Bike Riding......not as bad as i thought

So last weekend hub decides lets go get new bikes.....I just grabbed a mountain bike from Walmart...he did the same...and so did my boys. I knew just from looking at the tiny seat that there was no way my *kitten* was gunna survive the first trip.....welp.....big seat or not....oh my god.....pain. I did not let it stop me.....went the next uncomfortable.....went again the third day....ok.....pain subsiding.
I was so glad we took the bike trail. I immediately flashed back to when I was five sitting in my grandparents yard...Honeysuckle was everywhere....I cant believe I was missing out on that trail.......but now I am stuck...its really hot here.....
Any suggestions on how to ride without dying from the heat.....


  • CoachFoland
    CoachFoland Posts: 564 Member
    Go early in the morning! Otherwise, wear appropriate attire and have plenty of hydration.
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    Love love love bikeriding! I suggest you go early early or before the sun completely sets. Good job on not giving up on's a great way to get a workout along with getting some fresh air. I love to bikeride at the lake. :bigsmile:
  • MisterSixer
    MisterSixer Posts: 37 Member
    Glad you discovered the joys of bicycling. I'd agree that going in the early AM is probably best if you want to avoid getting overheated, but I'd also recommend water bottle attachments (most bikes have room for two!). Take a break every half hour or so, and wear light-colored, loose fitting clothing.
  • hill2302
    hill2302 Posts: 139 Member
    The faster you go the more breeze you create to cool yourself :-)
  • prettybrownround
    prettybrownround Posts: 362 Member
    I ride my bike at 7am in the morning or I wait until the evening when the suns starts to set but its still light outside. Other than that keep a towel with you and a bottle of water.
  • sarahlyzzibeth
    Your booty will get used to riding a bike...believe me. I live on a college campus and so there's no reason to have a car, so I have a bike. The first few weeks were pretty awful, my tailbone was so sore... but eventually you get used to it and I've been riding a bike for over a year now and I never have any discomfort in that way. :) (and no I don't have any sort of fancy gel-padded seat or anything.... just the regular ole bike seat the bike came with) I wonder what causes you to become less sensitive to that... glutes getting stronger maybe? hmm... either way, riding a bike is fabulous!
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    I ride to and from work whenever I can, and try to hit the trails as often as possible. I rode in today, and it's supposed to hit 95 degrees. I make sure I dress correctly and have cool water. As long as I don't have to stop, the breeze you create feels great.
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    I am Night Rider with my bottle of water. I would rider more during the day if it wasn't sooooo hot outside.
  • tiava20
    tiava20 Posts: 1 Member
    I ride all the time mostly for the fun of it. But to answer your question there is not much you can do about the heat, so depending on the length of your ride look into a camelpack for water, tride riding earlier in the day or later in the evening when the sun is not so high. Then there is the clothing, although cycling clothing is very expensive there are cheeper alternatives in the sports section at walmart or your local sports store. Get the stuff that wisk the sweat from your body, when you ride it act like a fan cooling your boby. Hope I was of help.
  • jewels319
    jewels319 Posts: 72 Member
    Thnx for all the advice.....Over the past two unbelievably hot days I swam instead of I hit the trail...butt feels good, broke a wicked sweat and got home alive. I always crack up at some of the attire people have on for all screams Spandex.....everything spandex (sorry, The nutty Professor was a funny movie).....since all of your posts....duh...I get it now......the materials and scarcity of the clothing makes a BIG difference. Another big thing I noticed is bugs.....oddly enough...there are more in my yard around my pool than there is on this trail...maybe its just makes no sense. I hope everyone is doin well.
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    So last weekend hub decides lets go get new bikes.....I just grabbed a mountain bike from Walmart...he did the same...and so did my boys. I knew just from looking at the tiny seat that there was no way my *kitten* was gunna survive the first trip.....welp.....big seat or not....oh my god.....pain. I did not let it stop me.....went the next uncomfortable.....went again the third day....ok.....pain subsiding.
    I was so glad we took the bike trail. I immediately flashed back to when I was five sitting in my grandparents yard...Honeysuckle was everywhere....I cant believe I was missing out on that now I am stuck...its really hot here.....
    Any suggestions on how to ride without dying from the heat.....

    freeze a half bottle of water fill the rest of the way with water and take an extra bottle with you the frozen part should stay cold long enough to help cool you down during your bike ride.
  • dave_in_delaware
    dave_in_delaware Posts: 49 Member
    The only suggestions I have about the heat would be riding either early morning before it gets wicked hot, or riding in the evening when it starts cooling off. Also, if you have any trails or park paths around that have trees, the shade will help block the sun's heat.

    I love riding my bike. I have trails scattered around 2500 acres of farmland, woods, horse farms, and small parks that I can take my mountain bike on.

    As long as I have some cool water and it isn't 100°F outside I'd ride. Just take it easy and drink water so you don't keel over from exhaustion or dehydration.