Where do I begin lifting heavy weights?

So, about 2 years ago I was on MFP after I had my third baby and lost all my baby weight (ok, most of it). I did the Strong Lifts 5x5 program and I really liked the results. Well, I got pregnant again and had my fourth baby this past July and I've decided it's time to get this baby weight off now and forever. Where do I start? Anyone have any info about the SL program? I forget exactly what it entails. Thanks.


  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    There is both the web site and a group here on MFP. Think the site is just stronglifts.com. I'm in a group of women who do SL and there also explanation there. It's basically: day A = squat, bench, row(pendlay but some do bent over instead) and day B = squat, overhead press and deadlift. 3 days a week, switching between A and B.
  • Grinder777
    Grinder777 Posts: 21 Member
    Stronglifts is completly free, sry google it.
  • scarletvikarby
    scarletvikarby Posts: 6 Member
    I'm doing a Body Beast/Turbo Fire Hybrid and love it. I'm finishing up week 5 and already seeing strength gains.
  • AsISmile
    AsISmile Posts: 1,004 Member
    Yeah, just check out the stronglifts site. It includes the program and instructions plus videos all for free.
    They also have an app that is supposedly very good.

    As where to start. Familiarize yourself with the program and the moves, go the the gym and pick up the barbell.
  • Grinder777
    Grinder777 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm doing a Body Beast/Turbo Fire Hybrid and love it.

    I have been lifting for a long time and dont know what that is, sry girls but weight is on the ground, lift it up Thats it. And repeat, since this was thread that asks about stronglifts, which is one of the best beginner programs, is it to much to ask that u google it. There are about a 10k advices how to do that. From I am 300 lbs overweight to I cant see my bud in a mirror because its so small
  • Grinder777
    Grinder777 Posts: 21 Member
    Yeah, just check out the stronglifts site. It includes the program and instructions plus videos all for free.
    They also have an app that is supposedly very good.

    Honestly for a beginner and most women for the rest of their lives stronglifts is the best workout you can get. Its focused on the larger muscle groups and in training them u stress the smaller. If u get fed up with SL there are other options, but even a professional Bodybuilder will always include those
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    Go to the stronglifts website, tons of info there about the program and videos on form to use. Also, the stronglifts app is great. It's easy to use and it's free, but their are "extras" that you can add on for a small fee. If you liked stronglifts before, you'll like it this time too.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    Stronglifts is a great restarting point.