Weight Gain from Anti-Depressants



  • glow5worm
    glow5worm Posts: 7 Member
    I have had the same experience, my current cocktail which include Zyprexa, Luvox, Lyrica and Vallium has seen me gain 60punds in the last year. I have joined MFP to try and keep motivated and lose the weight. I have gotten to the point with the way the weight gain makes me feel that I said to my Dr I would rather be mad than this fat. I know I have to take the medications to be well so I am using MFP to really make a difference in health
  • BethMilledge
    BethMilledge Posts: 367 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • hlds
    hlds Posts: 1 Member
    You're not alone. I have been on Lexapro for 8 years and have gained about 40lbs. My doctors have said it can mess with one's ability to feel full. I really have to stop and ask am I really hungry. At my most recent physical it was suggested I switch to a weight neutral drug bc he believes it is messing with my metabolism. The amount of exercise and the absolute strictness in diet it takes me to move the scale is an indicator that the meds may be to blame. Keep talking to your doctor bc every body and reaction to the meds is different and it may be a combo of overeating and the meds or may be the meds themselves.
  • greenmaria
    greenmaria Posts: 20 Member
    It's hard for me to know if it's meds or just the stage of life I'm in that have caused so much weight gain. On the one hand, I've been on Lexapro for years now, and my weight has steadily gone up. On the other hand, I'm 41, I've had three kids, I'm more sedentary, and it's the time of life that metabolism slows down. :*
  • munky_do
    munky_do Posts: 40 Member
    I just took myself off Celexa completely after weaning myself off for a month or so. Since taking them in late-2013, I've gained 40-50 lbs!! I notice already that I don't have the sugary/salty cravings I would constantly have when I was on them. Working out regularly at high-energy aerobics didn't move my weight one bit. Most of the weight gain from the antidepressant has been in my abdomen, whereas I've always tended to gain weight elsewhere and my belly was the one thing that I didn't have to worry about so much. I can only hope that with the cravings controlled, the weight will fall off with exercise. I can honestly say that the antidepressants were worth it at the time when I needed them though.