Anybody else starve after they work out??



  • ljaglady
    ljaglady Posts: 39
    I find I am scared to eat more than my calorie goal...... I know I am exercising every day and eating good but I do not like the idea of eating more. It's hard for me to eat that much too without eating badly.
  • RosieGB33nz
    RosieGB33nz Posts: 142
    I usually have a protein shake with skim milk and that usually lasts but if im still peckish i will have a small hand full of almonds or pretzels. I always workout before dinner because i go crazy with hunger after so if i had tea before, i would need to snack again!! Balance Divine chocolate protein shake is amazing, i get excited knowing im going to have one haha
  • ljaglady
    ljaglady Posts: 39
    Oh man that sounds like a treat!! I would work out just for one of those!
  • kroman911
    kroman911 Posts: 11
    For some reason, I always fiend for chicken or beef after I work out....It must be a protein thing haha I have learned that a 1/2 portion of a protein shake ( I use Muscle Milk Light Powder - Vanilla Creme) does just the trick to curb the hunger feeling and it's not a lot of calories to pack on afterwards.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I find I am scared to eat more than my calorie goal...... I know I am exercising every day and eating good but I do not like the idea of eating more. It's hard for me to eat that much too without eating badly.

    Well try to at least hit your calorie goal; you don't have to go over. Like i said you're netting below 1200 on many days. That's not eating well; it's eating poorly. As far as eating more and keeping it healthy, just plan ahead.

    It can be done. Take fear out of the equation. Ignore the fear. It's irrational.
  • ljaglady
    ljaglady Posts: 39
    Lol easier said than done. I do really try to eat my calorie goal. I just don't hit it very often
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Well I'm pretty much confused now.
  • ljaglady
    ljaglady Posts: 39
    Never mind then, thank you for the advice!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    Never mind then, thank you for the advice!

    Problem is, you really aren't hitting your goal with working out after you add in your workout points. You feel hungry because you aren't eating enough, in my opinion. Have you noticed it's hard to lose weight or are you still losing? Also, I workout from 8-915 every night. I take a shower and then make a protein shake (1 scoop of EAS Whey Protein powder and 8 oz of fat free milk). Keep in mind different types of protein break down faster. Whey protein (which can be taken with water) breaks down in 30 minutes to an hour. This means it goes through your system quickly. Also, you have an hour timeframe, post workout, where your body is primed to take in nutrients. This is the best time to take in some protein. Ammino acids are critical to muscle growth.

    Next, your diet is rather lacking. it seems liek there is a ton of processed foods and fast food. You need to get better foods like chicken breast, turkey (the white meat), and ham, and maybe some eggs. Also, I woud look to reduce your carbs and add a bit more protein. If you give more information, i can probably help. If you don't mind me telling me your weight (on here or over private message). This way i can calculate your BMR to see if you are eating enough. But generally, when your says feed me, you should. Food is fuel and if you don't have enough fuel, you won't lose and you won't have energy.
  • ljaglady
    ljaglady Posts: 39
    My weight is 161 and im 5'5. Im not sure what processed foods you're talking about. I thought I was doing really well :( I have been losing weight very slowly though. Any advice is welcome :)
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    For what it's worth, I do not eat my exercise calories back but I set my total intake to 1500 calories (comes out to 1.2 lbs per week loss if I don't workout at all). I was on 1200 and just couldn't do it with burning 800-1000 calories at the gym every day.

    I've been on a steady 2 lb per week decline for the last 9 weeks now. If you stick to lean proteins and a lot of veggies (raw or steamed is best) with no-salt (or very low salt) and low sugar condiments, it keeps you full a long time.

    Hang in there! Everyone is different so you'll have to see what works for you :)
  • ljaglady
    ljaglady Posts: 39
    Thank you so much! I'll try that.... I just can't seem to reach my goals with 1200 so maybe I'll up my calories to 1500!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Thank you so much! I'll try that.... I just can't seem to reach my goals with 1200 so maybe I'll up my calories to 1500!

    I think the thing to remember is you didn't gain the weight overnight. This journey of getting healthy not a sprint but a marathon and the time doesn't really matter. Do it the way that works for you :)
  • kjstaley70
    kjstaley70 Posts: 15 Member
    I love your post. I really had never thought about it but I am thirsty not hungry immediately after the work out. About an hour or so later I get hungry and that is about mid morning snack time so I try for fruit and a cheese stick. I work out after breakfast usually which probably helps. Make sure you are getting enough fluids and if you aren't hitting your minimum calories make sure you do so. Otherwise you may be hungry all day!! Good luck!!:smile:
  • ljaglady
    ljaglady Posts: 39
    Thanks for the support!!! I appreciate it!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    My weight is 161 and im 5'5. Im not sure what processed foods you're talking about. I thought I was doing really well :( I have been losing weight very slowly though. Any advice is welcome :)

    well that is good you are still losing weight. It means you are still maintaining a deficit. Now the bigger question is weather or not the weight loss is from fat or muscle loss. Any chance you can get your body fat read? BF% is the best indicator on weather or not you are losing appropriately. It's ok if you aren't losing much weight but you are losing body fat.

    Also, any chance you can look at your sugar intake and sodium?
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I eat after a workout. In fact I have my biggest meals after working out. You've just burned a bunch of calories and your body is screaming for nutrition it only makes sense to feed it. Just make sure it's good, wholesome food.

    I looked at your diary and you really aren't eating enough. Let go of the fear of overeating. You could also stand to add a bit more green veg. A small salad with your lunch or dinner. or a cup of steamed or roasted veg. An easy ways to add some calories would be a bit of nut butter (peanut butter or almond butter) and cheese. They are not the enemy and a little goes a long way. Another boost would be protein shakes. They are good either pre or post workout. Just try not to use them so much that you are too full to get your water in.
  • ljaglady
    ljaglady Posts: 39
    I know I am always over my sugar intake but unless I eat only lean protein and veggies, I can't stay under them :( I can get my BF% read at my gym I think so I'll do that today when I go :D I don't think I'm losing muscle because I can see the muscles starting to pop up every where from working out! But I will have it checked!
  • rrmyguy
    rrmyguy Posts: 1
    I try to take in most of my protien of the day right after a work out, the window is about 45 mins to an hour after a work out. Then I'll eat my dinner at about 6:30 and If I need a snack I'll eat some cheese cubes or some fruit salad..... thats just me, never been afraid to eat after a work out, thats when your muscles need stuff to rebuild......
  • ljaglady
    ljaglady Posts: 39
    Yeah, it seems to be the general consensus that I should eat after my workout! I'm going to try a protein shake after my workout today!
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