How often do you weigh yourself?

Up until now I have weighed myself once per week, every Monday morning after breakfast. I do have the occasional peek during the week but I don't register it.

What is best? Would I be better off weighing more frequently?


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,210 MFP Moderator
    I weigh daily (and did even when I was losing), but some folks can't handle seeing the daily up/down fluctuations. I liked seeing the 'trend' weights and seeing a spike here and there didn't faze me. If it's going to bother you, then weighing weekly is probably best. I think you're fine weighing in weekly as you're doing now, though. :)
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Once a week, Sundays, after getting the Sunday papers, before Breakfast, and after my morning ritual. Once a week, for me, is enough to see any trend and flatten the fluxuations we all have. Kinda like checking my stock prices. ;-)
  • ozgurvh
    ozgurvh Posts: 182 Member
    Every day, it gives me a better control
  • ElJefeChief
    ElJefeChief Posts: 650 Member
    Daily. I used to occasionally get bothered by the daily fluctuations when I was a little newer at losing but now that I'm an old hand at it I kinda like the habit.

    Regularly weighing oneself, from what I understand, is a fairly critical piece for many people (along with regular exercise) when it comes to keeping weight off over the long term. (NO I'm not saying it's necessary for everyone).
  • tayloralanj
    tayloralanj Posts: 137 Member
    I do it daily first thing in the morning before I get in the shower while I'm in my birthday suit. I don't think I could go a whole week. I have a pretty consistent trend of losing all week (Mon-Fri) and then the weekend torpedoes me right up the wazoo,,,of course it's the weekend's fault, not mine!
  • Paul699
    Paul699 Posts: 41 Member
    Weekly, friday morning before I do anything. That leaves me the weekend if i over do the cals on sat or sunday slightly, and I can pull it back round during the week hopefully :)
  • saylorkw
    saylorkw Posts: 69 Member
    I weigh everyday to keep me focused, but I only record Saturday Mornings for record keeping, goals, progress.
  • tbennett63
    tbennett63 Posts: 1 Member
    I weigh every day, it helps keep me on track.
  • PaulBonham
    PaulBonham Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks for all the replies, quite a mixed bag, but I suppose that it's the same with everything, you just have to find and do whatever works for you.

    The reason why I do Monday mornings is to try and keep me on track over the weekend, I also do most of my exercise at the weekend.
  • tthoma5201
    tthoma5201 Posts: 63 Member
    Everyday but record it once a week.
  • javarob66
    javarob66 Posts: 24 Member
    The only reason not to weigh every day is because it will fluctuate and you don't want to get discouraged by the lack of progress or even a regression for a single day. You may have done everything right but not see what you expect. We are not machines. A weekly measurement though should definitely show progress in the right direction. That said, I weigh every day just to get to know the trends of my body. For me it is like working out. Unfortunately I don't perform at my peak every workout, and I just try to understand it and do the best I can next time.
  • misterdale67
    misterdale67 Posts: 171 Member
    Every morning.
  • starwhisperer6
    starwhisperer6 Posts: 402 Member
    I got an app I love that shows the trend of my weight. So I put my weight into it every morning. Then when I fluctuate I can still see that the graph is going down steadily if not daily.
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    everyday- otherwise it creeps up- never fail.
  • redwingsfan6712
    redwingsfan6712 Posts: 81 Member
    I do it once a month. After seeing nothing moving on the scale for 2 weeks straight (but still losing inches) I got frustrated!
  • Violator_Rose
    Violator_Rose Posts: 31 Member
    I do it everyday, but I don't allow myself to get discouraged if the number stays the same or even goes up by a fraction of a pound.

    I'm able to do this because I look at NSVs more than anything. I can tell my waist is getting smaller, my arms are getting thinner, and my pants are getting looser, even though I've only lost 4 lbs. And that's what's the most important
  • nicoleyyp
    nicoleyyp Posts: 4 Member
    I like to weigh myself daily, it helps me distinguish between what days are good/bad and what did I eat the day before to loose/gain weight. I also do it before breakfast and not after
  • EsdeathFarron
    EsdeathFarron Posts: 20 Member
    Once a month. I have had trouble maintaining consistent weight loss ( it's bounced between 1-7 lbs. and I actually gained a pound one month.) I'd just stress myself out weighing myself more frequently, and the extended time allows me to get in more workouts to counterbalance the splurges. *lol*
  • Ann__777
    Ann__777 Posts: 15 Member
    Once a week :)