Need help to lose 115 pounds!

I understand the fundamentals of losing weight, but I'm looking for success stories, what has worked for you, what hasn't? What motivates you and how to be consistent! I don't have any friends in my life that want to lose weight with me, so I'm reaching out for support here, looking for mfp friends!


  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,658 Member
    Eating the food I like, at a deficit, with patience worked for me. 124 pounds worth.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    MFP works for me when I follow the calorie goal they set for me. I don't weigh food so I don't eat back my exercise calories unless I'm really hungry. That way I cover my margin of error in logging.

    Really for me, I just have to keep practicing willpower. I really like beer and eating out, but too much of those things and I just pack the weight on. I've limited my eating out to once a week at most because I will always choose the fat and calorie loaded special over a salad or boring piece of chicken. I also am trying to only have a beer or beers if I can fit them into my calorie goal for the day. I like craft beer which can be pretty calorific. If I cheat and have just one when I'm out of calories it add 200-300 calories to my day. Not good.

    So, I guess all that means is home cooking and limiting my booze.
  • sudmom
    sudmom Posts: 202 Member
    Every day is a struggle for people. Sometimes it is walking away from a cake or getting up off the couch to go exercise. The very best thing you can do is to be consistent-take one day at a time. If you log everything, good and bad you can start to see a pattern of how you are eating and why. Good luck!
  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    edited October 2015
    Taking it one day at a time. I'm still in my journey, but I'm down 42 pounds. It was harder at the beginning because the changes weren't noticeable to others. I'm at the point now where people are really noticing and I'm having to size down in most of my clothing. That is a big motivation for me. When I'm tempted by something I remember how good it felt buying those jeans two sizes down and how amazing it felt to be complimented the other day and how much better my own body feels and it keeps me going.

    Being able to go up the stairs (run up) without being out of breath keeps me going. My blood sugar readings being within the normal range motivates me to keep up this journey. Being able to go longer, and harder, with my workouts lets me know that my body is recovering from the years and years of abuse I put it through as my weight crept higher and higher.

    The ultimate for me? Imagining myself dancing with my sons (they are only 5 and 6 now) at their weddings. Imagining holding my grandchildren. Planning the cool trips my husband and I want to take after retirement.

    So I guess I have short and long range goals that keep me focused.

    I'm also at the point in my journey where having an off day or succumbing to temptation doesn't lead me astray. I admit it and move on. I'm not going to let one day (or a few days) get in my way.

    Good luck to you! You can do this!
  • kaitiedid91
    kaitiedid91 Posts: 11 Member
    edited October 2015
    Yes! Tracking my food has really helped me realise how fast calories rack up, and that snacking is my biggest downfall! And I'm also not weighing my food, so I try not to eat back my calories too, and if I am really hungry at the end of the day I at least opt for a salad or banana vs salty or sweet snacks. Not aa big beer fan but I love wine, and have limited myself to one wine night per week. My cheat days aren't eating whatever I want but rather drinking what I want haha:p its been working so far but for me its a matter of keeping up this motivation!
  • kaitiedid91
    kaitiedid91 Posts: 11 Member
    Taking it one day at a time. I'm still in my journey, but I'm down 42 pounds. It was harder at the beginning because the changes weren't noticeable to others. I'm at the point now where people are really noticing and I'm having to size down in most of my clothing. That is a big motivation for me. When I'm tempted by something I remember how good it felt buying those jeans two sizes down and how amazing it felt to be complimented the other day and how much better my own body feels and it keeps me going.

    Being able to go up the stairs (run up) without being out of breath keeps me going. My blood sugar readings being within the normal range motivates me to keep up this journey. Being able to go longer, and harder, with my workouts lets me know that my body is recovering from the years and years of abuse I put it through as my weight crept higher and higher.

    The ultimate for me? Imagining myself dancing with my sons (they are only 5 and 6 now) at their weddings. Imagining holding my grandchildren. Planning the cool trips my husband and I want to take after retirement.

    So I guess I have short and long range goals that keep me focused.

    I'm also at the point in my journey where having an off day or succumbing to temptation doesn't lead me astray. I admit it and move on. I'm not going to let one day (or a few days) get in my way.

    Good luck to you! You can do this!

    That is awesome thank you for sharing so much! I can't wait to be at the point where I am actually able to buy clothing that's not in the plus size section. I have this one top that hasn't fit me for over 2 years and I'm working to fit into it. I think you're right, the beggining is the hardest, no one including myself can notice the changes, my current clothes still fit just fine, and I'm still working so hard with a very high heart rate at the gym and can feel how out of shape I am, reading a smaller number on the scale every week has been great, but once I can physically see that I am slimming down I feel like my hard work will finally be obvious and that I'll really be motivated to keep myself going!
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    -Log every day all foods in MFP using a digital food scale.
    -Wear FitBit to log total daily calories burned (and motivate a bit to meet goals).
    -Eat at a REASONABLE deficit for your current circumstances and goals.
    -Find your own balance between eliminating foods and learning which ones you can eat in moderation while losing weight.
    -Forgive yourself when you have days you're over goal. Log it and move on.
    -Plan ahead of holidays, birthdays, etc., eat and enjoy it, but make sure you log it and make sure you're still in an average deficit for the week.
    -When you slip, remind yourself why you want to lose and what difference it will make.
    -Take measurements, so you can know you're getting smaller even if you can't see it.

