Not a big girl

hi my name is andrea I'm 5'2 145 lb but I have always been 115-120 and I feel supper big. I'm super depressed and I don't have any support. My husband always tells me I look beautiful. But my clothes specially bottoms don't fit. I need some help please help me! Get back in track.


  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    aochoa25 wrote: »
    hi my name is andrea I'm 5'2 145 lb but I have always been 115-120 and I feel supper big. I'm super depressed and I don't have any support. My husband always tells me I look beautiful. But my clothes specially bottoms don't fit. I need some help please help me! Get back in track.

    1. You probably are beautiful.
    2. You probably need to lose a few pounds.

    Punch in your goal here. 1 - 2 pounds a week is fantastic progress. Log EVERYTHING you eat and ALL of your exercise. You can sort of eyeball it later but for now do everything as exact as you can. It helps to prevent beginner mistakes. Weigh in at least once a week and check on your progress. Take measurements too.

    Read this.

  • eissacf25
    eissacf25 Posts: 151 Member
    From your profile picture, you are beautiful! I get what you mean though, my husband says the same thing about me and I don't feel it. Definitely log everything you eat here in MFP. My MIL always says, "if you bit it, you write it" and I thought that was a clever little saying. Moving more will help! Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park further away from a building entrance etc. All these little changes will add up! I agree with Waffle, the measurements are a must! good luck!!!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    aochoa25 wrote: »
    hi my name is andrea I'm 5'2 145 lb but I have always been 115-120 and I feel supper big. I'm super depressed and I don't have any support. My husband always tells me I look beautiful. But my clothes specially bottoms don't fit. I need some help please help me! Get back in track.

    I'm not sure if by depressed you mean clinical depression or are majorly bummed out about being overweight. Either way, exercise is an effective but often underused treatment for mild to moderate depression. I've been both and exercise does help me.

    Were you looking for support for weight loss or depression? I don't count on my family for much support around my weight loss. If they stop offering me cookies, that will be enough. In the past, therapy was helpful for me for depression; now I just check in twice a year to continue my prescription for Welbutrin, which is my favorite of all the many antidepressants I tried. I like it because it is a little speedy, and that nudge helps me exercise.
  • MarcyKirkton
    MarcyKirkton Posts: 507 Member
    I totally understand. I'm 5'2" too, so 145 just is sooooooo uncomfortable to me. Plus, it's literally unhealthy as far as BMI goes.

    I'm losing 1-2 lbs per week using the calorie tracker. I am adding in exercise, too, when I can.......but mostly I've had to truly diet.

    Can't wait till I hit my goal. I'm hoping to hit Healthy BMI this week. *fingers crossed*

    Good luck. This system works fine. It's simple to use, and it's essentially like WW, except without the points. You can eat whatever, but you need to hit your target calories for the day to lose.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    aochoa25 wrote: »
    hi my name is andrea I'm 5'2 145 lb but I have always been 115-120 and I feel supper big. I'm super depressed and I don't have any support. My husband always tells me I look beautiful. But my clothes specially bottoms don't fit. I need some help please help me! Get back in track.

    Those two statements don't go together... obviously you have some strong support right there. If your husband loves you just as you are, you win.
    Now do the work to lose the (only 30 pounds) that you're looking to lose. Buy a food scale, weigh your food, stick your your calorie deficit, and lose the weight. Your aim should be to lose no more than 1 pound per week, since you only have 30 pounds to lose.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Stop whining and start tracking.
  • MorganMoreaux
    MorganMoreaux Posts: 691 Member
    Hi OP - I know what you mean. At my heaviest I was 155lbs and was SO uncomfortable! I was pretty depressed about my weight, and finally took action and am so much happier now that I lost most of it. I'm around 120 a 125 (fluctuations) now, and wanting to lose a little more. I felt gross when I was heavier - and everything was in the way lol. Feel free to friend me - I have an open diary and log everyday.

    Some things that worked for me were to cut down on liquid calories - I stopped drinking alcohol and counted sweet coffees as dessert (they were 400 cal). I started eating whole foods - it meant that I had to cook but the results were worth it. I began walking during lunch, and taking stairs whenever possible. Most important to my weight loss was paying attention to portion control. Doing the above wasn't inconvenient and blended into daily life fairly effortlessly, so it wasn't so much of a struggle to lose the first thirty. The last ten, have been more difficult lol. I need more discipline. I started to really notice a difference after I lost the first ten pounds. After that, most of the weight just fell off (I'm assuming because I developed healthier habits). I didn't really have support with weight loss because my friends and family thought I looked fine, so I had to go it alone, and I suspect that may be your situation. You're not very over weight so your friends and family may just think that you are fine and at a healthy weight, and may not understand how you are feeling. They love you and are not intentionally trying to be dismissive of your weight loss goals.

    Good luck!