Are you still drinking soda?



  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I was rarely allowed to have them as a kid, so I don't have much of a taste for them. I probably have one or two a month. Sometimes a regular soda, sometimes a diet. Coffee and water are my staples.
  • Frappuzzino
    Frappuzzino Posts: 342 Member
    I drink it daily and I will continue to do so.

    I've noticed that the majority of the anti-soda articles are from the same website. One belonging to a Dr. Mercola (and it's funny to me that "cola" is in his name) who sells his own nutrition plan. It's good business for him to bash soda. Just like it would be good business for Coke or Pepsi to say that their products are good. It's all about the $$$.

    Same here. I always laugh at alarmists and media based hysteria. Some of us have the common sense and education to know better.

    I'm sorry, but it's obvious that you 2 did not read the article. Using the excuse that "there is something wrong with everything we eat" to justify drinking soda is quite funny, especially for you to assume that you have more common sense and education to ignore the anti-soda/ASP research when you're poisoning your body instead. You chose what to put into your body, but it's also sad that you are ignorant to the fact that you are drinking poison.

    clearly, we are all ignorant then, if you say so! And you're 18 years old and know everything! This topic is and has been and always will be widely debated. So what, everyone has their own opinions and this ONE article is not going to change my ways. Maybe you should just worry about yourself instead of everyone else. Fine, if you think it's POISON, don't consume it. But my ignorant, lacking common sense self, will continue to "POISON" myself on a daily basis! Happy Wednesday!

    What does age have to do with anything? I did not say I knew everything, that anybody lacked common sense or that anyone was ignorant, however the person I quoted insinuated having more common sense and intelligence for IGNORING the proven research rather than considering it. To be clear, I said the choice of ignoring the facts was ignorant. As I said, you choose what you put into your body and that's all fine and dandy, but it's sad that people are knowingly drinking this garbage.
  • tauralmie
    tauralmie Posts: 1
    I gave up soda about 6 years ago when my doctor was testing me for hypoglycemia. (I cut down on a lot of my sugar intake at that time too). Just from doing that, I lost about 10-15 lbs! When the tests came back negative, I just continued with it. It's gotten to the point that soda doesn't taste right to me anymore, although I do have sierra mist when I have a sore throat which isn't often at all. MAYBE once a year.

    The only other soda I can tolerate is in the butterbeer at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter :)
  • Drinking diet pop is a personal issue- and yes, it is your choice to do so. If your goal is to educate, then do so. Arguing will get no one anywhere.

    I will cite the concerns I have about it- and it has NOTHING to do with whether or not you can lose weight while drinking/not drinking it.

    First off, the FACT that one of the engineers who developed it did NOT want his own family consuming it was enough for me- that speaks volumes.

    I have read numerous reports about the link between DIET soda ( made with aspartame/NutraSweet) and epilepsy and MS symptoms.
    EVERY person I've known personally, I've shared this info with- and just encouraged them to give it up for a month- or switch to regular pop- and just SEE if it has ANY effect on their symptoms.
    IN ALL CASES, they saw a DRAMATIC decline, and quit drinking it. And that number of people is in the double digits, I'm not just talking about 1 or 2 people- more like 25 or 26 over the last several years. ALL of them.
    That's enough for me to keep sharing.
    Like I said, it's a personal choice.............but aside from all the mudslinging- At least CONSIDER the risks. Is it really worth long term neurological damage??
  • I used to go through two 2 liters of Dr Pepper every single day. I still drink at least three twelve ounce servings. It does use a lot of my 1200 calories that I am allowing myself each day. I am trying to drink some tea and water instead of all soda. I can't drink diet soda, if I even get a hold of a piece of gum with Aspartame in it I end up in the ER with a SEVERE allergic reaction. That stuff will kill ya, at least it will kill me!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I decided to cut it out since it makes me bloated and gives me inaccurate weights - from now on I decided I'm only allowed to have one glass when I go out to dinner.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    There is no "fact" that I'm eating poison. Plain and simple. I haven't read the article, because I recognized the site and figured it was the same as the zillion other alarmist/conspiracy theorist articles posted on here.

