Need Girl “Pals” – Friendly, Fun, and Over Forty!



  • rockstar53
    rockstar53 Posts: 215 Member
    How is everyone's week going? Today will be my last day of a 30 day walk to run program!! I am now doing intervals of running for 5 mins at a time!! I stuck to the program…did not miss a day, even during crazy back to school time, kids tryouts and hubby out of town. So proud of myself!!

    Have yourselves a great day!
  • Fragmoss
    Fragmoss Posts: 66 Member
    Greetings Non domestic goddess!
    54 here. I just started a new job too. (Tim Hortons) fast food coffee & donut shoppe. Ugh!
    I bring my own lunch and never, evvvvver eat out! Vegan here. I have since my start of the new job back in June 2015, have lost 18 lbs. Still have about 30 more pounds to go.

    ADD me if you like...quick tip: laughing burns more calories than pouting!
  • placidegirl
    placidegirl Posts: 29 Member
    I'm 42 and have 20 odd to lose - friends are always welcome x
  • chelleb1974
    chelleb1974 Posts: 69 Member
    I am 41 and have about 80 more to lose. I have lost and kept off 60lbs over the last few years (with some fluctuation) - I lost 100lbs twice with WW (lost it once and gained it all back), and 40lbs has crept back over the last few years. Time to catch it and stop before all 100 creep back.

    I have done MFP a few different times, but seem to lose motivation each time (not sure why - working on figuring that out). I'd love new friends on here, though I have to admit, I don't get to log on to read forums that much - sometimes I tend to forget. I do see anything posted to your status - I usually use my phone to log in. Feel free to add me if you want though!

    I am striving to re-commit to this and use baby steps instead of trying to do everything "right" all at once. My main goal for now is to track everything (my downfall) whether it's good, bad or ugly. I bought a FitBit ChargeHR last week to get a more accurate tally of the calories I burn in a day - we'll see how it goes. I am also starting to take the stairs at work (work 7 flights up...walking the last 2 for now). When I can maintain these two changes, I'll implement more. I read somewhere it takes 2 weeks to make something a habit - so here's to day 1!!

  • My story is similar to many of yours! Lost-gained-tried to come back-kept gaining-kept trying-gave up-worked my way back into the right frame of mind-finally getting serious, again! I lost 50# via MFP and running and the culmination was doing a 10-mile race I had been dreaming of.

    Kept the weight off for a year and was training for the same race when I was stopped with plantar fasciitis. I was kept from running for the better part of a year due to pain. And eventually the old food habits started slipping in and finally, taking over my life, again, and I didn't even try to go back.

    That was two years ago!!! I've regained the majority of that 50#, but have kept myself from the typical "gained even more". Still, I want to run, again!!! And I need to drop at least 15# and gain some fitness to feel like I can start. So I am working on that now. My goal is to do that 10-mile race next fall, as close to the weight I was last time, as possible.

    Beyond that, I should really lose another 20-30#. What a job ahead! Most of my old friends were gone, so I set up a new profile and am looking for to the support of new friends. I'm 50, BTW. Sending requests to those above. Those that come later, please friend me!!!
  • redwingsfan6712
    redwingsfan6712 Posts: 81 Member
    43 with about 50lbs to lose. Feel free to add me! I had previously lost 115lbs between 2011 and 2012, but got lazy after I got married and put 50 back on. Now, we have a big vacation coming up in July and I want to get back into a bikini so I'm determined!!!
  • LaurieNelson3969
    LaurieNelson3969 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 46 in Virginia hoping to lose the 100 lbs I've been carrying for 20 years.
  • Phenamina
    Phenamina Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! Amina here from Canada :) looking to friend some active users - all my friends seemed to have stopped using the app much right now - please feel free to friend me, that would be lovely xx
  • momtofourco
    momtofourco Posts: 2 Member
    edited October 2015
    Feel free to add me. I'm 45 and have about 45 lbs to lose. A lb for every year. LOL. I'm new on here and need the motivation.

    Little more about me. I starting running a couple of years ago a way to get back in shape. But the weight wasn't coming off. Found out I have an autoimmune disease that makes it hard to lose weight so despite the 23 5k's I have run this year weight isn't moving. So I started this week tracking all of my food on here to hopefully get my metabolism kicked back in gear.
  • J_Daawwg
    J_Daawwg Posts: 61 Member
    Hi ladies

    Julie from Tasmania (little island at bottom of Australia). Please feel free to add me too. I had a great run with MFP 3 years ago and lost 17kg. To cut a long story short - the 17kg is back with another 6 friends. I'm mid forties and apparently a slow learner :)

    Am a self confessed workaholic and have slipped into some atrocious habits all in the name of working myself into an early grave. So some major changes to be made!


    From the land down under the land down under

  • rebellegrrl
    rebellegrrl Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I'm JoAnne :) I'm 51, and my goal is to live a healthy lifestyle. I hope to lose 40 lbs over 2 years. I would love to have some supportive gal pals to help me through this journey!
  • energizenj
    energizenj Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone. I am glad Jen started this post. My name is Chris. I have been living healthier for about 6 months now and using MFP for about 115 days so far and love it. I have lost about 35 pounds so far. I am glad my son kept encouraging me. I would like more friends too. I would like to give and get support. I want to lose another 50 pounds and want to surround myself with likeminded people. I need help. I don't know how to send friend requests. I have been trying and have not been successful. I am open to you requesting me as a friend. I hope to become active with this group.
  • got2rockit
    got2rockit Posts: 41 Member
    Hi all! Glad I found this thread as well. I am 47, mom of 2, married…ya da ya da! LOL! I'm working hard on losing the 50 lbs that I put on forever ago. I'm determined. "Running" my first 5K next wknd! It's been at least 10 years since my last one. Very excited! I log daily - the good the bad and the ugly. Dropped .8lb this week - nice to see the scale move downward. I'll take anything as long as it's going in that direction!
  • Sharoney123
    Sharoney123 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello ladies! I am 40 mom to a 6 & 10 yr old. Starting my journey of losing 100 lbs. Taking it in 10 lb intervals. I am looking for kind supportive friends as well. Please feel free to add me as a friend. Theres power in numbers, can cheer each other on!
  • shelby5711
    shelby5711 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi! I'm 52 - have four grown children, I don't have 50 pounds to lose I got about 8 pounds to go....but I'm really positive and motivating so feel free to add me as a friend!