50 next year, need to lose 100lb but I'm an avid cook who hates exercise!

rattrayf Posts: 4 Member
edited October 2015 in Introduce Yourself
I was a slim and fairly sporty throughout my childhood but have struggled with weight since the age of 18. I love cooking (I cook pretty much everything from scratch) and gardening and hate most forms of exercise. I would love to connect with anyone in similar circumstances.


  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 562 Member
    Maybe you just haven't found the right exercise for you. :wink: Cooking is great for a healthy lifestyle -- just have to be careful what you cook. Feel free to add me -- I've done tons of different exercise types -- happy to help.
  • rattrayf
    rattrayf Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you, I will
  • SpecialKH
    SpecialKH Posts: 70 Member
    Cooking is great because you can try all sorts of low calorie, highly nutritious foods! No added crap that comes with pre-made meals!

    And you can always walk. Even if it's just a 30 minute walk after dinner every day. Like you I don't care for exercise and considered it a necessary evil. Then I tried the couch-to-5K program (C25K) for running and actually really like it! Amazing for ME. What I learned is I don't like inside exercise. I like being outside. I get to clear my head and enjoy the scenery that way. It just takes trying stuff until you find something that works for you. Maybe you won't like it but you just won't hate it. And then one day suddenly to look forward to it, like I did. Good luck!
  • jorgepena45
    jorgepena45 Posts: 23 Member
    There will come a time when you will have to make a choice. I hope kts not too late
  • hakamruth
    hakamruth Posts: 124 Member
    I love to cook as well. I especially love to cook gourmet dishes that I can find in magazines like Food & Wine. Unfortunately they are high fat and high calorie dishes. But there are plethora of recipes online that will help you figure out a healthier version of your favorite dishes. Don't be afraid of looking for vegan friendly dishes. I am not vegan, big meat eater. However, I had to find vegan friendly recipes for friends and they were delicious and very healthy. I once made an apple crisp that was quick, easy, healthy, and vegan friendly that people preferred from one bought from a bakery. By cooking your own food you are controlling what exactly you will be putting in your body.

    Gardening is a form of exercise. And depending on what you are doing you can burn a lot of calories. My husband has a large vegetable garden so when he lays down manure he burns a lot of calories. The point is to keep as active as possible whatever you do, even when cleaning house. I would look for activities that you like to do. I love to dance so I go dancing and zumba. The more active you become the more you will want to increase the level of intensity and may want to try other types of exercise now the road.

    You know your passions just make them work for you and not against you.
  • rattrayf
    rattrayf Posts: 4 Member
    Yes, vegan recipes are a good idea. I have a couple of vegan cookbooks for that reason, thank you for reminding me to go back to them. I like dancing too and have often considered this might be more appealing than straightforward exercise. I have looked for some dancing videos and DVDs. If anyone has any suggestions...
  • joanne9469
    joanne9469 Posts: 5 Member
    I am also turning the big 50 next year!!! I just want to be healthy I have lost 67 getting the last 48 off... I would love if you can share some recipes.. I use leslie Sansone DVD's for walking (you just put on her DVD and you can walk in the house) She is so much fun... Thanks for your post
  • zebras1977
    zebras1977 Posts: 28 Member
    I play music while cooking and usually end up dancing. I love cooking for my family but have learned to adapt our meals to make them healthier for myself.
  • klkarlen
    klkarlen Posts: 4,366 Member
    rattrayf wrote: »
    Yes, vegan recipes are a good idea. I have a couple of vegan cookbooks for that reason, thank you for reminding me to go back to them. I like dancing too and have often considered this might be more appealing than straightforward exercise. I have looked for some dancing videos and DVDs. If anyone has any suggestions...

    You can even dance while cooking, while stirring a pot, or while washing the dishes. I've been known to walk laps around the center island in my kitchen while waiting for something to finish baking.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I love to cook too and it has made me struggle a bit with weight loss. You just can't make a light cupcake. However, I've bought the skinnytaste cookbook and I really like some of the recipes in it. You can get most for free on her blog. www.skinnytaste.com.

    I did have to majorly cut back on baking. When I bake the diet just goes to *kitten* and I like to drink when baking so it's a double whammy.
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    joanne9469 wrote: »
    I am also turning the big 50 next year!!! I just want to be healthy I have lost 67 getting the last 48 off... I would love if you can share some recipes.. I use leslie Sansone DVD's for walking (you just put on her DVD and you can walk in the house) She is so much fun... Thanks for your post

    I am a few years away from the big 5-0 but I still have quite a bit of weight to lose. To piggyback on what others have said, being able to cook is great because you can cook healthy foods and make them taste good. I experiment with different veggies and different ways to cook them. I also love the Leslie Sansone Videos. When I first started I could barely finish the 1 mile walk now I do the two mile or I do the 1 mile twice a day. My goal is to up that to three miles in the next few weeks. You can do it sister!!1
  • rattrayf
    rattrayf Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone. I have a Leslie Sansone video (still in its wrapper), time to start using it! I will be checking into all your other recommendations.
  • ShashayLee
    ShashayLee Posts: 178 Member
    edited October 2015
    I love Zumba & bellydance for exercise. The music is totally awesome for both! I may not move right but i'm moving & love it lol. All the best in your journey to health!
  • professorcook
    professorcook Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm 45 and struggled with weight since I was 13. I've lost, gained lost again. Typical yo-yo! Tired of it! I want this time to be the last life change! am bigger than ever have been at 250
    5' 11. My goal is 170!. Btw: I just quit smoking at the same time. Ugh! Let's do this!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I love to cook, too. There's tons of room to learn to cook and portion food to lose weight. I give away most of my baking and many of my slow cooker meals, too. I have just two to cook for. I small tip; when cooking, fill a sink with warm soapy water and wash as you go. This will limit your sampling as you cook.

    It's a pretty good sign that a person is ready to take on a weight loss enterprise when they start listing the things they are ready to try instead of all the obstacles.

    When I decided to get more active, I tried dozens of different activities until I found those that fit. I find the treadmill deadly boring, so I don't. I like my activity to get me somewhere so I like running. I also love Zumba, Yoga, and skating.
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    Gardening can also be great exercise. Make a bigger garden and design it to be as year round as possible depending on your climate. You could extend gardening into general yard work and that really burns calories..especially fall clean-up I'm finding out.
  • seerer3
    seerer3 Posts: 1 Member
    Lots of good advice...a missing piece is the habit part, when you change or replace good habits for bad habits, you can make life long changes. I suggest reading some articles by James Clear or log onto Fat Happens on Mondays (Josh Hillis). Great stuff...adopting one small habit that you think will help you reach your goals (like drinking more water) for two weeks or until it IS a habit will help you stay on track. Sometimes we can get overwhelmed by the task at hand, it helps to break it into baby steps, and celebrate your advances. Consistency beats intensity--you can do this! And remember, everyone stumbles...the "successful" people are those that get back on track. I hope this helps...I know Clear and Hollis have really helped me in working towards my goals.