    Grapes, broccoli and chocolate are poisonous to dogs. Aspartame in mass quantities is deadly to rodents. I'm not a dog, and not a rodent.

    I know there are some people who have problems consuming Aspartame. My niece is one of them. She gets wicked headaches from it. People who have bad reactions to it should avoid it. I'm not one of those people. I do break out in hives from Ivory soap and the adhesive on BandAid brand bandages, so I avoid those products.
  • borichfan
    borichfan Posts: 208 Member
    This is my bad habit, i drink several diet sodas a day, i can drink a 2 liter or more a day of diet coke or diet rite. and i also drink 2 or 3 cups of coffee a day with 2 packets of artificial sweetener in each cup. I use the Natra Taste sweetener. I want to work on cutting all of this out of my diet, and i work for the school, so i am about to be off work for the summer, so now is a good time to cut all of this out of my diet.
  • jfinnivan
    jfinnivan Posts: 360 Member
    I have soda a couple of times per month. I always go for the soda with real sugar, no corn syrup. Around passover, you can find "Passover Coke" if you look hard enough. I just found Costco selling Mexican Coke in 12oz green bottles. They use sugar, no corn syrup. Try doing a side-by-side comparision and you'll taste the difference. The real sugar soda has a "cleaner" taste, and there's no slimy feel in the mouth.
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    Sure do! I love my chemicals :) I have cut back to around 20 ounces a day though from 50 ounces.

    ""I'm sorry, but it's obvious that you 2 did not read the article. Using the excuse that "there is something wrong with everything we eat" to justify drinking soda is quite funny, especially for you to assume that you have more common sense and education to ignore the anti-soda/ASP research when you're poisoning your body instead. You chose what to put into your body, but it's also sad that you are ignorant to the fact that you are drinking poison''''

    Poison huh? I guess we should ignore ALL the other studies that have been done that indicate it is safe for human consumption.
  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    I stopped drinking caffeinated coke and tea (I never liked coffee anyway) when I started having chest pains caused by stress and was diagnosed with arrythmia. After much research, one of the only things I could do aside from taking medication (which I felt too young for) was to cut out caffeine. I did that (I do have the occasional caffeine free coke and drink 3/4 cups of caffeine free tea a day) and it made a massive difference. I used to get awful migraines which I now don't get, and that is enough for me never to have caffeine again. If someone gives me coke with caffeine in, I can tell within minutes as it starts heart palpitations - I guess I'm just very sensitive to caffeine. Just because others can't feel that, doesn't mean it isn't affecting them at a more moderate level.

    I also DO believe the aspartame/ sweetener debate which is the reason I really moderate the caffeine free coke as well. We are surrounded by all kinds of chemicals from cleaning products/ deodorants right through to chemical pollution, so as far as I'm concerend we should try to look after ourselves as much as possible and reduce our exposure.

    And I agree with others that when I do drink CF coke, it gives me a sweet tooth and makes me crave more sweet things!

    I think if people argue that 'aspartame was tested on rodents so won't affect humans' only proves that we shouldn't be testing on animals FOR ANYTHING, not that aspartame is safe! We weren't designed to eat all these artificially manufactured products. Fair enough to say, 'I know the risks and I'm prepared to take them' but to deny the facts just so you can kid yourself it's not harmful is some kind of denial. Just MHO, you understand.

    Also, you have to take studies with a pinch of salt - they can obviously be biased according to who commissioned them. But just remember, it wasn't that long ago that tobacco companies were telling us that smoking was good for you.......just becasue something is deemed safe now, doesn't mean there won't be findings in ten or twenty years that dispute it.
  • Rhodium1976
    Rhodium1976 Posts: 81 Member
    I drink it daily and I will continue to do so.

    I've noticed that the majority of the anti-soda articles are from the same website. One belonging to a Dr. Mercola (and it's funny to me that "cola" is in his name) who sells his own nutrition plan. It's good business for him to bash soda. Just like it would be good business for Coke or Pepsi to say that their products are good. It's all about the $$$.

    Same here. I always laugh at alarmists and media based hysteria. Some of us have the common sense and education to know better.

