I need help losing 125 pounds!!!

So I really need help to change my lifestyle for the better preferrebly someone who has been thru this. I've gained 100 pounds. I can't seem to lose or keep it off when I do. I've tried everything. Diet pills prescription exc. I became very depressed and food was my comfort zone. I lost my dog a few years ago and he was like my best friend. I JUST DON'T KNOW WHERE TO START. I want to get back Down to 165-170 I don't know what to do, and I'm really concerned about my life and health. Pls help asap. Thanks


  • jakelee65
    jakelee65 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I have been doing the ideal protein plan and it works well, look it up in your area, worth looking into! Good luck!
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    I've tried everything. Diet pills prescription exc

    Did you try a slight calorie deficit for a long period of time? It works for almost everyone.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited October 2015
    Cherimoose wrote: »
    I've tried everything. Diet pills prescription exc

    Did you try a slight calorie deficit for a long period of time? It works for almost everyone.

    300 days logged and I've lost 45 pounds. It worked for me. Took it one pound at a time.
    20 pounds to go and I'm taking it 1/2 a pound at a time.
    The secret? My food scale and being kind to myself.
  • Smallerjojo2015
    Smallerjojo2015 Posts: 97 Member
    I had 140lbs + to lose
    I started myfittnesspal in January
    I log all food and drink and it works
    I have small goals at a time so I can make them in a month or two
    If you mess up one day restart it right away so it does not turn into 2 or 7 days
    I have lost 100lbs since January
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    1 fill in your stats here and chose how many you want/need to lose a week
    2 start weighing your food and logging it....every single bite!
    3 be patient and consistent

    And you will lose the weight, how fast or slow depends on your age, gender, how much overweight, medical condition etc. But you will lose.

    Good luck you can do it.

  • walker1world
    walker1world Posts: 259 Member
    This is always the hard part sifting through all the advice and trying to find what works for you. I have no specific advice but I do say good luck.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Eighty five pounds down here. I had a lot of expert help; referred by my doctor.

    Mountains are climbed in stages.

    What could you do this week that would be a definite sign of success?
  • fattgrlneeds2bthin
    fattgrlneeds2bthin Posts: 32 Member
    Good luck on your journey. I have 120lbs or so to lose and have had issue with frustration started trying to move more and I am sore but no loss actually gained the last couple of days. But I am weighing everything trying to make better choices and :) taking it one day and step at a time. I can't wait until I have had some of the losses others have had on this post. Try to stay positive and remember it is a long haul not a sprint.
  • DreamOfRavens
    DreamOfRavens Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! First just want to say cheers that you joined up! Secondly, remember that you can do this even when you feel like you can't. Log ALL that you eat. Drink enough water, get enough sleep and move more! You got this! Believe me, I know... It can feel like climbing the world's highest mountain, but look at the single steps you are taking. One day by one day... You got this!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Start by reading all the sticky posts at the top of every MFP forum. They have lots of great info & tips. This us a daunting journey but it can be done, and had been done by many here.
    SW 301
    CW 188
    GW 150
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I have about 125 to lose, down 94 so far.

    I saw my doctor and a dietitian. More than once on both counts.

    I follow their advice.

    I flipped my diet from one of total crap, all the time, to a healthy and well-balanced one. Still working on the balance part, lol.

    I exercise regularly, like daily. I'm always trying new kinds of exercise because I think it's good for muscles to be used in different ways and it seems less boring...but I always go back to walking and swimming. That's what I like. You should consider swimming. It burns calories like nobody's business and works your muscles, too. If you don't like the way you look in a suit, get some swim shorts. That's my swimming plug. Free advice, take it or leave it.

    I've tried many, many different things. If it doesn't interfere with my overall game plan, I'm happy to try new things and see how they work. Eating breakfast and not eating at night turned out to be awesome for me. :) The "Eat more spicy foods!" was helpful because I can now tolerate more heat in my diet, but did not help me lose weight. It's all fun to try!

