just started...5 min ago! :)

esmersantos Posts: 4
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone! I am nervous but excited as well and above all oh so motivated to make this work. I am encouraging my co worker to take on this journey with me, hope she does. but in any way, i hope i can get support from others who have been in this program for some time now, and especialy from those newbies like me :) we can motivate eachother and share stories.. Best of luck to all !!!


  • cfey28
    cfey28 Posts: 11 Member
    Yeah!! Congrats and good luck! Keep the focus on yourself. I started with a good friend, and she hasn't been on in about 2 weeks. She's super busy with work and other stuff and just hasn't had the time. So just keep your head hi and "add me" as a friend! I'll try to keep you motivated, and feel free to motivate me!! :) Good luck and best wishes!
  • Hi I just started too, I really need to this and quit slacking and taking the easy way out, good luck :)
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Welcome. I get lots of support from this site. Just reading the posts distracts me from thinking about food all the time. You can add me as a friend if you like.
  • ReadySara
    ReadySara Posts: 86 Member
    Welcome, don't worrie, your going to love this website, here is a number one tip I highly recommend.
    1. Add as much people you can for all the support, trust me even tho you may not know them, they help you get thru it & help with anything else that may not be about weight/exercise/food ect ect.
    Your going to get addicted to this site, well for me I did.
    Good Luck on your goal.
  • jeandsouza
    jeandsouza Posts: 17 Member
    HI Everyone !

    I am Jean . Current height - 165 cm / 5"4 ; Start weight 199 ; Current weight 197 :) ; feel great ! I can do this especially with some motivation for sure.
    Started this recently and definitely feel good . I am tracking practically everything that goes into my mouth . All the best - we can do it !
    Take care
  • Welcome to the newbies. Not much luck involved. Determination to make a change really goes a long way. A support system (ME and MFP) is so important. Family and friends may flake out on you when/if you lose more than they want you to.

    Glad you're here. Log your food and exercise. Lots of good people here. Welcome!! :flowerforyou:
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    You found the right place. :) JOining this site is the best decision I have made for myself in a long time.
  • ceirawillsucceed
    ceirawillsucceed Posts: 519 Member
    hi and welcome. you will get so much support and motivation here.
    feel free to add me if you like.
    good luck.
  • Hi I am new too, might have to do some veggies tonight only have 500 calories left for the day
  • LCantrell
    LCantrell Posts: 79 Member
    Welcome and good luck! You've come to the right place for advice and inspiration!
  • How do I add people?
  • Brewern
    Brewern Posts: 2
    Hello everyone!

    I'm just getting started today! I have the urge to lose weight, but no motivation...nor will power!! I am a widowed mom of three. They already lost their father to cancer, so I'm all they have left, so I've got to do something to make myself healthier!
  • Well i just got started and i really need to keep myself motivated. i started exercising two weeks ago and it has been going pretty well but now my work hours are changing and i am working 9 hours a day so when i get home from exercising it will be 30 minutes later. i feel guilty because my husband is at home with our 9month old. i feel like i should be there with them but at the same time my hubby is paying for the gym fees and money is tight so i dont want to waste his money. i really need to lose about 66 pounds.
  • capricorn144
    capricorn144 Posts: 335 Member

    I am 55 days into the site here using my diary everyday and blogging my intentions as I start my day to give myself a mental boost.

    19.2 pounds gone. (see below) and it has been SO EASY! just start your day with a PLAN in your diary and you can't do anything but lose the weight!:happy:
  • amandakay23
    amandakay23 Posts: 156
    How do I add people?

    Welcome new people! You add people by clicking on them to look at thier profile and then select on add as a friend. Feel free to add me if you want to try it out! =)
  • Brewern
    Brewern Posts: 2
    Hello, I'm just getting started myself. It is hard to stay focused, but I keep reminding myself that I'm doing this for my kids!! They lost their father to cancer last year, and I'm all they got left.....raising them as a single mom. We can do this!! Yes, we can!!
  • JThomas61
    JThomas61 Posts: 892
    Hello and Welcome to MFP. I am not new but always looking for more friends to help motivate, encourage and support! Everyone feel free to add me.
  • marilou32
    marilou32 Posts: 19
    Welcome!! It's the easiest thing...enjoy it! :D
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