How do you intercept a binge?



  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Same. I ate a whole subway Chicken Bacon Ranch last week.....I felt so ashamed.
    And this made me think..."mmmm Subway" lol

    Me too! I'm craving a chicken bacon ranch sandwich now, ZOMG!
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I wish I could help you but when Im about to binge..nothing can stop me
    I definitely feel this way. I wish I had the time to STOP and think about what I'm doing, but usually when that thought enters my head I'm already shoving a Honey Bun down my throat. And then once I'm done with that I figure I already screwed up for the day so might as well go all out and have whatever I want.
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Out of sight out of mind. If it's not in the house I won't eat it. If you live in my house I know you need willpower. I would pick a portion of what I want to "binge" on and put it in a snack bag or little container so I know I will only eat that portion and go upstairs away from the pantry. Also drinking some almond or skim milk helps me think I'm full.
  • jdm0804
    jdm0804 Posts: 98 Member
    The way that I do it is that I don't keep anything binge-worthy in my apartment. That way, when the urge strikes, I have to expend effort in order to binge. Usually I do it when I'm being lazy, so I sort of fight fire with fire. I keep healthy snacks like carrots and celery in my fridge (next to my expired milk...I need to clean it...). It doesn't really help, because I almost never crave celery or carrots. I'll look at it and think "Man I wish you were a box of Oreos right now..." When I really get to craving something, I'll only go to Subway near my apartment, because it's about a 2/3 mile walk, plus it's better than some other fast food joints!
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    The way that I do it is that I don't keep anything binge-worthy in my apartment.

    Oh my gosh. I get what you're saying by "binge-worthy." Lol! I went to the grocery store one day and bought ONLY healthy foods, and it stopped my binge right in it's tracks. I was like "I am not bingeing on a bunch of stupid vegetables and fruits! If I'm going to eat 4000 calories, I'm going to eat some damn chocolate." So.... No binge for me.
  • jdm0804
    jdm0804 Posts: 98 Member
    I was like "I am not bingeing on a bunch of stupid vegetables and fruits! If I'm going to eat 4000 calories, I'm going to eat some damn chocolate."

    Precisely my thinking. It always makes me a little crazy though, knowing that I can't have what I want. But all that pacing that I do burns calories! Lol
  • FinalOutrage
    Drink a lot of water and chew some gum as well, works every time.
  • bbush18
    bbush18 Posts: 207 Member
    in the front of any cabinet/pantry and the refrigerator, i have post-its stuck to them. and on those post-its, it says "do not eat if you're not hungry. do not eat if you're bored. do not eat and watch tv or read. eat at the table. eat til you're 80% full." reading that usually helps me...and since it's posted everywhere in my house keeps me focused. HOWEVER...snacks manage to make it's way into my mouth on occasion! :D
  • supershiny
    supershiny Posts: 170 Member
    I call my bf or a friend. It's hard, but calling someone and being like "I am about to eat a huge plate of oreos. Can you talk?" is ridiculously helpful. I agree with the other poster who suggested doing something for 30 minutes straight. Knit, write, paint your toenails, whatever. For some reason, doing an alternative positive activity can offset the urge.
  • supershiny
    supershiny Posts: 170 Member
    I wish I could help you but when Im about to binge..nothing can stop me
    I definitely feel this way. I wish I had the time to STOP and think about what I'm doing, but usually when that thought enters my head I'm already shoving a Honey Bun down my throat. And then once I'm done with that I figure I already screwed up for the day so might as well go all out and have whatever I want.

    I know how that is! :) I used to think this. I have since started allowing myself a junk item every day and I track it and move on, work out, and finish out the day strong. I've learned that it's all about balance and if you have all-or-nothing thinking then it can really sabotage your progress. I am a recovering perfectionist (every day is a struggle!) and I identify with this thinking pattern :) I was given this once and it helped me realize my thinking was screwing me over:
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    "Move away from the fridge, Fatty????" Hahahahahahaha! That is just PRICELESS! I am going to try the post it method & see what happens....
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    I've found that the urge to binge has gone away since I've 1) cut out processed foods and 2) cut down on my carb consumption. Now I don't have those cravings/urges anymore.

    However, the urge to eat something sweet hits me if I've had alcohol. And I won't just stop at one (sweet treat). So I have to be VERY mindful of that. If I start, I don't stop til I am totally stuffed or feel gross. Luckily, that happens rarely, and also, since I'm aware of it, I try to THINK about everything that goes into my mouth, and ask myself if I'm truly hungry, or if I really need this.

    Often another glass of wine/beer will make that urge go away, so for me that's the lesser of the 2 evils (another glass of wine vs. several pieces of cake, for ex).
  • Melanie12081
    I drink a large glass of water BEFORE I eat ANYTHING, meals or snacks. I also log my food BEFORE I eat it. You can always go back and edit, but once you see the calories available drop, it's a big motivator to eat ONLY what you put in the log.

