help me !! I've lost my motivation . . . . . .



  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    OK! Time to hike on the big girl panties and heft yourself back onto the wagon. I take up most of it, so you'll have to squeeze in around me. You did 21 days of awesomeness. ONE MEAL doesn't negate that. Feed all the bad snacks to the 13 year old with the metabolism of a jackrabbit and pick up a carrot, cuz Girl, we are ridin' this wagon to the finish line.

    Now. Go to the gym. Work out like your a hot girl...drink your water and do it all again tomorrow. I'll still be here.

  • JennieMaeK
    JennieMaeK Posts: 474 Member
    I've definitely been down there before. This time for me it's different. I do what works for me and that is nothing is off limits, just has to be in moderation and I'm learning that one bad meal doesn't ruin a day and one bad day doesn't ruin the week. I had a bit of all or nothing mentality. (That's also why I don't allow myself a regular cheat day, too easy for me to slip into bad habits). But I also don't beat myself up anymore if I do slip.

    You can definitely do this. Some days are going to be harder than others and sometimes you're going to slip up. Look at the big picture though and don't let one slip up cause you to backslide to old habits. Celebrate all your successes (weightloss and others) no matter how small they may seem. You're doing something for you to make yourself healthier and that should be applauded :flowerforyou:

    No get yourself back on the saddle!
  • NWfluffy
    NWfluffy Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks for being awesome - every one of you! And funny too :) Love all the support - thanks! You all are right -- one day is just one day. And today can be a great day.