Quitting Jenny Craig and Trying this.

Hello everyone,
Some of you may have read my last post on being fristrated with Jenny Craig. I joined last week and was starving, felt the food tasted like crap, and felt sick from the food. I sat down and thought about it and I honestly think that program is too expensive. I may get the weight off faster with that plan but it teaches me nothing. I have decided to lose weight the old fashioned way: count calories and exercise. I am terrified at failing at this. I always tend ti eat too many carbs even if I stay within my calorie range. I also hate to cook so many meals are on the goal. I am hoping to sit down and plan what I can eat in a day instead of randomly eating. I am looking for tips and encouragement. I am really hoping this works and I can get the weight off!


  • clintwperkins
    if you do not like cooking...try the frozen foods aisle...great value, michelins'a, $1.66 an $1...for the healthy ones....they have the nutritional info on the front and are about 300 calories each...they have breakfast ones too...help you meal plan...good...cheap
  • hopebuck
    hopebuck Posts: 138
    you can do this!!!! Friend me :)
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Salads are always a great option, although I know that most people quickly get tired of them. They are so versatile, though, you can put so many things in them that they never have to be boring. Use darker greens for more nutrients: romaine, spinach, etc.

    You can add almost anything in a salad beyond the basic chicken, tomatoes and cucumbers. Try things like blue cheese, dried cranberries, almonds, walnuts, sweet corn, black beans, green beans, hard boiled eggs, avocado... the options are endless!
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Give it a try you'll do fine!

    FWIW - my wife was a size 14/16 in dental school (25 years ago), she's been between sizes 2 -8 for the last 20 years
  • RockerDDS
    RockerDDS Posts: 22 Member
    I will say that dental school caused me to put on a ton of weight. I was very stressed out, always studying. I had no time to do anything. I have now been out a year but had no motivation to get the weight off. I know I need to exercise. It is difficult though since I am so out of shape.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    The best thing to do is get moving. You're still young and you'll get into the groove quickly. After at least a decade of desk jobs and sitting on my butt, in my mid-40s I have had a much harder time than I hoped getting back into it, but I'm trying to do at least 45 minutes of some form of cardio every day. The honest truth is, if you don't make changes, right now you're in the best shape you'll ever be in. No excuses, start walking today, 30 minutes is all it takes. Take it slow and build up to running, or aerobics, or whatever it is you like to do but get moving. :)
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    i eat like small snack type meals. i dont have time to really cook or anyone to cook for. today my dinner is a tuna melt on a tortilla and some almonds around 850 cals, my brunch was a yogurt, string cheese, and a nectarine, around 200 cals. i eat a lot of dairy and my daily cal goal is 1450 i tend to stay under.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I don't really cook either and when I do, it's spaghetti with bottled pasta sauce. :) When I'm away at college, I survive on prepackaged salads, sandwiches, yogurt and fruit.
  • carmenstop1
    carmenstop1 Posts: 210 Member
    I was on another diet program for a while and I still try to use their formula, because it does work because you cook all your own meals. It consisted of eating;

    2 servings of protein (4 oz of beef or 5 of chicken or fish) if I worked out really hard I would have another protein too!
    2 servings of starches (1 slice of bread is 1 serving, a potato is 1 serving)
    2 servings of fruit
    3 servings of veggies
    1-2 dairy
    2-3 healthy fats
    1-100 calorie treat

    I think if you were to stick to something like this it could really help you out, especially to start off until you get used to how much you should be eating of each food group, and it might help you control the carbs! Good luck and if you need more help or help with a meal plan message me!