Anaerobic question

So I recently started doing the weight machines in the gym.... specifically for arm and thighs. I did my arms on Monday and plan to do them again today, but they are still slightly soar. Is it ok to go ahead and do them considering I had a rest day or should I wait another day for the soarness to lessen. I'm thinking it's ok to go ahead and work em out, even if wont be able to do as many reps.


  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    ideally you want to let them fully recover before working them again, but getting 85% or 90% of the way and doing it again is ok. If you have a choice, I'd say wait 1 more day, but if it's today or nothing, do today.
  • Wangenstein
    I can't speak to intervals between workouts, but I do have a tip for soreness: potassium. Apparently, having it in your system when you work out helps with soreness. I started out getting horribly sore after visiting the trainer (particularly the second day after!) when a friend recommended eating a banana afterwards. I did, and wasn't sore at all the first day after, and only a little sore the second day after. Recently, I started eating a banana 1-2 hours before working out, and it made even more of a difference. No soreness on the first day after, and what I call 'awareness' of the harder-hit areas on the second day after.

    I highly recommend giving it a try. I'd be curious to see if it has the same level of effect.

    Hope it helps, and keep up the good work! You're doing it the right way. Changing your diet and exercising DOES work.
  • lionempress
    lionempress Posts: 126 Member
    Thanks for your replies. It's greatly appreciated! Wangenstein, I'll do that and let you know how the bananas work out!
  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    I dont know about the soreness, but that is one AWESOME profile pic:smile:
  • lionempress
    lionempress Posts: 126 Member
    Thanks :laugh:
    I dont know about the soreness, but that is one AWESOME profile pic:smile: