
Okay so over the last month or two I have started eating a lot less carbs...i wouldn't really say I'm purposely cutting carbs I just find that since picking up healthy eating and just maintaining a whole lifestyle change that I do not eat as much bread/rice/pasta as before in fact I don't really eat any of these things! I do have granola almost every morning and I have potatos or cous cous with dinner most nights! With random sandwich thins the odd day...I am definitely not depriving myself I just find filling up on vegetables, fruit and meat helps me stay full and energised through the day. I recently had a kidney infection and while having a urine test my doctor pointed out I had an abnormally large level of ketones in my urine which I believe means I am burning fat instead of carbs/sugar for energy which is a process called ketosis? The doctor also touched on how I will now have to be diabetes tested (at 22 years old and healthy living this is the last thing I wanted to hear) and in the 9 days after having this conversation I dropped 7lbs with no exercise and not an overly great diet.

What I am querying this ketosis process healthy/safe? I know some people aim to put their body through this during ketogenic diets...! Something about it just doesn't sit with me and I'm worried I'm doing my body damage...there's a lot of stuff online regarding how it can affect your metabolism or lead to thyroid issues later in life!

Just wanted to know if anybody had any info or help?


  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    Ketosis isn't a problem if it's from your diet, and not from something else like uncontrolled diabetes. In weight loss, some elevation in urine ketone levels is going to be normal - it's just a symptom of fat loss. Extreme levels of fat burning can lead to a state called ketoacidosis, which can be very bad, but if you're eating some carbs and losing at a healthy rate you should be OK.
  • pattyuma19
    pattyuma19 Posts: 5 Member
    Oh that's okay then! Thanks very much for the response! The more I read about it the more it seems that, as you say, the ketone levels are just a result of weight/fat loss and even more so in a low carb diet! The way the doctor said it though was as if I was about to drop dead in front of her...she was all pursed lips and squinty eyed about it haha
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    LOL. I can picture that. Doctors have the dangers of ketoacidosis drilled into them so it probably isn't surprising she panicked.

    Ketoacidosis involves very high ketones, a good ten times higher that that which is achievable through nutritional ketosis, along with extremely high blood glucose readings (nutritional ketosis usually results in lowered BG). A quick BG test will tell the tale. ;)
  • I eat 100-150g of carbs per day, so I'm not following a ketogenic diet. No diabetes or prediabetes. My latest labs showed very low fasting blood sugar and ketones in my urine. My doctor didn't say anything about it.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I eat 100-150g of carbs per day, so I'm not following a ketogenic diet. No diabetes or prediabetes. My latest labs showed very low fasting blood sugar and ketones in my urine. My doctor didn't say anything about it.

    You are probably on the edge of ketosis if you are showing ketones. Some people enter mild ketosis at higher rates of carbs, especially if they are fairly active.
  • pattyuma19
    pattyuma19 Posts: 5 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    LOL. I can picture that. Doctors have the dangers of ketoacidosis drilled into them so it probably isn't surprising she panicked.

    Ketoacidosis involves very high ketones, a good ten times higher that that which is achievable through nutritional ketosis, along with extremely high blood glucose readings (nutritional ketosis usually results in lowered BG). A quick BG test will tell the tale. ;)

    I'm being pulled in for a bit of an all over check up next week! Hopefully that will put her mind at ease haha! Thanks a lot guys - really appreciate it!
  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    pattyuma19 wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    LOL. I can picture that. Doctors have the dangers of ketoacidosis drilled into them so it probably isn't surprising she panicked.

    Ketoacidosis involves very high ketones, a good ten times higher that that which is achievable through nutritional ketosis, along with extremely high blood glucose readings (nutritional ketosis usually results in lowered BG). A quick BG test will tell the tale. ;)

    I'm being pulled in for a bit of an all over check up next week! Hopefully that will put her mind at ease haha! Thanks a lot guys - really appreciate it!

    Oh good, I'm glad you're going to go ahead and get checked just in case. Always best to be sure.