all I want to do is eat and eat my feelings today-need ideas

I am so sad today all I want to do is eat a big chocolate cake. My grandmother died over a year ago and she was an incredibly important person in my life. This may sound silly, but everytime there was a heat wave I would call on her to make sure she was okay, her AC was working, and that she would stay inside. This is the first heat wave that we have had since she passed and I am just so depressed that there is no one to make that phone call to anymore. All I want to do is bury my sorrows in Coca cola, chocolate cake, high fat mac & cheese, etc....I just want to eat and eat. Any ideas on how to deal without blowing my calories? I am obviously an emotional overeater if you have not noticed.


  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    Take out your feelings on a good workout instead. Then treat yourself to one thing that isn't so good for you...
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Sorry for your loss. If you can, get out of the house and go for a walk. If it's too hot outside, go to a large store or somewhere where you could walk inside. Just do something that will allow you to take your mind off things for a while.
  • sallycheese
    sorry you are feeling so down xxx how about meringue nests with sweet fruits to cure that sweet craving you are having
  • Kjanthony
    Kjanthony Posts: 39
    take a walk or go somewhere where there is no food available and try to remember the good times with your grandma. i am sorry for your lose.
  • skizzizme
    skizzizme Posts: 14
    My heart cries for you today. Instead of eating your sorrows, think of how proud your Grandma would be of your progress to get healthy. Think of a tall glass of Iced tea and toast to a wonderful summer memory of her. Then turn your frown upside down. Smile to know she lives on in your heart. Maybe hit the mall for window shopping and a walk in the AC. Don't eat it! Your ticker shows Super progress.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    I don't know waht to say , but (HUGS!) When you feel like this is there another way od remebering her? i was partly bought up by my Grandma , she be gone many years now, she had a nick name to to do with robins( a small english bird) and when i see one i remember her and smile . maybe you could do some volantry work with older people,or get involed with a charity , what did she like gardening , baking somethink do something that would make her proud of you .. but do grieve its inportant, to rember specialy people . (HUHGS)
  • bwesser
    bwesser Posts: 61
    I've found that I am the same way... and the only thing I can tell you is to talk to someone. My boyfriend is very athletic and comes from an all natural, healthy family. He's known nothing else. He doesn't understand why I eat to make me feel better. So talk it out. Stay away from the kitchen, get on the phone, and talk to someone who is willing to listen. Next thing you know, an hour as gone by, and maybe some tears, but in the end... you don't feel like eating.

    Also, if it's nice out, take a long walk. It gives you time to think, and keeps you away from food. It doesn't have to be a fast walk, but you can burn calories as well... even if you're going 2mph. It might make you feel better when you decide to have a small dessert after dinner. :)

    I'm also sorry for your loss, I know it can be hard. I lost my grandfather the week I went away for college 4 years ago... I still think about him and it makes me sad. I know you'll pull through... try a walk and maybe even ask a friend or neighbor to go with you so that you can talk as well. It's helped me out in the past.
  • nicolerah
    nicolerah Posts: 440 Member
    Hi.. sorry to read about your sadness... Might I suggest thinking about how proud your gran would be of you if she was here. I'm sure she would be happy to know that you are doing something this good for yourself! I agree with jrueckert, take out some of the negative feelings on a workout. Good luck!
  • RoxMyWorld
    RoxMyWorld Posts: 127 Member
    I am an emotional eater too. I have tried turning to my work outs. When I am sad or mad I work out. Not only is it better then eating but it really does help de-stress for sure.
  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    I'm sorry for your loss :( Maybe treat yourself to a nice pedicure (its so hot, i am sure you are rocking sandals!) or when i get really down, i will have my girlfriend over to have a *single* drink, and just distract me. You will feel better soon. And think of how proud she would be that you are rocking your commitment to weight loss, thats AWESOME!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Big hugs to you! I have the same issues. The last time I spoke to my grandma was Mother's Day and she died at the end of May (she was in Poland with my grandpa celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary). I think about her everyday, but the whole month of May is so difficult for me. I'm very overprotective about my grandpa now and I wanted to check on him yesterday because of the heat. I freaked out because I couldn't get a hold of him and drove to his house to find out he lost power. Food was my comfort (even though my stomach was killing me from all the stress). I had Taco Bell on my way home last night.

    It's funny how we think food will make us feel better when all Taco Bell did was make me sick last night (and into this morning). It's a good thing to admit that we are emotional eaters and that sometimes this gets the better of us.

    Try to do things to keep your grandma's memory alive. My grandma's bday was in July. She loved baseball. We are going to a baseball game on her birthday to celebrate her life and to try not to be sad on a day that we would miss her the most. Is there something that your grandma did or liked that you can do in her memory now? Take up one of her hobbies to pass the time instead of eating.

    Friend request sent to you :flowerforyou:
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    thanks for the hugs and advice. I am going to just take the day in stride. I am going to make some comfort food (spaghetti with sauce and TVP) and have a water ice tonight. I miss her, but I know she wouldn't want me to "eat my sorrow." Thanks for the support. :flowerforyou: