Quit smoking and gained 12 lbs...

Hi All,

Well, I finally quit smoking after 24 years. It's been five weeks. I'm on the Chantix prescription and I don't think weight gain is a side effect, but I've been maintaining my weight within 2 - 3 lbs. for the past year after losing 100 lbs. Suddenly, within a week of quitting - while still eating the same calories (I swear!) and exercising 6 - 7 days a week as usual, I put on 12 lbs. Literally, one day I was 124 lbs. and the next day, I was 136 lbs. I couldn't believe it! Then, it was my time of the month, so I chalked it up to water weight - although I've never gained that much! - and I also read that quitting smoking can make your metabolism go down. But then two weeks later, I had my time of the month again - twice in one month (ugh!) - and I'm right around 131 lbs now. I want to lose the weight. I've been eating less and exercising more, but for the past two weeks, my weight has stayed right around this amount. I'd like to be back in the 122 - 124 range as I've been. What can I do? I don't understand how I put that much weight on so suddenly after maintaining for a year and why now, when I'm running almost every day and doing all my other exercise and still eating as healthy as I've been, I'm stuck at this weight. Any ideas?



  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    You have to eat 3,500 calories above TDEE to gain a pound. While it is pretty common when quitting smoking to eat more, it's unlikely you ate enough to gain 12 pounds in a day.
    People who are quitting smoking do tend to turn to snacks and foods that contain sodium while quitting to replace the oral fixation part of their habit. The sodium in the food causes water retention. also, there can be hormone shifts. The fact that you've had two periods in a months indicates a definite shift in your hormonal balance.
    You're obviously retaining some water weight- it's quite possible to retain 12 pounds of water weight. Keep calm, stick to your calorie goal, and wait it out. You'll have a whoosh and it will come off.
  • jensiegel39
    jensiegel39 Posts: 163 Member
    I hope so. I have been really watching my sodium, as usual, for an ear issue I'm having. I always watch my sodium. So, I'm not sure it's that. But yes, I think my hormones are wacky. I just found an article online about people gaining weight with Chantix. I don't know. I just hope it comes off. I really am not eating more or worse things. I eat pretty much the same stuff every day. I've successfully maintained for a year until now. I really hope I stabilize and am able to go down to my goal weight again. I'm trying not to be down about it and am glad I quit smoking, but it's pretty upsetting especially when I'm exercising so much and not losing a thing.
  • SwissDave
    SwissDave Posts: 57 Member
    Chantix ( Champix here in the UK) is not going to make you put on weight, only eating more to suppress cravings will do that. Giving up smoking is the hardest thing I ever did, it definitely screws with your body for a while. The great news is that everything WILL return to normal after a while and you will feel so well compared to being a smoker. I think you should stick with your normal eating and exercising plan and ride it out. Good luck! X
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    The only reason there's any correlation between Chantix and weight gain is this: when people quit smoking, they often replace that habit with eating more. When they eat more, they gain weight. That's it. The medication can't magically make you gain weight if you aren't eating more calories. Just keep eating at your calorie goal, you'll be fine.
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    The general (and mostly true) consensus here will be that the only weight to gain weight it by taking in too many calories. While I think that is mostly true there are other things than can contribute to weight gain. Water weight was mentioned. Also if you've been exercising sometimes your body will produce more fluids to repair tissues. Another thing to consider is if you had two periods in one month there was tissue build up in your uterus. Some research suggests smoking speeds up metabolism some so stopping will return it to normal. None of these things alone should make you gain 10+ lbs but combined they could. Quitting smoking is fantastic and the benefits of that will outweigh the short term weight gain.
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    edited October 2015
    Just don't let the temporary weight gain be an excuse to start smoking again. Whatever it takes, kick the habit. Take it from someone who didn't quit soon enough and now lives on supplemental oxygen 24/7.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Could be the meds.
  • jensiegel39
    jensiegel39 Posts: 163 Member
    Thanks, all! I will not return to smoking no matter what! I've had too much heartache watching my mom go through a lot of illness due to smoking. I promised her I'd quit and I did. I think I'll just be more careful with my calories (reduce them for awhile) and keep up with my exercise and hopefully in a month or so, my weight will start reducing. Some people say I look better at this weight, but I got used to myself being in the 120's (for the first time ever) and I hate that some of my new clothes are a bit tight now. I liked how I looked before more. But I am glad I quit smoking and that it wasn't as hard as I'd thought. I'm thankful the Chantix allowed me to be able to do so without too many side effects. I'm going to wean off it for now since I'm down to one pill a day and see if that makes a difference. I did find some articles online though or user posts about people claiming sudden weight gain on it. But even so, it is much better than smoking. Thanks again for all your replies!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,345 Member
    Well done on quitting smoking!! alot of good feedback/replies already - just ride out this gain, it sounds like a temporary fluctuation for some reason or another....stick with your plan and all will be well.
  • rrllewellyn
    rrllewellyn Posts: 1 Member
    Congratulations on quitting smoking!!! I quit in my early 20's with the help of Zyban. Best decision you will ever make for your health. Again, way to go!
  • jensiegel39
    jensiegel39 Posts: 163 Member
    Thank you! I do feel good that I quit and exercise feels better, as does everything else. I'm just bummed with the sudden weight gain and I can't seem to get it off yet. I know, it'll take time and I notice the lighter I am, the harder it is to lose, but the scale lately is not budging and I would like to get back to where I was. I've sure worked hard enough these last weeks running and going to the gym and all my other physical activities. Oh well though. I'll just keep at it.