When did you start with Beachbody?

It seems like BB has really gained popularity in the past few years. When did you start using Beachbody? I started in 2005 with Slim in 6.


  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    2007 with Turbo Jam:bigsmile:
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Just started it 3 days ago with P90X! Loving it so far!!!
  • rileymama
    rileymama Posts: 196 Member
    Just started a couple weeks ago with Power 90 :)
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    Feb 2010 with P90X. I've done P90X Plus, Insanity, and am doing Asylum now and will do a P90X/Asylum hybrid until MC2 comes out.
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    Started in 2009 with Power 90, and since have completed 1 round of P90X, and currently doing Turbo Fire (although, not diligently).
  • brian90
    brian90 Posts: 285 Member
    I started September 2009. I first started with P90X. I have done insanity and some asylum. Mixing it up now.
  • _Jenni_
    _Jenni_ Posts: 2
    I did the Insanity last year about this time. I didn't skip a beat. My results weren't anything like I had anticipated. I put myself through pure hell for nothing! I will never do that again. I will stick to my running.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I started P90X in 2009.
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    Hello! :-D
    My cousin gave me the p90 DVDs around a year ago when Alice was about 6 months. I did them kind of lethargically and wasn't dieting at all; I just found it hard to get to the gym so I thought I should supplement at home. I maintained my weight for a while.

    It was only a month or so ago that I decided to actually do the program and now I'm super excited to try and work my way through at least p90 and p90MS (although the Plyo stuff intimidates me)... and maybe even try P90x Lean? Woooo
  • sonia_vive
    I started doing Turbo Jam in 2009, and loved it so much for cardio endurance!

    I have tried other things like Boot Camps and gyms to try and switch it up because it was no longer a challenge for me. I have recently restarted Turbo Jam and fell in love with it again! There is nothing like Chalene's motivation and energy!

    I will be starting Turbo Fire as soon as it arrives, and cannot wait! It looks like a great program!
  • amberlee2011
    amberlee2011 Posts: 129
    I started with The Firm back in 2002 I believe. They had the VHS tapes and the small square two-part stepper. I did good with that for awhile, but the work outs were pretty long and I didn't always have time for a 60 minute work out. They came out with the new DVDs and step and I bought those also, but never really committed. I'm more of an outdoors person and I love walking and biking the best, but I live in Michigan, which has 4-5 months of winter. I'm going to try and pull out all of my beach body videos on a rainy day and pick one to do. I figured I'd start with walking though, so I don't burn out and throw in the towel like I have so many times in the past.
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    I started with The Firm back in 2002 I believe. They had the VHS tapes and the small square two-part stepper. I did good with that for awhile, but the work outs were pretty long and I didn't always have time for a 60 minute work out. They came out with the new DVDs and step and I bought those also, but never really committed. I'm more of an outdoors person and I love walking and biking the best, but I live in Michigan, which has 4-5 months of winter. I'm going to try and pull out all of my beach body videos on a rainy day and pick one to do. I figured I'd start with walking though, so I don't burn out and throw in the towel like I have so many times in the past.

    Is The Firm a beachbody product? I have used the VHSs also and loved them! I still use the blue/purple step!
  • rachel0923
    rachel0923 Posts: 137 Member
    The Firm isn't a Beachbody product. I actually started doing home workouts in 2004 with The Firm!
  • rachel0923
    rachel0923 Posts: 137 Member
    I wonder what has caused such a boost in popularity? I think they started their coaching program in 2007ish, and maybe that resulted in more word of mouth instead of just the infomercials? I admit that I still love their infomercials! I own most of their programs, even used the YBB prenatal.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I wonder what has caused such a boost in popularity? I think they started their coaching program in 2007ish, and maybe that resulted in more word of mouth instead of just the infomercials? I admit that I still love their infomercials! I own most of their programs, even used the YBB prenatal.

    Yes, they started the coaching opportunity in 2007. So that has definitely increased their popularity. Also they advertising budget has increased significantly. Plus they have 5 of the top 10 infomercials out there.

    Are you a coach?
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    April 25th, 2011 with ChaLEAN Extreme.
    After CLX will be TF starting August 8th :)
  • mommyJto3
    mommyJto3 Posts: 139 Member
    2008 with 10 minute trainer. i picked it back up last year with Insanity, then moved on to P90X and currently in Round 2.
  • rachel0923
    rachel0923 Posts: 137 Member
    I wonder what has caused such a boost in popularity? I think they started their coaching program in 2007ish, and maybe that resulted in more word of mouth instead of just the infomercials? I admit that I still love their infomercials! I own most of their programs, even used the YBB prenatal.

    Yes, they started the coaching opportunity in 2007. So that has definitely increased their popularity. Also they advertising budget has increased significantly. Plus they have 5 of the top 10 infomercials out there.

    Are you a coach?

    No, I'm not a coach! Just love BB products. I became a coach briefly to get the Showcase pack (I think that's what it is called?).
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Started years ago with Turbo Jam. Then I did Insanity about 3 months ago and now I'm doing the ChaLean Extreme/Turbo Fire hybrid. One of my MFP friends is trying to get me to move on to Asylum next but I think she's just talking crazy. :laugh:
  • learnbygoing
    learnbygoing Posts: 103 Member
    I started in spring 2010 with Slim in 6. I tried ChaLEAN Extreme next, but only got through the second phase before quitting...2 and a half months ago I started CLX again, and I'm a week and a half from finishing it! Trying to decide what to do next. Chalene is my fav :D I adore her.