bit longer. To keep the calories low, you will probably make a smaller portion of the oats but the satisfied feeling should be better in the long run.
    The chart also shows that the satisfied feeling from the carbohydrate will be short term and that's why it's suggested to have a snack between meals.
    I choose low carb to avoid the hunger between meals and that's been the best way for me personally. My daughter has cut carbs too, though not as much as myself, and has gained better control of hunger. She's not overweight at all but the need to constantly snack was making blood sugar control hard for her.
    Hope this helps.

  • Optimistical1
    Optimistical1 Posts: 210 Member
    Chia pudding

    1/2 cup light vanilla almond milk
    1 tbs chia seeds
    Let stand in fridge for about 30 minutes for chia seeds to expand
    87 total calories

    Tastes kinda like rice pudding to me, I love the texture. This fills me up and knocks out my sweet tooth at the same time.
  • superhockeymom
    superhockeymom Posts: 2,000 Member
    I drink tea and if it's early enough I will go for a walk then have the tea hunger basically gone
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,650 Member
    trusty48 wrote: »
    I think my calories are fine- hunger is just a side effect of dieting :(

    Also- I went out to eat with my parents and ate lunch at a greasy spoon diner. I tried to order something small but still ended up eating 2/3 of my calories before 1 pm. That is something I will need to avoid in the future- it's hard to just get oatmeal or something when everyone around you is eating a big meal.

    How new are you to MFP? What's your calorie limit? Your profile says 6 lbs. to lose, 1 lb. left. (Maybe you're posting goals in increments?)

    You're going to experience trial and error, but you can adjust (i.e., if you're eating too much too early in the day.) When you have social events coming up, you can "bank" calories and spend them without going over. You can add some physical activity, especially on weekends when you may have a little more time, to earn more calories. And you can eat all of the foods you enjoy.

    Keep at it. You'll find ways to make it work!

  • trusty48
    trusty48 Posts: 75 Member
    Chia pudding

    1/2 cup light vanilla almond milk
    1 tbs chia seeds
    Let stand in fridge for about 30 minutes for chia seeds to expand
    87 total calories

    Tastes kinda like rice pudding to me, I love the texture. This fills me up and knocks out my sweet tooth at the same time.

    This also sounds really good- looks like I will have several new things to try this week
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    A fluf like adita
    But i eat every night a big bowl of popcorn and frozen fruits

    So i am not really hungry, just having an appetite sometimes because i trained harder.

    Latest kick is slush...One try of ice cups with any kind of fruits. Crush it totally in my Ninja and i have slush.
    Sometimes i add yogurt or almond milk and go more to a smoothie.

    Or i just eat something, but like i said it is rare that i am really hungry. I just feed my body pretty balanced and hope for the best. Till now it still works

  • emmooney235
    emmooney235 Posts: 85 Member
    I changed my target weight loss to .5 pound per week. Any more aggressive and I'm super cranky and hungry, even when eating back excerize calories. I try to keep my dinner to oven roasted or steamed chicken breast and a huge portion of mixed steamed veggies. (When I haven't fallen off the wagon) I also try to leave room for a nibble before bed just in case. I have found that replacing the snack packs/100 calorie packs with apples or raw veggies is way more satisfying. I also carry string cheese in my lunch bag for the bit of protein if I need it in the afternoons. I figure, if I go over my calories I can pace my apartment while my TV shows are on.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    trusty48 wrote: »
    vivmom2014 wrote: »
    Is your calorie goal too aggressive? If you're genuinely hungry at night you might want to adjust your calorie intake. Save some for night snacking. There's always sugar free Jello in a pinch - the fruit flavors are 10 calories and the pudding is 60 calories.

    I think my calories are fine- hunger is just a side effect of dieting :(

    Also- I went out to eat with my parents and ate lunch at a greasy spoon diner. I tried to order something small but still ended up eating 2/3 of my calories before 1 pm. That is something I will need to avoid in the future- it's hard to just get oatmeal or something when everyone around you is eating a big meal.

    As long as I get exercise calories, I'm not hungry.

    On days when I'm going out to eat, I plan to get more exercise.

    I like a bedtime snack, and prelog a few hundred calories for that.

  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    If I eat at a restaurant for lunch, I generally have a very large, low cal dinner....like 6oz of chicken breast and an entire bag (or 2) of frozen steamed veggies. Its hard to be hungry after you eat 16oz of cauliflower.
  • hamlet1222
    hamlet1222 Posts: 459 Member
    It can be really tough trying to sleep when your feeling really hungry, i often give in at this point and eat some low sugar/low fat food (20 grams of healthy high fibre breakfast cereal with skimmed milk typically).

    Ideally I time my food so that I'm not completely ravenous at bed time, try to have my last meal at most 3 hours before bed.

    As stated by other posters (and myself on similar threads): Tea, Tea, Tea (non-caffeinated fruit or herbal at bedtime obviously)
  • sunandmoons
    sunandmoons Posts: 415 Member
    A liter of water works for me. But I really haven't felt that ravenous except for when I burn over 800 calories a day. That gives me an extra 400 calories to eat. Those days I feel like I ate the house.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,484 Member
    I plan food to eat before I go to sleep. I'm a night person and am rarely hungry during the day, but am ravenous at night. If I do not eat something before I go to sleep, I am up all night. Sometimes, it's an apple, sometimes the protein bar I have not had a chance to eat all day, sometimes it's a small dish of ice cream, but it works. I have never been sure what the fuss about not eating at night was all about. I have always done it and I am down over 100 pounds. If you are hungry, for goodness sake, eat .... just plan it into your calories accordingly.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    @arditarose How thick is that protein fluff, texture-wise? I've only made it a couple of times and it's been almost like a foam, similar to maybe a light meringue. I don't know whether that's the actual goal, whether I need more (or less) xanthan gum, or whether I'm whipping it for the right amount of time.

    It shouldn't be that thick, but if you use frozen berries you get a little thicker consistency. I use 20-30g of casein, 6 g xanthan gum
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    @arditarose How thick is that protein fluff, texture-wise? I've only made it a couple of times and it's been almost like a foam, similar to maybe a light meringue. I don't know whether that's the actual goal, whether I need more (or less) xanthan gum, or whether I'm whipping it for the right amount of time.

    Using whey protein and frozen berries gives a heavier/thicker, more mousse-like texture. It doesn't fluff as much but I like it. Depends on the texture you're after!
  • kasjoy
    kasjoy Posts: 5 Member
    I understand that eating enough protein -- especially in the morning -- can help to lessen hunger at night. (See The Diet Fix by Yoni Freedhoff.)
  • anxioushero
    anxioushero Posts: 61 Member
    If I have less than 300 cals left, I have 8oz cauliflower 8oz broccoli with like pasta sauce or another low cal sauce! Soooo filling