How do you intercept a binge?

ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
edited September 28 in Food and Nutrition
I've been having some problems that last few weeks with over eating. Not just over eating at meals, but getting random urges to just EAT even if I'm not hungry. The funny thing is (ok, not funny) that right before it happens, I even tell myself in my head that I'm about to binge and that I'm going to regret it. By then though, I'm usually in the pantry stuffing my face. If you do this too and have figured out a way to stop or intercept the binge, what do you do?


  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Bump. I've been suffering from similar issues lately...
  • I do the same thing, so I want to hear this!!!

    I watched dr oz the other day though, and they made red wine vinegar spritzers.............. I'd like to try it!
  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    Would it help you to post pictures of what you want to look like on your pantry door? I have a picture on my fridge and one on my pantry door. It seems to help me but I know binging is a psychological thing that we're all going to respond differently to different techniques. Maybe you'll get some other ideas too.
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    As soon as I start thinking about binging I do something that will keep me occupied for 30 minutes... The urge usually subsides. Whatever you choose to do - it has to be something you like - something that will give you positive feelings. I sometimes pick up my karaoke machine, do yoga, meditate or even go for a walk! Sometimes these are triggered by boredom etc... Another thing I used to do was journal... Then you might find out the underlying issues surrounding your urges to binge!
  • hikixx
    hikixx Posts: 13
    I read somewhere that if you are eating to eat, that you must be thirsty. So I have been intercepting my binging with A LOT of water. If that doesn't cut it, some times I will eat a citrus fruit to help with the sweet tooth that comes with my binging! I hope this helps!!!

  • I wish I could help you but when Im about to binge..nothing can stop me
  • ginakelley
    ginakelley Posts: 33
    Bump... :(
  • MandyGlinda
    MandyGlinda Posts: 7 Member
    You have my sympathy... and if you come up with something that works then let me know... Although I managed last week to limit myself to one day. I found that entering and being utterly honest about what I've had has quite horrified me as does the stark warning about what will happen if I carry on!

    It's the weekends that I have problems with...
  • updowngirl
    updowngirl Posts: 31 Member
    With the end of the school year and schedules changing and sudden heat after freezing cold and rain, I find myself doing that too and wonder if it is stress that is accumulating inside me--like an overwhelmed feeling without one singular trigger? I saw the vinegar spritzer thing too--sounds like it could kill a craving for anything. I'm gonna try that.
  • LaurieEReid
    LaurieEReid Posts: 273
    The distraction thing is good - "I'll snack after I do..." and then sometimes the urge passes. Or I keep some moderate binge materials - microwave popcorn or mini-rice crisps with or without hummus. That way, a binge is not that many calories. On the other hand - I ate a package of Hostess cupcakes the other night so nothing is fool proof.
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    I binge too. I have just put a magnet on the door of the fridge saying "step away from the fridge, fatty!" That normally makes me think, and diverts me to the sink to get a glass of water. If I'm hungry still after 20 mins, then I eat something small
  • hikixx
    hikixx Posts: 13
    AWESOME post subject by the way!
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I used to do the SAME thing just a few weeks ago. I've gotten back on track lately though, so I haven't had a binge in a while. :) Anyways, what I used to do is as soon as I realized that I was bingeing for no reason (because I often ran to the pantry and starting shoving food down my face without giving myself anytime to think about it), I would turn the sink on, throw the food down the garbage disposal, and wash my mouth out. Yeah, it's a waste of food, but I personally believe it's better to be in the trash than in your tummy. If you're really bingeing, then your not exactly enjoying the food anyways. It's a waste either way! Sometimes I squirt kitchen cleaner on the food. One time I took a package of oreos out to the driveway and stomped all over it.

    MAKE THE FOOD INEDIBLE! Then go for a walk, watch some tv, put in an exercise video, take a nap, come blog on MFP, read a book, surf the internet... Do anything to get your mind off of food and stay out of the kitchen! :)
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Same. I ate a whole subway Chicken Bacon Ranch last week.....I felt so ashamed.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Same. I ate a whole subway Chicken Bacon Ranch last week.....I felt so ashamed.

    Not quite a binge, but you'll be okay! :) Don't feel ashamed. Are you back on track now? Because if you are, you'll be fine!
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Same. I ate a whole subway Chicken Bacon Ranch last week.....I felt so ashamed.
    And this made me think..."mmmm Subway" lol
  • I'm notorious for binging! I combat it by never buying anything that I don't have to really cook. I also have a "no microwave" rule. I keep tons of "healthy" foods in the house to snack on, like salad mixes and fruits. Those kinds of things? Definately okay to binge on over cheetos, which is my weakness, lol. Maybe that will help you a bit?
  • BeckyReba
    BeckyReba Posts: 43 Member
    i just go for a fifteen minute walk. normally, the cravings go away, and if not, then at least i know i got 15 extra minutes of exercise in! :)
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I do the same sometimes as well, partly out of boredom / procrastination and also I think it's partly being thirsty. I find it helps to get a glass of water to drink instead of eating.
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