Older Friends Needed

Hi.... I'm 68 years old and am looking for friends who are older than 55 for motivation and support. It's not that I don't like younger people (I love them!) but weight loss has different challenges after a certain age. For one... Your metabolism slows down, you lose muscle mass and sometimes there are health conditions that make it difficult to exercise. I've been down the weight loss path so many times in my life and this "last ditch attempt" at times seems hopeless. Still, I am working very hard to lose 100 pounds. It's taken me two years to lose 41, and I intend to keep going until I lose 59 more. If there are any older people on mfp, please add me as your friend.


  • DebraRoecker
    DebraRoecker Posts: 1 Member
    I added you
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 358 Member
    Wonderful, Debra!!!! :) I look forward to being mutually supportive!
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP. Add me if you like!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited October 2015
    Just about to jump the hurdle that is my 50th birthday but I wanted to point out that losing muscle mass, one of the major causes of a slower metabolism as we age, doesn't have to be a certainty. I started lifting heavy weights at my company's gym and eating just slightly under my maintenance calories about a year ago and the change I've seen is amazing. Use your muscles aggressively and you'll keep them around for when you need them. :smile:
  • trina1049
    trina1049 Posts: 593 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hi @divinitylove, I'm sending you a friend request. I'm 66 this month and I've dropped 50 lbs.

    Also check out this thread. We all check in on here frequently.

  • mustang5003
    mustang5003 Posts: 5 Member
    Looking for some more friends. Anyone interested?
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 358 Member
    Thanks for all who responded. Glad to have you as my friends!
  • Arntydi
    Arntydi Posts: 80 Member
    I'm 62 years old, and I gained a lot of weight in recent years because I was getting no exercise due to health issues. I bought myself an air walker last month, and I started using myfitnesspal soon after, and I've lost 12lb so far. I'm determined to lose the excess weight and get fitter, and keep it that way, so I'm in this for the long haul. I know some mutual motivation and support from people my own age would be a great help.