    I'm sorry, but it's obvious that you 2 did not read the article. Using the excuse that "there is something wrong with everything we eat" to justify drinking soda is quite funny, especially for you to assume that you have more common sense and education to ignore the anti-soda/ASP research when you're poisoning your body instead. You chose what to put into your body, but it's also sad that you are ignorant to the fact that you are drinking poison.

    I am a Biochemist, I do this for a living. You are more than welcome to believe in any alarmism you choose (just don't try to make it a law); however, you are not qualified to peer-review an article.

    Here was my previous response:

    Oh noooezzz two amino acids bonded together are going to kill us. There is no way the excess amino acids will go into the amino acid degradation pathway like every other amino acid.. And that MeOH, it probably has magic to bypass alcohol dehydrogenase and poison us. Yes, we are going to die.

  • missysmission777
    missysmission777 Posts: 82 Member
    Nope I am 6 weeks FREE as of tomorrow...:) I feel SO much better now....
  • bootssowhite
    bootssowhite Posts: 93 Member
    Yep, still drinking Coke. I'd like to eventually phase it out of my diet (or just drink it when I'm out at restaurants), but I've just stopped eating about 90% of the processed crap in my diet and if having a soda once a day makes that easier, then I'm going to do it and not feel guilty about it.

  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    This thread makes me want some Diet Mountain Dew Voltage. :)
  • ghoztt
    ghoztt Posts: 69 Member
    If people are worried about aspartame there are plenty of sodas that don't contain it. The heading of the article would lead you to believe all sodas contain this which, to me, raises a red flag of being one of those alarmist articles to get people to stop drinking soda altogether. Hell, if artificial sweeteners really bothers you just go to the store and get the "Throwback" versions of the sodas that contain real sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup. They seem to be making a big comeback these days. Not sure about the rest of the country but here in Texas and I'm sure other border states there's stores that even carry Coca Cola from Mexico which not only contains real sugar but also come in those old school glass bottles. :smile:
  • Reverie09
    Reverie09 Posts: 48 Member
    I drink 1 coke zero or pepsi max a day. I also have 1 mountain dew a day. Both are bad in their own way but I am gonna do whatever I am going to do and that is just how it is. If you choose not to I think that is a wonderful choice and I really do commend you for it. I would never recommend someone smoke cigarettes even though I do that too. I guess I am just a horrible excuse for a human being. Oh well. To each their own.
  • stephgreene
    stephgreene Posts: 143
    I gave up soda for my New Years resolution this year and I DO NOT regret it... I don't really miss soda and the couple of times I really want ginger ale, sprite, or cherry pepsi i'll indulge in 1 glass... not 2 or 3 which used to be average for me.
  • girlwapp
    girlwapp Posts: 136 Member
    I only drink soda as a mixer anymore. My first year at university I quickly realized that, with how prevalent it was on campus, I could easily gain weight simply by having it at one or two meals a day. Within the first month or two decided to cut it out of my diet completely. That being said, I don't really ever miss it and on the rare occasions when I do, I just drink it, damnit. XD But 9 times out of ten, it's clear soda (sprite mostly).
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    I feel like if you look hard enough you will find a news story telling you that ANYTHING is bad for you.

    That being said, I don't drink a lot of diet soda. Fortunately I was never a big soda drinker - I will drink it if it's handy though. I mostly drink unsweet tea with Splenda (which I'm sure some people think it's just as bad as asperthame) but I drink water like it's my job.

    Honestly I think that anything is going to affect your health if you have too much of it. Nothing wrong with a die soda once in a while.

    This is proven research. :) Can't believe what our FDA approves. Whole food is the way to go.

    Ughhhh our FDA is filled with food company lobbyists and execs. They aren't concerned with our health at all, only that the companies that give them money get advanced so they can make MORE money. Why is a box of Fruit by the Foot cheaper than REAL fruit? Look no further than the drug pushers in the FDA :grumble:

    Who are these food company execs who are filling up the FDA? It seems as if they were an exec with a food company they would actually be too busy doing their job to have a second secret job changing the research results in their favor.
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