Exercise help needed!!! Pweeeze!!!

Hi guys, I am new to this site and in need of a lot of motivation when it comes to the exercise part! I work a mix of Nights and Days throughout the week i.e Every other night and every other afternoon most weeks. I am pretty much too tired to get to a gym and i really only walk my dogs. Does anyone have any great ideas on any exercises which will get my heart pumping, get me fitter but wont burn me out due to work. I work in an EMI nursing and residential home so i am very active at work but this is obviously not enough, I do have a weak knee due to an extremely bad sprain which was not repairable and i have been told by doctors jogging is not really an option and i cant swim so i would really appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks to everyone who replies it is very much appreciated :)


  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Find a Zumba class. I have only tried it once, but I loved it! Even with a bad knee I was able to keep up. Three times a week and you'll be skinny in no time!!
  • LuneBleu85
    LuneBleu85 Posts: 217
    First off, welcome!
    Why don't you try swimming? I always find it refreshing rather than exhausting. Finding a zumba class is a great idea as well. I get a lot of exercise from walking my dogs (we walk for at least 2 hours a day) so you could always try to gradually increase that also. Best of luck to you! :)
  • beerwidow
    beerwidow Posts: 20 Member
    Just keep walking those dogs! That is great exercise for you and the dogs. Work on increasing the speed, maybe work in some hills and a minimum of 30 minutes.
    Whatever you find, just keep moving. :-)
  • Caite_S
    Caite_S Posts: 42
    Jillian Michael's workout dvds are awesome. You might have to modify some of the moves because of your knee, but I'm sure they would still be a great workout!
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Water Aerobics or Zumba, even power walk intervals when walking the dogs or doing another lap.

    You just need to make time out of your schedule to work out if you want it. When I worked grave I'd wake up around 6p, eat & see DH, then work out for an hour after he went to bed plus hit the gym for 2 hours of classes after work. I lost 35 lbs doing that for 3 months.
  • sae1316
    sae1316 Posts: 70 Member
    Have you tried Leslie Sansone's walking program? It's great because you can choose high or low impact and all of her moves can be modified. You can also choose your speed and how long you want to go... very adaptable. I really like it. Here is a link to her page so you can check it out.