    I'm a big fan of just not buying the stuff that's bad...but I have a family that doesn't always sit well with that. So if we have "cheat foods," it's usually items I don't like and can avoid, and only ONE that I like in the house at a time. So if there are cookies, there aren't chips I like, etc.

    And never feel ashamed or guilty. If you cheat, you cheat. Brush it off and move on - but LOG IT, and try and do better the rest of the day.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I love the suggestion of the post-it notes!

    Here's some of what I do:

    Don't buy anything "binge-worthy". If there's no food you want to binge on around, you're less likely to binge. I have to do this with ice cream and too much chocolate (keep very small amount in the house).

    Do the distraction method as suggested. Drink some water or a light calorie drink instead.

    Think about why you want to binge. What feelings are coming up at that moment? Face those feelings.

    Ask yourself if you REALLY want to put the binge food in your MFP diary (hold yourself accountable).

    Ask yourself if you're actually going to enjoy the food if you're not hungry for it (I don't like wasting my sweet tooth items!).

    Brush your teeth. Seriously, freshly brushed teeth make you less likely to eat.
  • jessp687
    jessp687 Posts: 27 Member
    Three slices of toasted whole wheat bread and cucumber without dressing with two glasses of water should do the trick. Also did you do turbo jam before turbo fire and how did it compare
  • capricorn144
    capricorn144 Posts: 335 Member
    did you have a good meal with protein before the urge?
    did you eat your 3 meals and planned snacks prior to the urge to binge?

    If I eat according to my plan I am not even thinking of food until the snack time I have planned.

    Here is a suggestion...a cup of UNSWEETENED chocolate Almond Breeze milk, a container of frozen vanilla yogurt. (toss a bunch in the freezer for frappes) blend until smooth...add coconut extract 1/4 tsp if you want that flavor for the almond joy kind of taste.
    Add a tsp or so of UNSWEETENED hershey cocoa powder to make it even more chocolatey

    If you use the 6oz yougurt it makes it thick and frosty. About 120 cals.

    Sip slowly it gives you brain freeze! LOL
  • joyoungolivia
    joyoungolivia Posts: 85 Member
    I am the same as you, once i have the urge to binge, nothing will stop me, I have actually just had an urge, and ate ice cream with chocolate sauce! it was yummy, then i opened up a big tin of custard,, poured the whole lot into a bowl, grabbed a spoon and started eating as i made my way to sit down and enjoy the comfort. But this time i actually stopped myself, I looked at the bowl and though, you know what, its not worth it, I dont even like it that much. (that doesnt normally work!!) so i chucked it in the bin and now i'm sat with nothing to nibble while i watch tv, but i'm happy with that. I am proud that I didnt continue my binge. Idont kno if that helps you, but i just thought i'd add it!
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    Get out of the house!

    This is what I try to do. It doesn't always work, but it's better than nothing! I tend to get binge-y in the evenings, around 10pm (I eat dinner between 7-8pm). Luckily, my boyfriend and I have taken up late night walks. Therefore, right when the binge-ies hit ("I want ice cream!") I'm shuffling out the door. The ice cream's far out of reach for the next hour. Then, when I get back, if I still REALLY, REALLY want that ice cream, I've burned the calories to eat it!

    (About three nights ago, I had an almost PAINFUL craving for pie. A whole pie. Luckily there was none in the house. I'm not a sweet tooth person generally [although I have a sore spot for ice cream] but this craving hit really, really hard. What I did was grab one small (less to 1x1 inch) square of fudge from the freezer and slowly nibbled on that while I cooked myself real food. Sweet craving solved, and hunger taken care of by something nutritious. And no pie involved!)
  • holly0623
    holly0623 Posts: 66
    I drink a cup of coffee or tea. It makes me fulll and gets rid of my cravings right away. Something i read in a magazine was to have a picture of yourself in a bathing suit or something else un-flattering and look at it before you start eating something bad.
    I love all the other suggestions! (:
  • wellnesscoachmegg
    wellnesscoachmegg Posts: 68 Member
    I didn't read the other responses, so I'm not sure if anyone recommended this...but something that helps me is, before I take the first bite, I've PROMISED myself I will do something active. Go for a walk, take the dog around the corner, go do my 15 minute ab ripper from p90x, or heck, go for a full-on run! The point isn't to mitigate the binge calories, not at all...its about the mindset. I always feel better about myself, and my body, and how truly amazing it is that I have my health. I just think putting something in the way of binging really helps. In the past, I tried journaling, or showering, or painting my nails, things like that. But, nothing really helped as much as getting active did. Just puts me in a different mind set. Good luck! Make a promise to yourself to do SOMETHING before the first bite!