Diet v. Exercise

Hi All! I'm new to the site and looking to get back on track. A high stress job that consumes the majority of my waking hours has left me with unhealthy eating habits and little motivation to use my "spare" time (not much time at all) to exercise. I personally enjoy exercising and always have. However, lately I just can't seem to get with it. So here's my issue...I'm debating whether I should put aside my exercise ambitions without guilt and focus totally on my eating habits for the next few weeks. My thought is, with a healthier diet, the weight will come off anyway AND help motivate me to workout consistently. Any thoughts?


  • MrsSki
    MrsSki Posts: 196
    Weight loss is generally 80% diet and 20% exercise. So I say go for it! But be sure to eat clean and stay away from high processed foods and high sodium foods, both of these can ruin any diet plan. Fresh is better!
  • CoachFoland
    CoachFoland Posts: 564 Member
    Just work on eating. If you have time, do a workout here or there. Diet is always key! If you exercise everyday, but your crazy on your food, you won't notice your gains.
  • yallen8832
    yallen8832 Posts: 68
    Great advice!
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    I haven't been able to exercise beyond light walking for the last few years due to some physical ailments. In the last year and a half I have lost 46 lbs just from managing what I eat. So, yes it can be done. It may not come off as fast as you'd like, but as long as you're patient and you eat in a healthy, mindful manner you will lose.

    good luck and happy eating!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I have lost all the weight I wanted without exercise and I eat carbs too. OH MY!
  • theMightyAnt
    Absolutely you can lose weight but if you want to be healthy you should address your stress levels too. Exercise can help with that.
    Yoga, meditation, stretching, weight training and cardiovascular exercise are all good stress relieving activities that you can perform almost anywhere and can help you maintain focus to be more efficient at your job.
    I wish you all the best.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Something I have learned is, you’re not fat because you’re lazy, you’re lazy because you’re fat. I’m using the you’re generically don’t know your weight. I believe it’s true, just being thinner will give you more energy and motivation to get off the couch. So yes, work on the diet first then work on getting in shape.
  • Spayrroe
    Spayrroe Posts: 210 Member
    Anything you do to start a healthier life is great!

    When I was pregnant with my last baby, I worked full time, had a 3 year old at home, and my husband was deployed for military training (found out two weeks after he left I was pregnant, and she was born six weeks before he got home). With my loaded down schedule, I didn't have time for 'real' workouts. I started parking as far away from the door at work as I could. I went for short walks on my breaks. Took the stairs as much as I could. Parked at the last spot by a cart corral (it helps to be next to a corral with kids) at the grocery store. Of course, living in a second floor apartment and having a lifting limit, I went up and down the stairs like a billion times a day (had to start using smaller trash bags and pack lighter grocery bags which both meant more trips up and down). I focused a lot on making sure I was eating healthier (fresher fruits and veggies, lean meats, cutting out processed foods, etc). Just with those little changes, by the time I delivered my baby, I was 12 pounds lighter than before I was pregnant. Now, losing 12lbs in nine months (when I started at over 300lbs) isn't that impressive in general, but I was impressed.

    I think focusing on eating well will help you lose weight in general, and you may find that you have a lot more energy and may be able to find more ways to get more activity in :)

    Good luck!!
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    Unless you are naturally shapely but a bit overweight, exercise is ESSENTIAL to a shapely body. If you want to become a SMALLER YOU, then just diet. But if you want a nice shape and tone, you must exercise.
  • JadeMarie78
    JadeMarie78 Posts: 24 Member
    Wow!! That was fast! Thank you everyone! It all makes sense. It's a situation where I knew but needed some perspective. I'm excited now! The stress is tough but I'm thinking a better diet will help with mental clarity which will in turn address some of the stress. It's all cyclical isn't it.