kwheeler Posts: 3
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
I sure hope that this site will help motivate me to do the correct thing. I am in a career that you have to stay very fit ; however, I have let myself give into my food craving the last couple of years. Iam so very tired of loosing weight only to put it back on. I dont know if anyone else has my problem but I can never get full and I love to eat all the time. I can eat a full meal and in 45 minutes I will be hungry again. I have joined a gym and will be back:smile on the straight and narrow.


  • I sure hope that this site will help motivate me to do the correct thing. I am in a career that you have to stay very fit ; however, I have let myself give into my food craving the last couple of years. Iam so very tired of loosing weight only to put it back on. I dont know if anyone else has my problem but I can never get full and I love to eat all the time. I can eat a full meal and in 45 minutes I will be hungry again. I have joined a gym and will be back:smile on the straight and narrow.
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    Honey, if we all on this site didn't have some of the same problems, we wouldn't be here now.

    Good luck to you.

    I was 200 lbs from 289 by dec 2007 and now I am 235........

    We will get there.
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    k...welcome:flowerforyou: The gym time will REALLY help with the hunger deal to be sure! Strength training keeps your metabolism boosted long after your workouts...keeps your blood sugars on an even keel as well. When blood sugars are all up and down because of what we eat you get that drop then get hungry shortly after you just eat. Probably what you're experiencing.

    Myself and a number of other members go with the 5-6 meals a mini-meals and you definitely don't get hungry that way...that also keeps the blood sugars in our body stable.

    Just some thoughts.. YAY for you for jumpin right back in to what works!:drinker: :bigsmile:

  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    I know what you mean about eating and then being hungry again. The thing you need to do is start eating smaller meals, so your tummy will get use to not being so full. I eat small meals, but eat often. I can eat a big meal and still want something in a half hour, so I've tried to cut my meals in half, that way it isn't so bad when I snack. Then I snack on healthy treats like fruit, nuts, yogurt.

    Also remember to not get in a big hurry to take it off. The slower you go the longer it will stay off.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    eating foods that are high in protein, and switching to whole grains will help keep you fuller longer. :flowerforyou:
  • Welcome to MFP! I have the same type of trouble. I lose weight... It Finds Me! Very frustrating I know; try to stay positive even when you slip-up. I've always heard that eating slower makes you feel fuller longer. As for me, I am a gobbler! Doesn't matter how much or little time I have to eat, it seems like I gobble up my food. So of course I'm hungry again 10min after I eat! ARRggh! I'm trying to keep healthy snacks readily available for my 'munchie moments' (celery, baby carrots, etc) Another thing w/me is that I crave something sweet after lunch so I have a lil something, I'm really into the Fiber One Oats/Chocolate bars so I cut one up into 3 pcs & only pull one out w/my lunch. I think we are both in the right spot to help get & stay on track. Good Luck to you!
  • Thanks very much for your reply. It sounds like we both have the same eating habits.
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