Not losing weight after training 4 times a week so trying fitness pal!!

looking for people who are competitive to keep me going !!!!!!


  • rnohou2010
    rnohou2010 Posts: 271 Member
    Funny how exercise never seems to be the key for me for losing weight. Sure, we all know exercise burns calories and boosts metabolism. And I do work out a lot. But for me, calorie intake is the key factor.

    In any case, we're here for you!
  • linsey80
    linsey80 Posts: 4 Member
    Yes I know I'm just cheating myself thinking its only exercise I need to do! Just counted my cals today and it's amazing how they get taken really quickly! So fingers crossed this counting calories may do the trick ! Thanks for the support
  • jorgepena45
    jorgepena45 Posts: 23 Member
    Remember that not all calories are the same. For example, 160 calories of almonds, is not the same as 160 of ice cream.
  • zebras1977
    zebras1977 Posts: 28 Member
    Keeping an honest food diary is the only thing that works for me too. I also gym 4-5 days a week :)
  • meltop
    meltop Posts: 1 Member
    Don't forget that if you are strength training in the gym, you may not see the scale move because you are building muscle. Muscle is heavier than fat. I suggest getting a body composition test done so you can measure your progress more accurately. You are doing the right thing!
  • tlrom
    tlrom Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I'm in the same boat. Feel free to add me! :)