Returning and trying again - still on steroids and making ex

Hi everyone I'm Jayne, 41 and mum to Sam, 2.5 and stepmum to Max 13. I used MyFitnessPal last year and had brilliant results but fell off the wagon big style and now another stone to lose on top of the 3 from before!

I suffer from Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder and I've been on steroids for over 2 years so I don't find losing weight easy and know that I have to exercise like mad to get anywhere but will needs lots of support and motivation to do that!

I also work full time and have both the kids to look after every night, usually on my own so I find lots of excuses not to do things or reasons why I need to eat their sweets and chocolates.

Anyway, good luck to everyone else and would like new friends so please feel free to add me and I'll encourage everyone I can.




  • beckymorris68
    beckymorris68 Posts: 44 Member
    Totally feeling your comment about finding excuses to eat little one's sweets and chocolates :-)
    Luckily, my son loves fruit, so maybe I should just stop buying the rubbish food?
  • SarahLovesCheesecake
    Like the above ladies style about the msg she wants to get across to you. However I thing the message is, why do you have sweets and chocolates in the house?
  • jetsec
    jetsec Posts: 79
    Thanks for the reply ladies and unfortunately my stepson (who lives with us full time) is on a high calorie, high fat diet due to being severely underweight (bad start in life) and the dietician at the hospital says chocolate, biscuits, sweets and crips as well as a healthy diet, hence the reason they are in the house!

  • roseymacdoo
    roseymacdoo Posts: 113 Member
    Welcome back Jayne xx :happy:

    We're all here for you, feel free to message me (on here or FB) if you feel a wobble coming on in the evenings - my Steve works on an evening so I know that temptation to pick at the kids stash of sweet things once they're in bed and I'm on my own!! We can help each other stay away from the biscuit tin lol!! :laugh:

  • jetsec
    jetsec Posts: 79
    Thanks hun, you have done/are doing absolutely amazing. Do you have any specific things you do on a day to day basis? What exercise do you do?

    I had a really good day yesterday and I know I can do this!

    Speak to you soon.

  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Not a clue what dose steroids you are on but I know from personal experience that they increase your weight, firstly with lots of water retention and secondly that they increase your appetite...a gnawing hunger that really is nigh on impossible to ignore.

    I keep high protein foods on hand to have as snacks...hard boiled eggs and cottage cheese mainly. I only eat the white of hard boiled eggs (hate hard boiled yolk) as they're only 16 calories per egg white you can have 4 or 5 if the hunger strikes. Protein will fill you for longer too...bonus!
  • jetsec
    jetsec Posts: 79
    Thanks for the egg tip, I boiled some eggs last night and forgot to bring them to work today so will enjoy them tonight instead!

    I am on low dose steroids 7.5mg per day.

    You're doing fantastic, well done!

  • roseymacdoo
    roseymacdoo Posts: 113 Member
    Nothing really specific to be honest, my 'before' diet was so appalling, I hadn't realised how much my portion sizes had got out of control, and I'd always finish off Rose's leftovers....

    I guess the big thing for me has been being really honest with myself and logging literally every bite I eat - which is why if you look at my diary you'll see the odd chicken dipper or half a sausage logged when I pick at Rose's plate :laugh:

    I've also been determined not to deny myself anything, if I want cake I'll eat cake! I just have to have something really light for my tea.

    In the beginning I had a strict 'no food once kids in bed' rule but after about 6 months I relaxed that a bit.

    For me I think the key to it has been breaking bad habits (snacks & portion sizes especially) and recognising that this is not a 'quick' process and I'm in it for the long haul. I'm almost 11 months in now and I fully expect it to take me to at least Xmas to get to my goal. And then I know the hard work will really begin trying to maintain!

    C x

    To be honest I've not done that much exercise which is something I really need to change now as I need to seriously tone up!
  • lollypop30
    lollypop30 Posts: 10
    I am in a similar boat to you in that I lost weight last year (3 1/2 stone) and then have ended up putting 4 1/2 stone back on! I started on here a week ago and I have lost 8lbs so I find it a really easy way to keep a track of my calories and everyone on here seems really supportive and friendly. Feel free to message me if you get stuck for motivation!
    Lorraine x