    For instance:
    -Crossing your legs
    -Thighs not rubbing against each other when you walk
    -New "activities" you can do in bed
    -Shopping at "regular" stores
    -Living a long, healthy life for your kids/family
    -Riding in an airplane/roller coaster
    -Seeing a picture of yourself and saying "who's that thin woman next to mom?" and realizing it's you
    -Not losing your feet to diabetes
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    edited October 2015
    In April I started off with 125 pounds to lose. Now I'm at the half way point and I'm finally below 200 pounds. Let me tell you it feels great. The only secret to weightloss is to just keep going. If you're eating at a deficit you will lose weight regardless of what types of foods you eat or whether or not you do any exercise. So settle in for the long haul. Find a plan that feels easy and sustainable to you. Find something you feel like you could do forever. So don't cut out your favorite foods or put a huge restriction on yourself. The easier it is for you the longer you will be able to do it. And that is what counts the most. Eat at an easy and reasonable deficit and don't stop. By the way I'm 5'5" and at 195 pounds I finally got out of the Plus size stores. :)
  • Nanogg55
    Nanogg55 Posts: 275 Member
    I started last April at 230lbs. Goal weight is 120; currently I weigh 177. I did a lot of "lurking" on the message boards; (still do) and some of the most helpful tips I've picked up have been:
    • Set a reasonable goal; think of weight loss as an endurance race, not a sprint. I didn't put the weight on overnight and it's not going to come off overnight either.
    • Weighing my food with a digital scale is the only way I can be certain of how much I am consuming. I do sometimes "eyeball" my portions but whenever my body scale shows a weight gain for a couple of days running I tighten up on my weighing and logging.
    • Regular exercise-I can lose weight without it but makes me feel better both physically and mentally and also lets me earn some extra calories. I'm dealing with a long term back injury but I go for a brisk hour long walk with my dog morning. It's part of my daily routine and I miss it if we have to skip a day.
    • I eat whatever I want but practice moderation on the calorie dense stuff. I even have the occasional glass of wine. :smile: If I were to cut out all the yummy foods that I love I would not be able to stick to it for more than a couple of days before going nuts and having a major food fest. Life is too short to eat boring food.
    • It's Ok if I fall off the wagon occasionally and overindulge. I just log it and move on. Tomorrow is another day.
    • I try to spend a little time scanning the message boards everyday. It reminds me I'm not alone fighting the wicked weigh monster; I get some useful tips and a few giggles.

      Best of luck to you!
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    Take one day at a time and believe in yourself - always!

    The moment you start doubting that you can get to your goal is the moment you've given up on yourself, in my opinion. This can be a frustrating process at times but stick with it - it works. I set myself small monthly goals to reach and it made the whole 'journey' a lot less daunting. When I started, I was concerned that it would take AGES to be where I wanted to be - you need to totally wipe that thought from your head and don't let it put you off getting started. It took me 5 months to get to my goal. I kept my head up. I soldiered on. I stayed strong. I remained positive. And I got there. You can too :)
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    You don't need to lose 115. You only need to lose one pound - the next one. Then you just repeat that 115 times.

    I started out with more than 200 to lose. That was way to big. Overwhelming. Impossible.

    But losing one? Sure.

    So far I've lost that one 115 times. And it's only been 22 months. Only another 26 months to go to reach maintainance.

  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    There are so many different ways to lose many ways as there are people, really.

    Me, I eat healthy foods, exercise, lift some weights and count my calories. The bulk of my exercise is swimming and walking.

    As you go, lots of people will ask you questions about what you did and say they're going to try. Some will say they want to lose with you. Few, if any, will follow through. If you want to do it, make up your kind to be successful without any help. If someone comes along who gets into it and sticks with it, that'll be nice...but don't count on it!!
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    edited October 2015
    I lost my weight this way:

    1. I started weighing my food on a food scale. Every single bite! and i dont use cups spoons or serving sizes. I weigh everything and log my food!
    2. I eat everything i like and love only smaller portions & created a deficit. And i eat a balanced diet. So Vegetables, Fruit, nuts, herbs, dairy, meat, fish, grains etc etc...everything!
    3. For me i like to eat 3 meals a day and around 4 PM and 9 PM in the evening a snack. ( that is very personal of course) I love my popcorn and frozen fruits in the evening. A huge bowl.
    4. I started to be more active. Stand up at least every hour and do something.
    5. After some weeks ( i already lost a fair amount of weight then) i started to exercise. Walking in the beginning. Now i swim, jog, walk and do some light lifting, and i started teaching Body-Robic again.,
    6. I am patient i dont sweat it when i dont lose for 10 or 14 days or even longer...i weigh my food i know what i eat so i will lose.
    7. I didn't stop to go out or eat that ice cream or hamburger or pizza. I just eat less.
    8. I told myself that i dont have any excuse to not lose the excess weight.

    And most of all i did it for me! I didn't need or do it with friends. I told myself i am the one who is responsible for me.
    I also dont find it hard or difficult. And yes, i have my down days...but dont we have those all? Weight loss related or not?
    That is just life.

    My motivation comes from myself and the promise i made almost a year ago. To myself. I wanted to feel good again be fit and be as healthy as possible.

    Emotional moments for me were when my husband could put ONE arm around me instead of needing two to embrace me.
    The moment i put on a ring i inherited from my grandmother i never could wear before. Plus the ones she gave to me on birthday's and i couldn't wear anymore.

    At this point i am close to my goal weight and eat very close to my maintenance level ( testing out were it is...aboutish) Still losing slowly about 1 to 2 pounds a month. So pretty like i calculated it. I am not in a hurry and i never was. I told myself even when it takes me 5 years it is fine. That it would be faster ...well even better.
    But these last pounds, no big deal. When i lose them great and when not, i feel very good and fit and that was what i wanted.
