Greetings from olympia

RedStrawberry27 Posts: 2 Member
edited October 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! I'm a 31 year old female living in olympia WA. I have been using mfp for several years now, off and on. I'm just now posting on the forum because I'm looking for my fitness pal and misfit shine buddies. I just got a misfit today. I'm a socially anxious person and have few friends online. I would love to have buddies and friends on misfit and mfp. Maybe even find people in my city. I have chronic health issues (fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety, chronic migraines, hypothyroidism, and anemia) but am motivated to lose weight and get fit. Thanks for reading! Feel free to add me on mfp. Send me a message if you have a misfit too!
