How do you cook Kale?

emieontherocks Posts: 13 Member
My sister introduced me to kale and I love it! The way she cooks it(which is also the only way I've cooked it) is a little bit of coconut oil in a skillet, some minced garlic, chopped mushrooms, and kale. We just cook it down and its pretty delicious! It's so good and full of flavor I just wanted some other ideas on how others make kales dishes. ☆☆☆


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Roasted with some fat, salt and pepper.
  • voldemortisreal
    voldemortisreal Posts: 101 Member
    You can make Kale Chips out of it as well. You can put it in soups, as a 'leafy' ingredient in a salad (traditional or warm), you can put it on a grilled ham & cheese (kind of like spinach, but with Kale)...and so many more options. I recommend checking out or really ANY foodie website. There are loads of recipes out there for kale.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    I cook it like you and your sister, but I use olive oil, add red pepper flakes, and finish with a squeeze of lemon. Do the same thing with collards. They are pretty much interchangeable with kale and easier to prep.
  • ilovecereal1982
    ilovecereal1982 Posts: 1,194 Member
    Throw it in some soup that is pretty similar to the toscana soup from olive garden....
  • sixxpoint
    sixxpoint Posts: 3,529 Member
    edited September 2015
    Here's 3 ways...
    1. Thick cut chiffonade and serve raw in a salad.
    2. Blanch in heavily salted, boiling water (3-4 minutes) / Shock in ice water / Squeeze completely dry / Store in Refrigerator. When ready to use, saute with olive oil, seasoning, and aromatics (garlic, shallot, red pepper flake, salt, pepper, etc.).
    3. Place a metal mesh grate on top of a sheet tray / Add large kale leaves in one layer / Drizzle top with a little bit of olive oil & sprinkle with sea salt / Cover leaves with another mesh grate / Bake until crispy (6-8 minutes).
  • louise13dunstan
    louise13dunstan Posts: 74 Member
    Boil it 5mins then fry for 3 mins in butter or double cream
  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member
    I like to mash it together with red potatoes, garlic, and butter. It's great in soups too.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I wilt it (cook it down) as well...I use a variety of things with it. tonight I'm doing mushrooms and red onion
  • Matt200goal
    Matt200goal Posts: 481 Member
    sixxpoint wrote: »
    Here's 3 ways...
    1. Thick cut chiffonade and serve raw in a salad.
    2. Blanch in heavily salted, boiling water (3-4 minutes) / Shock in ice water / Squeeze completely dry / Store in Refrigerator. When ready to use, saute with olive oil, seasoning, and aromatics (garlic, shallot, red pepper flake, salt, pepper, etc.).
    3. Place a metal mesh grate on top of a sheet tray / Add large kale leaves in one layer / Drizzle top with a little bit of olive oil & sprinkle with sea salt / Cover leaves with another mesh grate / Bake until crispy (6-8 minutes).

    I do #3 with "Bacon Sea Salt." Very yummy!
  • TrailBlazzinMN
    TrailBlazzinMN Posts: 509 Member
    edited September 2015
    Kale + ghee + eggs (all in a skillet) = heaven
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    I like it massaged with olive oil for raw salads, otherwise I just cook it like other greens.
  • LifeInTheBikeLane
    LifeInTheBikeLane Posts: 345 Member
    Every few weeks we switch our fresh spinach out for fresh kale. I cook it IN everything! You can boil an entire thing of kale with some garlic and that tastes pretty good.

    I mix it in eggs a lot too!
  • DorisSilver50
    DorisSilver50 Posts: 98 Member
    Last night I sauteed fresh kale, diced onions, and a can of diced tomatoes (drained) with Italian Seasoning and Mrs. Dash Tomato/Garlic and then put it on top of cooked spaghetti squash. Made a huge plate, very yummy and filling:)
  • porky2468
    porky2468 Posts: 11 Member
    I tend to just steam it. I'd really like to try making kale crisps though!
  • emieontherocks
    emieontherocks Posts: 13 Member
    So many great suggestions! Excited to try cooking it different ways! I've basically been eating only the sauteed kale like I mentioned in original post for 4 days straight and am down 5lbs!
  • shirl662015
    shirl662015 Posts: 6 Member
    I love it raw in salads. But it's so good sauteed. I heat up some olive oil, add some red pepper flakes and garlic. Simmer that for a minute. Add kale and toss it in the olive oil. I add a little vegetable stock, cover and simmer for 5 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste and then I crumble some feta on it after I plate it. Delicious!

  • eveunderground
    eveunderground Posts: 236 Member
    edited September 2015
    I added it to my homemade pesto and smoothies.
  • KellieTru
    KellieTru Posts: 285 Member
    Sautéed with copious amounts of garlic, squeeze of lemon, and a shake of Parmesan cheese.
  • smoothliness
    smoothliness Posts: 1 Member
  • James_Bergin
    James_Bergin Posts: 84 Member
    I usually simmer some minced garlic and sliced red chili in sesame oil, add a just a small amount of water, bring to the boil, and then blanch the kale in it. Its fast, its delicious, and its healthy :smile:

    I've been known to toss a few sunflower or sesame seeds on top to give it a crunch!