"This is the time!" moments...

unicornioerrante Posts: 3 Member
edited October 2015 in Motivation and Support
I just started my second weight loss attempt this year, and I keep thinking about how every time I start, I think: this is it. This time I'll pull through. This time I won't quit. I don't know if this time it'll be different, but I do hope so. I'm checking out this community because I feel that if I can share my experience with others and learn from other people's experiences, I'll be motivated to work harder. I'm 5'1 and weigh around 215lbs. I need to lose at least 88lbs. Even writing how much I weigh in public is giving me anxiety. Is anyone else looking for pals? I'd love to talk to people who are on the same journey.


  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    Add me if you like. I log daily and like and comment for all my friends. Also my diary is open for my friends too. I'm 5'3" and on my way to losing 100 lbs - 13 lbs down already :smile: You can do it with determination!
  • goingape
    goingape Posts: 429 Member
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    @unicornioerrante welcome to MFP forums. For the most part the people here are awesome at helping one another.

    It sounds like you are off to a good start and the best of success. It can take some time to sort things out but over time a loss of two pounds per month can really pay off.
  • unicornioerrante
    unicornioerrante Posts: 3 Member
    @unicornioerrante welcome to MFP forums. For the most part the people here are awesome at helping one another.

    It sounds like you are off to a good start and the best of success. It can take some time to sort things out but over time a loss of two pounds per month can really pay off.

    Thank you!
  • judywoody
    judywoody Posts: 50 Member
    the story of my life! lol...
    I lost 70lb in the past though and only put it back on through working from home and stress. So I know I can do it again although I'm a bit older now and am a lot less active. This time it's the first time in 5 years that I actually managed to stick to this fir longer than 48 hours.. haha.. I am in my 6th week now and apart from the weight loss (which is only 7lb so far because this time I'm taking it slowly) I feel good about being in control over my habits. No more mindlessly stuffing my face. I put down everything in my diary without feeling guilty or throwing in the towel just because I fell for a piece of cake. And it only requires a week or two of discipline and then you go into auto pilot. But what makes it easier this time is, I'm not looking for a quick fix. I set my calorie goal to a realistic leve.. 1600-1800..and I always feel satisfied. I can also have sweets. I can't and won't eat only 1200 calories. I know I wouldn't be able to pull this off and would only get cranky and discouraged amd then give up. So set realistic goals for yourself - it doesn't matter if it takes 2 years. Time flies! We say that all the time but we never apply it to weightloss. I gained a lb this week but I'm not losing sleep over it. I know I had too much salt, too little water and feel constipated for the first time since I started.. lol.. so I am not overly worried.

    I am happy to add you as a friend if you like? You can do it!