I was a big little girl, now just fit

Hello there all :) so as you got from the title I'm 5'2. My HWE was 250. That was 2 years ago. How did I get there and how did I over come it? Well...

You don't get to be that heavy without some background problems. For me it was my mom. She was abusive, mentally unstable, anorexic and bulimic. The only time she wasn't yelling at me or being hateful was when she was cooking for me. So as a young girl I learned quick to ask her to cook for me. Consequently I was heavy all my life.

Finally, I got away. I moved to college and started dating a guy much like my mom. You can imagine I kept gaining. Well after graduation he left me. This was the wake up call I needed. I didn't know what to do with my life. I was miserable and didn't even know it.

So I did what every lost 20 something does - run off and join the army. Too bad I was too out of shape for them. So I started to get in shape for uncle sam.

It was slow. I was discouraged because I couldn't do anything. All that weight was killing my joints. I was injured some way or another all the time. But I stuck with it.

Eventually, after a year of struggles and emotional breakdowns I was where I wanted to be: 125 lbs. Kick boxing and Brazilian jui jitsu melted the weight off me, and I loved it. So I kept doing it.

Turns out because of an unrelated medical reason uncle sam didn't want me. But I knew what I wanted to do with my life. I was so proud and happy with myself I wanted to help others get to their goals, so I studied up and became a personal trainer. So that's my story. Pleased to share it with you. Feel free to talk to me about anything!

And as soon as I figure out how to post pics, I will!


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    You have accomplished a lot. Keep doing great! <3
  • marsh5224
    marsh5224 Posts: 34 Member
    You are awesome!! I too grew up with a mom that was mentally unstable and was never sure what form of abuse was next. I stuffed my feelings down with food.

    You have accomplished so much more than just weight loss!! So proud of you!!!
  • Imelda275
    Imelda275 Posts: 13 Member
    That's a great lady! I still am struggling with my weight! I should buggle down! I need to do more! I'm 69 years old. It's time! I am still 180 lbs better than 200..
  • CalPolyBronco
    CalPolyBronco Posts: 201 Member
    That's so awesome! What a huge loss despite all your hardship. You have a lot to be proud of. :)
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