    I keep what I like and quit what I don't. My advice to you would be to do the same. Try stuff, keep what you like, quit what you don't. But keep trying new stuff. :)
  • MarkLee0901
    MarkLee0901 Posts: 7 Member
    I've lost about 80 lbs in 16 months using MyFitnessPal. It get asked all the time how did I do it. My advice for starting is always buy a food scale and become OCD. When it comes to logging put down everything you put in you mouth including condiments. There should never be something you are our drank that's not accounted for in your diary. If you do this you will not fail.
  • HowlinAl
    HowlinAl Posts: 277 Member
    If there's a single piece of advice that I think you'll find nearly 100% agreement with everyone on MFP. It's this: get a scale. Weigh everything. This is a skill it takes a little while to get the hang of.
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    I started with 125 pounds to lose in April. Today, I am down 63 pounds. As everyone said get a food scale and log everything. Set a reasonable plan and stick to it. Just remember you are not going to be able to crash diet 125 pounds so find a comfortable plan and settle into a routine because chances are you are going to be doing this for well over a year at least. Look at it this way....if you had to walk from one end of the US to the other would you start off sprinting or would you just start walking? You would set up little goals for yourself like walking 20 miles a day or this many miles in a week. If you stuck to your plan you would eventually get the the other side. But if you were literally running as fast as you could how long would it take before you just gave up? You wouldn't get very far if you started sprinting so don't think you're going to get very far if do some extreme calorie restricted weightloss program. Just start with a comfortable pace and then gradually make changes along the way to improve your plan. Just start by getting into the routine of logging and weighing everything.
  • hoshizoraaaa
    hoshizoraaaa Posts: 54 Member
    edited October 2015
    Goodluck!! I'm also needing to lose 120+ as well ^^ if u still need friends, dont hesitate to add me and lets do this together! You came to the right place :3 All of us are here to keep u going!!
  • voluhaaar
    voluhaaar Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! It's different for everyone, but for me it was very hard to stay on track when I was doing things out of hate. I hated my body, I hated how weak I am, I hated every time I slipped and ate something I shouldn't and I hated when I didn't progress as I thought I would. It was very frustrating and draining and I always ended up disappointed.

    But then I tried the new way: Yup, my body is not exactly the shape I want, but it's MY body and it works! I'm not on the weelchair! I wasn't born with any genetic disorders! I CAN do something about it! Not because I hate it, but because I WANT to be healthy and happy.

    I have sweet tooth so sugar was the biggest problem for me. So I read a lot of articles how too much sugar affects your body. Every time I went to the shop and I saw sweets, I forced myself to stop thinking "Oh my god I LOOOOVE ice cream, it's so smooth and delicious and I need it NOW!!" and try to imagine how bad is that for my body like "Yuk, this things can destroy my liver and teeth and I don't want to get diabetes! Nope, I will definitely not stuff my poor body with this *kitten*."
    That works for me ;)

    Also, start slowly. My calorie plan was too strickt (1300 cal per day) in the beginning and it was very very hard to reach my daily goal. So I changed it to 1650 cal per day, and later, when my stomach shrinked and I got used to working out more it became quite easy to eat around 1400 or even less per day. If you start too strickt it's more likely you'll give up because you'll feel too deprived.

    That's how I see it :) I know you can do it! Just don't give up, even if you have some bad days!
  • evielasham
    evielasham Posts: 2 Member
    Start logging your calories and eat clean no sugars or refined flour> Lean Meats Chicken and Fish. No sodas or sugary drinks, drink plenty of water. Eat fruits and vegetables with some exercise and eat small meals throughout the day Breakfast, after two hours Snack after two hours Lunch Etc.
  • BethMilledge
    BethMilledge Posts: 367 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • CampLondon
    CampLondon Posts: 239 Member
    You can join my Super bowl weight L challenge it is nearly halfway through.