Just started and looking for support!

edg_15 Posts: 15 Member
Hi guys, my name is Erika and I've started and stopped weight loss programs incessantly. I always think I can do it on my own but this time I'm willing to try a support group. I know we all want the same thing so why not help each other? :)


  • nads2184
    nads2184 Posts: 124
    Hi and welcome, Ive only been on here for 10 days and its the ebst thing Ive ever done. the support is awesome. feel free to add me. We are all in this together. xx
  • BreonnaQueen
    BreonnaQueen Posts: 58 Member
    Welcome! I'm a newbie myself but so far I love it! Lots of encouragements and motivations from people here! I'll add you as a friend
  • pfcjfoley
    pfcjfoley Posts: 3
    I only started one week ago. The support will certainly help through the hard days.
  • Good for you :) Best of luck! I know it can be defeating to start and stop over and over again but then a day comes when you start and you just keep going. I just started last week too so we're all in this together!
  • cillytilly
    cillytilly Posts: 243
    Welcome!!! Finding those who motivate you is a wonderful thing. The support here has been awesome. I have only started really delving into that part recently. Feel free to add me.
  • Hey! this site is awesome and these people are right, we are all in this together! Stay strong, you can do it! I'll add you :)
  • frostke
    frostke Posts: 21
    I'm a newbie too! Welcome! I've enjoyed it a lot so far! Feel free to add me! No one can have too many cheerleaders! :)
  • Half_of_Bri
    Half_of_Bri Posts: 42 Member
    Hi there! I'm a newbie as well, on day 2. I love it so far! I don't feel the pressure like I did when I would diet in the past. THIS is much more of a lifestyle than anything else!

    Feel free to add me so we can support one another in our goals :)
  • M3MAMA
    M3MAMA Posts: 2
    Hey, I am new as well and I need all the support that I can get!
  • Welcome I have to agree. I would love to help out and help motivate you and you can do that for me as well. U can add me if you'd like:smile:
  • KaironAndTaviansMommy
    KaironAndTaviansMommy Posts: 68 Member
    WELCOME! Im so glad to see that there is another person on this website! I have been here for two months, lost 25 pounds! I feel amazing about my weight loss but even more amazing about the support I have on this website! If it werent for this website and all the amazing people on this website I probably wouldnt have lost anything and I definitely would have given up!

  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    Welcome to MF, this site is brilliant. If you want support feel free to add me.
  • mags2504
    mags2504 Posts: 275
    I'm in the same boat, I'm on day 3 and log in a few times a day. Great support. I too have tried all sorts of diets. Feel free to add me.
  • edg_15
    edg_15 Posts: 15 Member
    Wow! That was quick! My brother, gonzj266, and I had downloaded the myfitnesspal app about 3 months ago and we thought we could help each other out. We did really well the first month and then kind of just stopped keeping track. I gained almost 15 lbs in the last 2 months! But I know it was mainly due to an ankle injury I just recently started getting treatment on. I'm on the road to recovery and this extra weight needs to go!

    I'm thinking it could be helpful to get to know a few other people using this site. I feel so encouraged to read your posts and I hope we can help each other stay on track! Thanks guys!

    P.S. Any male weight watchers? Feel free to add my brother: gonzj266. He's had more success dropping a few pounds and I know he could use the encouragement as well.
  • sephena69
    sephena69 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello...I'm new myself and have only been doing it for about 5 or 6 days now. I really love this system and the suport here is amazing! :smile:
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    Welcome :smooched:
  • JThomas61
    JThomas61 Posts: 892
    Hello and Welcome! I am not new, I have been using MFP since th end of march and have dropped 61 pounds overall and 23 pounds since I started using MFP to manange my caloric intake. You will find many supporters on this site. Feel free to add me as well! Good Luck!
  • Hi!

    Welcome! I'm pretty new to this myself and I have a hard time sticking with anything, but so far so good! I'm very much enjoying the site; I'm sure you will too.

  • Diana35bha
    Diana35bha Posts: 292 Member
    Hi Erika

    You've come to the right place then..... add some friends (me if you wish) and they'll be there to support & motivate you all the tiem

    MFP is a great site

    Good Luck

  • avonchik
    avonchik Posts: 106
    Hi Just started myself. today actually. My friend told me about Fitness Pal so i joined. We are supporting each other and we will support you too> Welcome!