Looking for motivation!

I downloaded this app a year ago when I was 35 pounds lighter but I gave up because I thought, "Who cares?" but I'm back a year later and unfortunately heavier and I REALLY want to be successful this time so I'm looking for some friends that will help me stick to it! I was always fairly small and then I moved to a tiny town and there's no one here to do anything with and the grocery store is full of crappy food that's unhealthy. Their produce section is a joke so I ended up gaining weight fairly quickly. I'm sick of hating what I see in the mirror but I talk myself out of healthy options so easily. So, anyone who wants to add me and keep me motivated, go for it! I'll be a rad motivator in return! Also looking for good recipes that are healthy and don't taste awful. Haha. I love to cook. :)


  • sam24572
    sam24572 Posts: 8 Member
    Loving to cook can be a curse at times lol. I'm here for you!
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    Welcome back ....you are more than welcome to add me .... I love using the websites skinnytaste.com ....emilybites.com......canyoustayfordinner.com .....chef-in-training.com for healthy meals ....wishing you much success :)
  • revolutionacid
    revolutionacid Posts: 7 Member
    Yeah Sam, I always want to cook stuff and that's awful and awesome at the same time. Haha.

    And thanks smartypants!
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Wishing you the very best of luck!
  • pierceygirl
    pierceygirl Posts: 7 Member
    I'm having some success now after years of yo-yo'ing. Now, I don't eat flour or sugar. That rule alone has made my food choices more simple. If I am hungry between meals I eat a poached egg or two and wait 15 minutes before I make a decision to eat. Good luck.
  • liinaKi
    liinaKi Posts: 1 Member
    I'm actually going thru a very similar situation rn and I'm also looking for some motivation so yeah I'm here for ya ;-)
  • revolutionacid
    revolutionacid Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks everyone! I really appreciate all of the support. I'm actually looking forward to making healthier decisions. So far I haven't really made any huge dietary changes. I eat more fruits and vegetables than I normally did and I avoid sugar (which isn't hard because I've never really been a big fan of sweets). I think my biggest problem is going to be drinking in a few days for my dad's birthday and then again 2 weeks after that for Halloween and my birthday.