Getting back on track

Hi, I was on here a while back but got off track and now I want to get back on track, I'm at 160 and it's killing my body, I'm ready to better myself once again


  • jorgepena45
    jorgepena45 Posts: 23 Member
    Don't stray from your goal. You can do this
  • shortygirl1987
    shortygirl1987 Posts: 229 Member
    Well when I was working I was eating right and was moving around a lot so I was at 144, then I quit my job for health reasons and started eating crappy and now I'm at 160 and I hate it
  • jorgepena45
    jorgepena45 Posts: 23 Member
    Hey dont be too hard on yourself. Keep a positive attitude. Im sure you can do it. Add me if you like
  • LoveIshie
    LoveIshie Posts: 94 Member
    Welcome back shorty! I hope this time you will stay focus and on track. One thing to keep in mind while on this journey, is for you to remember that once you lose all that weight, it doesn't end there. Most people get to there go and they just think they will remain that way without doing the work to maintain it. Losing weight and maintaining that weight loss comes with changing and living a new lifestyle forever. It can't be a temporary thing. You have to embrace it your whole heart and soul or you will go back to those old habits. Sorry for the preaching, but I wish you the best! Feel free to add me if you need a friend for encouragement and accountability.
  • shortygirl1987
    shortygirl1987 Posts: 229 Member
    Well stress and depression have been a big cause of my weight gain lately, but the bigger I get the worse my body feels
  • janiss123
    janiss123 Posts: 1 Member
    Welcome back. I too have strayed for awhile staying busy with family and work commitments. It's so easy to let outside factors get in the way of exercise and healthy eating. I'm also up to 165 and would be thrilled to lose 30 or so pounds. I believe I'm ready to get started again so that I can get a head start before the holidays get here. I wish you the best in your weight loss. Hopefully as you lose weight, your stress and depression will diminish.
  • fightflab86
    fightflab86 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I fell off wagon in summer 2013 after losing 18 lbs reaching my target. Weight slowly crept on like it does but started again last Monday. Weigh in today and lost 5lbs and overall 3.3 inches. You can do it too. Just log everything! I tend to log just before i eat as it makes me think twice especially if its something i dont really need. Good luck. Add me if you like x
  • farmerpam1
    farmerpam1 Posts: 402 Member
    Welcome back shortygirl. I found the pounds slowly adding on, so, I'm back too. It's been almost 2 weeks and it feels so good to be back on track. I'm grateful that I had gotten rid of all the old "fat" clothes. It was a wake up call for me when everything I own started to get tight. Ugh. Take it one day at a time, keep moving, keep logging and I bet it will help a bit with depression. You really don't have that much to lose, sounds like you've got this under control, don't beat yourself up, just keep moving forward. Good luck.
  • WSOX37
    WSOX37 Posts: 1,611 Member
  • zionheart30
    zionheart30 Posts: 1 Member
    Good day well I am new to this app and group and willing to learn more get help understanding it better if anyone is willing to help me
  • lotsofnots
    lotsofnots Posts: 2 Member

    Your post and your honest words have helped me, thank you.

    I want you to know that I went off track too, a couple of months ago, holiday, birthdays and then a really busy and stressful time at work all got in the way and I let them. I wanted to see if I could make it on my own for a while, or at least that's the line I was pitching to myself and anyone who asked. I can't right now, I need the accountability. T

    Everyone falls off the wagon, but to get back up, dust yourself off and carry on regardless of how hard it is, that is truly admirable.

    You can do this!

    Today I am back on track, now I am off to dance my butt off (and the 300 odd calories I am overspent - whoops!)
  • shortygirl1987
    shortygirl1987 Posts: 229 Member
    Thanks everyone, I'm just tired of looking in the mirror and seeing someone I don't like to look at anymore, I lost 30 pounds in 2012 for my wedding and gained a lot of weight when pregnant with my son and then lost weight again then gained back some more, I was the most happy when I was 30 pounds lighter
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Me too