Going to Disney world in two weeks-how to stay on track!

Hi everyone! My husband and I are huge Disney fanatics and are taking our daughter for her first birthday to Disney world in two weeks. It's also during food and wine festival so I'm so excited but nervous because I have been really focused on logging and eating healthy. How do I stay on track while on vacation? Does anyone have

Thank you!!


  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Eat reasonable portions of reasonable food.

    We're going in a week. Should be fun.
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    The same way you would at home. The good news, you'll be doing alot of walking. If you have been " really focused on logging and eating healthy" I don't see why those skills wouldn't carry over into vacation. Sure, maybe go a little over, but keep it within reasonable limits and you'll be fine.
  • WMLizard
    WMLizard Posts: 22 Member
    We were just at Disney for 4 days during the festival. We ended up walking (according to one person's Fitbit) about 10 miles each day. We ate and drank with abandon. We lost 2 pounds each. This included donuts for breakfast (Disney is pretty lacking in breakfast options we discovered), ice cream, Dole Whips, and beer. The portions at the stands are small, so even if you taste at every one, it's not a ton of calories.
  • LadyLallybroch
    LadyLallybroch Posts: 36 Member
    With all that walking, you're going to be hungry. Eat! Continue to log, if you can. If not, just pay attention to your portions and maybe skip the funnel cake, lol. Otherwise, just have fun. It's an experience. Enjoy it!
  • RobertWilkens
    RobertWilkens Posts: 77 Member
    I'll be there too... For 2 weeks early november... If you do enough walking there (and it's possible, such as walking Around all of epcot/countries, then out the back gate of epcot (near england) along pathway past Boardwalk hotel (possibly doing a lap or two around the lake) to Hollywood studios (yes, you can walk there from epcot, it's not that far) then walk around Hollywood studios then walk back and keep going.... I've done as much as 20,000-30,000 steps in a day on a disney trip.. Move enough and any reasonable eating won't affect your gain...

    In february i lost a little weight in disney, and in July (whole family trip) i actually maintained or slightly lost weight (and we did the dining plan for 2 weeks then, which includes deserts with every meal).

  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    If you can get Disney to admit they have the nutritional info, much less give it to you, you'll be a better man (or woman) than I. They just will not give the info out. They even lie about having it. Very frustrating. I try very hard to not eat there, but you can only carry so much food. I went on one date with a chef who worked there and he said something to the effect of, "If you care about the calories, you don't want to know," lol.

    If you're going to eat their food, just give up on trying to stay within a calorie allowance and enjoy.

    They have empanadas in the section by Mexico for Food & Wine. I didn't have them, but they smelled good. If you eat one, let us (me) know how it is.

    They were handing our Craisins on the walkway between the front and back parts of Epcot. I don't know if that's an everyday thing. They had yogurt-covered Crasins at the Trick-or-Treat thing in the Magic Kingdom. Nobody wanted them and I had no candy, so they gave me extra. Those things were excellent. Very, very nummy treats. :)

    They added a vegetarian place to the Animal Kingdom. Haven't eaten there, but I saw it. It's by the animal ride.

    Have fun.
  • RobertWilkens
    RobertWilkens Posts: 77 Member
    I think 2 years ago (not last year) they gave out craisins over there every day during food and wine (near a cranberry bog that the craisins makers sponsored, i believe). Back then i actually hated the craisins when i tried them, but i was very much not in diet mode at the time, where i am now maybe i can make myself like them if i remind myself they're healthy (or supposed to be?).

  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    I'm on my last day of a six day DC vacation... Lots of food & drink temptations (Georgetown happy hours? Southern cooking? Taco trucks? Yes please!) My strategy was to walk as much as possible and eat close to maintenance, which would be everything MFP gives me back in workout calories (I usually hover a little under to be conservative). I went over one day. Even then, the MFP announcement at the end of the day when I closed my diary said ('If you ate like this everyday in 5 weeks you would weigh XXX,' which was 2 lbs above what I weigh now & still 10 lbs under where I started 9 weeks ago! It takes longer to regain actual fat mass than most people think...) That being said, I've continued to watch my minimum protein goal to keep feeling full between meals, kept my alcohol to one drink per opportunity for drinking, limited my sweets to two servings for the week, and made sure I have access to fresh fruit & veg every day. Water has been a problem. I haven't carried enough some days. I've also eaten more starchy carbs than usual for me. (Yes, I'm looking at you grits, flapjacks, and apple cider donut!). I plan to stay off the scale for a week when I get home & let everything get back to normal before I weigh again.
    My clothes still feel loose. Enjoy your trip. You've got this!
  • RobertWilkens
    RobertWilkens Posts: 77 Member
    scolaris - at disney parks, my understanding is any place with a soda machine will give you a free cup of ice water if you ask for it.... That's what i usually drink there, it's economical not just financially but in terms of calorie budget
  • amandalyn26
    amandalyn26 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks everyone! I think that drinking is my main concern because I haven't been drinking and[ have noticed a big difference just from that. I think I'll definitely be limiting but my husband (I love him so much though) can be a bad influence when it comes to food and drinks haha!! But from what it sounds like the wine portions aren't huge? We usually do the dining plan but with the little one this time it didn't make sense so I'm hoping that will help me from over eating like I have in the past bc I always felt obligated to eat my whole meal!! Well, Sounds great about the craisins I have never been for food and wine and these tips are great everyone!

    Robert Wilkins this is true about water but I hate Florida water (no offense to any floridians!!) we actually used garden grocer and bought a case of water as well as some "healthier" filling snacks like granola bars, fruit, etc.

    Thanks for the guidance and support everyone :)

  • amandalyn26
    amandalyn26 Posts: 24 Member
    Also I'll be wearing my Apple Watch which has been helping me tremendously with working out and step counting! I'm excited to see how much we actually walk because in the past it's definitely felt like miles and miles!
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I'm bringing Mio to put in the water. I'm hopeful it will help.
  • amandalyn26
    amandalyn26 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm bringing Mio to put in the water. I'm hopeful it will help.

    That's so smart!!
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    That's good to know! I'm carrying a small cross body bag this trip & haven't wanted to hassle with putting a water bottle in a locker in the museums. And, DC water tastes like swamp water to me. So it's my own damn fault! But I will remember that when I'm in a park again...
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    And I will try the Mio too! Great tip!
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Actually, "taking" Mio. Please don't tell my daughters I said "bring." :s
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Very easy honestly. Take a refillable water bottle with you, there are fountains everywhere. For the food, most places have a healthy option. If you go for a salad, ask for the dressing on the side.

    And indulge at Epcott IMO.

    Of course I haven't been during a food festival, so that could be more difficult. But whatever you do, bring GOOD shoes.

    Not too sure what you expect to actually do there with a 1yo though.
  • WMLizard
    WMLizard Posts: 22 Member
    Most of the refreshment stands will fill a water bottle for you, and I believe it's filtered, so it tastes better. We also found that letting the water "breathe" a bit helped with the weird sulfur taste and smell. And yes, most of the portions are small, at the stands. Husband and I usually split any alcohol and food to save money and let us try more. I think 2-ounce pours are usually what you're getting. If you go to a regular stand, they will still be full-size beers/wine.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    edited October 2015
    You'll be surprised at the steps. Previously, I've only gotten 30k hiking, but just the other day I got 30k sightseeing!