B.E.D/bulimia survivor. We all struggle!

I an a 25 year old female and have been purge - free for 4 years and food sober for over a year now. However, I still over-eat. I'm in a place in my recovery where I can freely eat what I want, and not worry about having the urge to binge. I have struggled with B.E.D my entire life and finally have it under pretty good control. I should be proud of myself, right? I believe there are a lot of people in the world like me. People who can't help but to accidentally worry about the things we don't do perfectly, instead of focusing on the accomplishments we've made. I have recently gained 10bs and it is driving me crazy. All I've been able to do is tear myself down inside over it lately. But then I remind myself, that for the first time in my life, I can freely eat what I want and actually enjoy it. I am no longer a slave to my disorder. I no longer stuff myself so tight I feel like my insides might explode! I need to remind myself that it's okay that I gained 10lbs. I can work on all of that. I'm pretty damn happy with myself overall so eff this 10lbs!! ; )


  • libby328
    libby328 Posts: 287 Member
    Good for you. I'm a recovered anorexic. I understand the struggle well. I still struggle with the number on the scale even though I'm probably in the best physical shape of my life. One step at a time
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    What does food sober mean and how does it differ from BED/ bulimia?
  • kenzington1
    kenzington1 Posts: 8 Member
    @healthygreek , Food sober means different things to different people. But basically it is when a person suffering from BED is no longer binge eating. It's easier to think of when you refer to a drug addict who is currently sober. When they are sober they are not doing drugs. Food is my drug, so when I am not binging I am food sober.
  • kenzington1
    kenzington1 Posts: 8 Member
    Also something to note is that BED and bulimia are two seperate disorders. BED is binge eating and bulimia is purging after eating. Not all binge eaters are purgers and not all bulimics are binge eaters. However, binge eating is commonly paired with a secondary eating disorder.