How do you intercept a binge?



  • As soon as I start thinking about binging I do something that will keep me occupied for 30 minutes... The urge usually subsides. Whatever you choose to do - it has to be something you like - something that will give you positive feelings. I sometimes pick up my karaoke machine, do yoga, meditate or even go for a walk! Sometimes these are triggered by boredom etc... Another thing I used to do was journal... Then you might find out the underlying issues surrounding your urges to binge!

  • teremenmar
    teremenmar Posts: 37 Member
    I drink of glass of water then pop a gum in my mouth :)
  • Curves73
    Curves73 Posts: 134 Member
    I made a spicy veggie puree soup. Just a couple sips followed by much needed water does the trick. Then again I just downed two pieces of pizza... So what do I know.
  • agpatter2
    agpatter2 Posts: 15 Member
    Two weeks ago I went to Sam's Club and bought a big box of Fiber One 90 bars. That very night I decided to have one and at the end of the evening I had consumed ELEVEN out of the box of 20. I just couldn't fight ashamed and disappointed in myself!
  • cupotee
    cupotee Posts: 181 Member
    1. I only binge when I'm alone, so I try to find someone to hang out with. Or I try to keep all the food in the house visible, so if I ate a lot, my family would notice. This would shame me into not eating haha.

    2. Mirrors and cameras help for me. Watching myself gorge really turns me off. Knowing that every bite I take is being recorded freaks me out too, so I stop binging.

    3. Write down the reasons for why you want to binge. By the time you're done with the list, you probably won't.
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    If I feel a binge coming on I usually run outside and talk a long walk, or I drink lots of water, or a sugary drink like chocolate milk to curve my cravings because usually they are for sweets. I just don't buy anything unhealthy anymore.
  • Housetroll
    Housetroll Posts: 109 Member
    I have just put a magnet on the door of the fridge saying "step away from the fridge, fatty!"

    I love it! ROTFL :laugh:

    I have come to realize that most of the time when I binge I am tired, so I will try to take a nap if at all possible. Otherwise I try to keep healthy snacks in the house....those darn Salsa Verde Doritos still get me every now and then though! (they are for my husband's lunches) :sad:
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    omg this could be me writing about this topic. it's like my body doesn't listen to my head. and then there's TOTAL regret! i need to go back to read everyone's suggestions and heed some good advice...
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    Two weeks ago I went to Sam's Club and bought a big box of Fiber One 90 bars. That very night I decided to have one and at the end of the evening I had consumed ELEVEN out of the box of 20. I just couldn't fight ashamed and disappointed in myself!

    forget about being ashamed and disappointed, i bet your digestive system hated you! lol
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    or you can just spray windex on all of your food (only some of you will get this reference).
  • liveskinnyxo
    liveskinnyxo Posts: 259 Member
    i drink as much water as i can without feeling sick & then do something that will keep me busy for atleast 15 mins.....if i still feel the need to binge after that atleast the huge amount of water i just drank will prevent me from getting that much down
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Make sure you have healthy snacks that will not sabotage your day. If you have unhealthy snacks in the house you will eat them. If possible get them out. If they are not there you can't eat them. If you have good healthy things to eat you can let go of the guilt.
    Hummus, Whole Wheat Crackers, Low fat Cheese, Cut Veggies, Egg Whites for quick omelets, Graham Crackers, Fat Free pudding, Low Sugar Whole grain cereals. Stick to portion. Maybe leave yourself some calories for the end of the day so you can have a snack without feeling guilt.
  • mzprettiekittie
    mzprettiekittie Posts: 125 Member
    I've started having water when I think I'm hungry, or going for a walk with the dog.
    If i still want something after that, I'm probably hungry not just wanting a quick fix, so i'll make something to eat, plus that walk will having burned a few calories too
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